7/7 17 days old. Calling this her first week of veg. She did not appear to be growing much for a few days after being transplanted. However in the last couple of days she has been putting on height. Now that she is growing again it seemed like a good time to top her. Topped her at the fifth node. A few of my previous grows I topped at the single leaves. This gave me two main branches that I just tied down. Then let all the branches grow up. Gave me a very uniform plant. 7/9 She has a very healthy dark green color. Her branches almost immediately started growing after being topped. I can see the difference in 2 days. Her nodes are very close together. 7/10. This lady has huge tits/leaves. Her leaves are so big they’re blocking out the light for the branches. I used some coat hanger to pull the leaves out of the way. Really her leaves are huge for her age. They’re almost the size of my hands and I’m 6,3. I pulled 1 leaf off to help open her up some. I will do some reading on this strain. I believe as she gets older she will look more sativa. Right now she looks heavy indica. 7/11 She broke ground 21 days ago. She graduated into veg 4 days ago. This plant is growing very nicely. So far the living soil is doing a great job. The company says just water. We will see. Ethos Genetics is top shelf. My friend grows mostly Ethos and these plants are just amazing. I was hunting for old school so I didn’t grow any Ethos until now. Old school is gone. I have never saw buds like these Ethos. This plant needs to come out close to or better than my friends. Still going to transplant from the 2 gallon to a ten. From what I’m seeing the living soil will feed her well straight to flower. 2 or 3 weeks before flower I will add nuits for flower. She is growing in organic living soil and her color is great. The only thing I added was myco supreme on her roots. The next time I water her she will get some liquid kelp and humic acid. The plant is relying on the living soil to eat. So I want to make sure her root system is very healthy and able to process nutrients.
Day 79: Second Grow We've decided against using additional nutrients and have completely stopped fertilizing. The light cycle has been reduced to 11 hours, and we're already starting to give them cooler water. Starting Monday, I will be watering with ice water to stress the plants further, aiming for higher yield, more terpenes, and increased frost. The adjustment to the light cycle should also help the plants ripen evenly. The lights are hanging about 20 cm above the buds, which are getting thicker every day, soaking up the light intensely. In about a week, most of the plants should be ready for harvest. We plan to stop watering them for about 100 hours before harvest. During this period, I'll place ice cubes on the soil to shock the roots one last time. 48 hours before harvest, I will turn off the lights, giving the plants two days of darkness. After this period, the plants will be cut and hung to dry.
Day 99: New Week We've decided against using additional nutrients and have completely stopped fertilizing. The light cycle has been reduced to 11 hours, and we're already starting to give them cooler water. Starting Monday, I will be watering with ice water to stress the plants further, aiming for higher yield, more terpenes, and increased frost. The adjustment to the light cycle should also help the plants ripen evenly. The lights are hanging about 20 cm above the buds, which are getting thicker every day, soaking up the light intensely. In about a week, most of the plants should be ready for harvest. We plan to stop watering them for about 100 hours before harvest. During this period, I'll place ice cubes on the soil to shock the roots one last time. 48 hours before harvest, I will turn off the lights, giving the plants two days of darkness. After this period, the plants will be cut and hung to dry.
We are at the beginning of the 9th week of flowering. The trichomes are slowly beginning to change color. I'm now going on vacation for 9 days, I couldn't have planned it any shittier. But anyway, I've decided to keep them growing and then probably harvest them straight after my vacation.
