July 13: first heat wave of the year was last week, and there is another forecast for next week, but for now this is pretty ideal cannabis weather.
Added a third Scrog layer and tied it off to some weights (partly filled water bottles) to open up the canopy further. Works, simple, and easy to move around the yard as needed.
I really like this plant and how it’s going so far.
July 14: re-scrogged again to widen the canopy further. Supercropped the ends to maintain the same elevation at the various growth tips. Four stems in middle were topped to keep them from getting ahead of the others. Experimenting to see how it goes.
July 16: hot again. Increased water volume and sometimes misting air with garden hose water for the evaporative cooling. She looks great.
July 17: another 32 C day. Watered four times today so likely 7-8 L in the heat with the growing plant.
July 18: hot again. Mixed Power Bloom and malted Barley with some soil and added as a top dressing.Hit 34 C and 20% relative humidity which is far too hot and dry for cannabis. Lots of watering, and misting of leaves and air to provide some moisture and cooler temperatures.