Start: 17.07. This is my first grow ever. I will try to show you as much as possible. It would be great if you have any advice for getting better results! :) Equipment: I bought an Indoor Grow Kit from MarsHydro and a lot of other stuff like BioBizz supplements. Seeds: Many friends recommended Fast Buds, and I am very excited to test them. They were delivered in just two days! I started to soak the seeds and build my setup. Now, I look forward to moving to the next chapter in one or two days. Update: 19.07. After 1.5 days, all three Fast Buds seeds opened up 1-2 cm. I have read often that it's better for autoflowers to be planted directly in their final pot, so I will try that. I am struggling a bit to get fresh air into my tent. I am using 0.2L cups with big holes for the first two weeks over the fresh flowers to get higher humidity. UPDATE 22.07. - THEY ARE ALIVE Fastberry and Grapefruit both popped up on 20.07. - today my C4 also is alive and i am happy to show you my little friends in Pictures and a video PS: YES MY PLANTS LISTEN TO CHILL JAZZ MUSIC 2HOURS A DAY HAHAHA
Day 65 Day 15 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Water de-chlorinated tap pH 6.2 today. I have had to do a deep defoliation, and light LST, she just climbed last week 🤦‍♂️😅 and air flow was becoming a problem finding wet spots under leaves is no go at this stage in flower . So here is her update, she is absolutely huge 🤩 thank you SSSC for allowing me this run, I'm going to dedicate my whole space to a full auto run for her next. She has un tapped potential 👌. Updated pictures and a video today. Day 66 Day 16 Flower 07/07/24 Sunday no water/feed today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short video 🤩 Single plant monster ✌️💚 Day 68 Day 18 Flower 09/07/24 Tuesday She seems happy and dark green so just a water today, 3L. Updated a short video 😁 Day 69 Day 19 Flower 10/07/24 Wednesday Big feed today, de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 5L feed. Run off 5-10%.
Der Samen hat eine ganze Weile gebraucht bis er eine Wurzel ausbildete. Ich habe ihn 3 Tage der „Papertowel“ Methode gehabt, anschließend ein paar Stunden ins Wasserglas gelegt und danach wieder zwischen zwei kleine Teller in nasses Papier. Es dauerte 4 Tage bis ich ihn einpflanzen konnte. 2 Tage später hat sie das Licht der Welt erblickt. Dieses besteht aus einem der beiden Panels der 240 Watt Kingbrite LED Lampe. Anfangs auf einen PPFD Wert von 150-200, habe ich es jetzt nach einer Woche auf 600 erhöht, um zu schauen, wie sie darauf reagiert. Die meisten Autoflowers sehen nach einer Woche weiter aus und diese hier fing ziemlich an zu spargeln, daher probiere ich mit dem Licht noch etwas herum. Das ist mein erster Grow mit den Green House Feeding Bio Düngern. Ich habe einen Coco + Perlite Mix verwendet und die Düngerangaben halbiert. Green House Feeding empfiehlt 3 gr/Liter Medium BioGrow bei 8 Wochen Wachstum. BioBloom soll eigentlich kurz vor der Blüte oben in die Erde eingearbeitet werden. Ich habe beide Varianten mit je 1,5 gr/Liter von Anfang ins Medium gemischt, da Barney‘s Farm den Zyklus für die Runtz Auto mit ca. 70 Tagen angibt. Ich rechne mit ca. 20 Tagen Wachstumsphase und anschließend Blütezeit. Ob das die richtige Entscheidung war, wird sich zeigen. Ich hoffe einfach, dass sich die Nährstoffe langsam freisetzen und zur richtigen Zeit verfügbar sind, ohne zu überdüngen. Als Bewässerung kommt eine 12V Pumpe mit 7 l/Min. zum Einsatz. Hinter dieser ist ein Y-Ventil verbaut, um die Mengen zu kontrollieren. Auch hier probiere ich noch etwas. Kokos soll eigentlich nicht austrocknen. In dieser frühen Phase aber 2 Mal am Tag zu gießen, fühlt sich auch nicht richtig an. Das Wasser ist ständig in Bewegung und wird vor dem Gießen auf pH 5,8 eingepegelt. Bei der Bewässerung gibt es noch Potenzial zur Optimierung, da sich das Wasser nicht im ganzen Topf verteilen lässt. Hier werde ich wohl auf die anderen Optionen von Floraflex zurückgreifen. Für den Anfang reicht es jedoch. Mal sehen, wie sie sich entwickelt. Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit.
Hi, I'm İstr, an indoor cannabis grower. I currently cultivate Gorilla Punch Autoflower using GardensGarage lights and Advanced Nutrients.👻 (Merhaba, ben İstr, iç mekanda kenevir yetiştiricisiyim. Şu anda GardensGarage ışıklarını ve Advanced Nutrients kullanarak Gorilla Punch Autoflower'ı yetiştiriyorum.) I love autoflowers for their quick lifecycle and suitability for indoor growing. I share my growing techniques through workshops and online forums, helping others improve their cultivation skills.👹 (Otomatik çiçekleri hızlı yaşam döngüleri ve iç mekan yetiştiriciliğine uygunlukları nedeniyle seviyorum. Büyüme tekniklerimi çevrimiçi forumlar aracılığıyla paylaşarak başkalarının uygulama becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı oluyorum.) Feel free to follow my journey and share your thoughts on my progress. You can ask if have any questions or need advice on indoor growing.👍👍 (Yolculuğumu takip etmekten ve ilerlemem hakkındaki düşüncelerinizi paylaşmaktan çekinmeyin. İç mekan yetiştirme konusunda sorularınız varsa veya tavsiyeye ihtiyacınız varsa sorabilirsiniz) During the germination process; (çimlenme süreci) I planted the plants after soaking them in water for 24 hours and in a napkin for 24 hours, and they emerged from the soil within a day.👽 (Bitkileri 24 saat suda, 24 saat de peçetede beklettikten sonra diktim ve bir gün içinde topraktan çıktılar.) Week 1: On the third day, the leaves began to show. I continue to keep my girls in the humidity dome.🙏 (Üçüncü gün yapraklar çıkmaya başladı. kızları nem kubbesinde tutmaya devam ediyorum.)
On this beautiful monday I reveal to you the evolution of these wonderful Black bud 😇. I am waiting with excitement to prepare them for harvest, they are so close. I have tried as much as possible to present to you their details and colors which are as close as possible to the view I have here in front of me. I'll leave you with this update and come back for the serious stuff 🙌✌️👨‍🌾.
Nice plant ! Smells sweet of peach and some pine. Full of crystals from the 4th week. I use soil that I have mixed myself and give it a sip of organic fertilizer from time to time.
---The Buds--- Denseness 7/10 Stickiness 4/10 Smell 6/10 ---Trichomes--- Clear 15% Cloudy 30% Amber 55% ---Pistil's--- White 60% Amber 40%
Veg for 8 weeks Dew to writing the wrong date down. lol. .which means flowering didn't start till week 10. So this only week 5 of Flower (Total weeks of grow 15) I try to let them make it to at least week 7 for flower But it will depend on Trichomes & Pistil's ---The Buds--- Denseness 7/10 Stickiness 4/10 Smell 6/10 ---Trichomes--- Clear 15% --GOAL 0% Cloudy 30% --GOAL 20% Amber 55% --GOAL 80% ---Pistil's--- White 60% --GOAL 0% Amber 40% -- GOAL 100%
~ GG4 SHERBET FAST FLOWER by FastBuds ~ Well fam, here we go again with another epic strain from FastBuds Fast Flowering stable. After having such tremendous success growing their Gorilla Cookies Fast Flower outdoors last year, I've decided to run another of their fast flowering strains outdoors this year... GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower! The best description of this awesome cultivar comes directly from my friends at FastBuds which is as follows: "Bred from extremely potent and flavorful Gorilla Glue and Orange Sherbet genetics, GG4 Sherbet FF (Fast-Flowering) takes all the best traits to the next level, offering a high-yielding strain that can produce up to 600 g/m2 in a 7-week flowering time. This super resilient Indica-leaning hybrid thrives indoors and outdoors, and in all types of climates while producing mouth-watering sweet, fruity, spicy and earthy terps that translate into a delicious sugary hazelnut aroma. Expect an extremely relaxing and overall happy effect that’ll leave you with a huge smile from ear to ear. It’s the perfect strain for growers of all levels of experience seeking low-maintenance yet highly productive photoperiod varieties that deliver quality and quantity without extra effort. GG4 Sherbet FF grows chunky buds with long dark orange hairs and spade-shaped calyxes that get encrusted with trichomes by harvest time, giving them a gorgeous silvery-white appearance. This medium-sized photoperiod can reach up to 200 cm in height and yields up to 650 g/m2 while developing that typical hybrid structure. GG4 Sherbet FF grows with a stocky, bushy appearance, developing one sturdy main cola and fat side branches that support huge yields without much effort. This super-fast variety produces distinctive light-green buds with a high bud-to-leaf ratio, making your trimming sessions a breeze. It’s a top-notch resin producer that doesn’t need much maintenance and will thrive in almost every climate, rewarding growers of all levels with extremely flavorful resin that makes for outstanding hash end extracts." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower indoors as our weather is still too cold to put her outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 30's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures stay above the mid 40's℉, at which point she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes, and then let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 6/23- This is the twelfth week in veg for the FastBuds GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower and she's turning into a big bushy beast! 6/25- I'm continuing with my daily watering of the FastBuds GG4 Sherbet FF with 5-7g of straight well water from the garden hose. 6/27- Our weather continues to be HOT with heat indexes over 100℉ so I'm watering the GG4 Sherbet FF every day with 5-8g of straight well water from the garden hose in the late afternoon once the plant is in the shade. Other than the ever present leaf hoppers, which love the leaves and an occasional Japanese Beetle, there aren't any serious pest issues currently. The FastBuds GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower continues to have excellent color and vigor and continues to add vertical growth! 6/29- Chalk up another week for the FastBuds GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower. I'm super pleased with how this strain has developed and the vigor and resistance it's shown to heat, humidity and pests. I can't wait for this fine lady to begin flowering which should be happening sometime in the near future!🤩👍 Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏
150-200PPFD 20/4 Mein Grow Stuff Messen : + Messgerät - X-Sense WLAN Hygrometer 1 Basis SBS50 + 4 Sensoren + + Basis + + 4x WLAN Sensoren RH und Temp + Amtra Digital PH Tester + Amtra Digital TDC&EC Tester + Photone App (android Samsung S20 5G werkscallibriert (geprüft mit lichtreferenz)) + GEHE ph-Wert 500 Testkit + + Testflüssigkeit + + Pimpette + + Probenröhrchen + + Propfen Zelt : + Keimung und Vegetative Phase + + Growbox - DiamondBox Silver Line SL60 (60x60x160cm) (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) + Blütenphase + + Fiqops Growzelt, 600D Oxford 120x60x180cm Grow Tent Licht : + SpiderFarmer SF1000 (100Watt) Dim (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) (Vegetativ) + Sanlight EVO 1.5 3-60 mit Bluethoot Dimmer (niedrige luftfeuchtigkeit) (Blüte) Abluft / Filter / Rohr: + 2x Abluftset - PrimaKlima PKEC-125-TC Set + + PKEC-125-TC Abluft + + PrimaKlima Aktivkohlefilter K2601 Flat (bis 70%rH) + Staubschutz + + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr (Ummantelt), 3 Meter, ø 127mm + + Verbindungschelle 50mm (Metall mit Schaumstoff mit Aufhängemöglichkeit) + + 1x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm Samen : + 3x Royal Dwarf Automatic (RQS) (buy from Zamnesia Seeds) Töpfe : + Nothers GZjiyu 6 Stk Pflanzsack Pack 2 Galonen = 8 Liter Stofftöpfe Medium : + BioBiz LightMix + + Urgeisteinsmehl für Eisen und Magnesium + Vulkangranulat (Aquabedarf , drenage) Ventilator : + pro Zelt + + 2x Ventilator - Spider Farmer Grow Ventilator (EC 10Watt) PH Korrektur: + 500ml Plagron PH-Minus Dünger : + Dünger - Canna Terra Kit + + 1000 ml Terra Vega + + 1000 ml Terra Flores + + 500 ml Rhizotonic + + 500 ml PK13/14 Entfeuchter : + Entfeuchter - MeacoDry ABC 10Liter Zubehör : + 1x Topfuntersetzer 30x30cm + Grießkanne 5 Liter + Pflanzendrath 1mm x 5m + Sprüflasche 0.7L + Drucksprühflasche 2L + Messbecher + + 1L + + 0.5L + + 0.25L + Eimer 10L + Plastikabdeckung mit löchern fürs Sämlingstadium (ehemals Kuchenabdeckung) + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr, 3 Meter, ø 127mm + GrowPRO Schere Curved + Gardo Gartenschere GDGSB 180 + GrowPRO Pflanzendraht für Low Stress Training, 5 mm, 4,9 Meter + Dosierspritze, 5ml + 2x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm + LIMITADA 15 Stücke Pflanzenbieger Verstellbar + 6er Steckdose + 2x Zeitschaltuhr (mechanisch) + Müllsack (umbau zur Trockenkammer) + Pappe + 2 x Gafa-Tape (Rolle) + Klettband 3m + Airpump Kit + + Air-Pump + + Luftschlauch silicon + + Air-Stone Trychome analyse : + Samsung S20 5G optical Zoom + DIGIMICRO Mobil + + x300 optical zoom + + HD Video + + 12MP photo + GrowPRO Mikroskop 40x mit LED CureBox : + CASO VacuBoxx E-Set Vakuumbehälter-Set aus Borosilikatglas mit Tritan Deckel + + 145x60x105 + + 170x65x125 + + 200x80x150 + + 220x80x165 (about 40-50g dry buds space) + + manual vacuumpumpe + + adapter für automatische vaccumpumpen VideoSystem: + GoPro Hero3+ Black + + Zeitraffer : 1 Bild pro Minute , gerendert in H.265 60fps . + + 12MP Bilder + + 1 Sekunde Film entspricht 1 Stunde Real . + + Ohne Dunkelzeiten.
8th week! The plant has a slight guava scent.
Banana Purple Punch Auto · Fast Buds
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Bokashi ·
KNF Banana ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Magnesium ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
I am dropping a Grand Daddy Purple auto. I scuffed both seeds ends. I dropped it in water. It will stay there for 24 to 48 hours until a tap root shows. I will then drop it in coco, and dome till it sprouts. Thank you ILGM, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
~ GG4 SHERBET FAST FLOWER by FastBuds ~ Well fam, here we go again with another epic strain from FastBuds Fast Flowering stable. After having such tremendous success growing their Gorilla Cookies Fast Flower outdoors last year, I've decided to run another of their fast flowering strains outdoors this year... GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower! The best description of this awesome cultivar comes directly from my friends at FastBuds which is as follows: "Bred from extremely potent and flavorful Gorilla Glue and Orange Sherbet genetics, GG4 Sherbet FF (Fast-Flowering) takes all the best traits to the next level, offering a high-yielding strain that can produce up to 600 g/m2 in a 7-week flowering time. This super resilient Indica-leaning hybrid thrives indoors and outdoors, and in all types of climates while producing mouth-watering sweet, fruity, spicy and earthy terps that translate into a delicious sugary hazelnut aroma. Expect an extremely relaxing and overall happy effect that’ll leave you with a huge smile from ear to ear. It’s the perfect strain for growers of all levels of experience seeking low-maintenance yet highly productive photoperiod varieties that deliver quality and quantity without extra effort. GG4 Sherbet FF grows chunky buds with long dark orange hairs and spade-shaped calyxes that get encrusted with trichomes by harvest time, giving them a gorgeous silvery-white appearance. This medium-sized photoperiod can reach up to 200 cm in height and yields up to 650 g/m2 while developing that typical hybrid structure. GG4 Sherbet FF grows with a stocky, bushy appearance, developing one sturdy main cola and fat side branches that support huge yields without much effort. This super-fast variety produces distinctive light-green buds with a high bud-to-leaf ratio, making your trimming sessions a breeze. It’s a top-notch resin producer that doesn’t need much maintenance and will thrive in almost every climate, rewarding growers of all levels with extremely flavorful resin that makes for outstanding hash end extracts." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower indoors as our weather is still too cold to put her outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 30's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures stay above the mid 40's℉, at which point she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes, and then let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 7/1- Here we go into the FastBuds GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower's 13th week from seed and this lady is kickin ass and taking names! I am continuing to water late in the afternoon on days when we don't get any rain and she seems to like it. I will also be top dressing her in about two weeks to keep the microbial colony fat and happy! 7/3- The weather continues to be hot and humid and the daily watering of the GG4 Sherbet FF continues. I also removed a few shade leaves that were below the canopy, as well as some in the middle of the plant that were blocking a lot of light to new shoots. 🎉HAPPY 4th of JULY!🎉 7/5- Early this morning we had a thunderstorm pass through early in the day, which provided about an inch of rain in a short time. I went ahead and watered in the afternoon, but only gave the GG4 Sherbet FF approx. 3g of well water from the garden hose. 7/7- The daily watering continues, as does our blistering hot🔥weather. All is well with the FastBuds GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower and today, after watering, I got under the trellis net and removed a bunch of shade leaves that were growing straight down through the net doing absolutely nothing but sucking up nutrients better used elsewhere on the plant. Stick a fork in another week for the FastBuds GG4 Sherbet Fast Flower. This beautiful cultivar has gone through a tremendous growth spurt and I am hoping to see her begin to transition into flower over the course of the next couple of weeks... stay tuned! 😎✌️ Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