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All but the cpie auto has germed. I didn't like using the rockwool. I realized I like to see Taproot. Before just putting it in medium. So I put all of the seeds out of the rockwool and put em in their forever home. But the cpie had not even begun to open and it still hasn't and I can't find it. So I'm putting another one of my bx2 skunks in called temporarily called skunk v3. I got seeds from five different back crossed with Mexican and afghan phenos I created from breeding the original seeds my gpaw got in the late 80# after my gpaw came back from war he started growing So yes I have og genetics. But I'm creating my own line of f1s -f4s and bxs. Skunk v3 grew really short. 2 foot gallon fabric pots and after 14 weeks at chop ( I know it's early for a photo but I did this grow natural to see had the best natural traits I'm looking for. And it only grew to maybe MAYBE a foot. And yielded the most densest and biggest colas out of all of them despite being more than a foot shorter than the rest of the phenos I had going. So now I will have two bx F1 skunks growing instead of just one. MY GOAL IS TO IDENTIFY THE SKUNKIEST OF THEM ALL. AND ENHANCE IT WITH SOMETHING GASSY ANNNNND SOMETHING LEMONY. HENCE GROWING THE CRITICAL THUNDER. AND THE SPECIAL QUEEN AND THE Royal GORILLA I HAVE HORROBLE MEMORY SO I APOLOGIZE IF IM LATE ON WEEKLY UPDATES. BUT I TAKE PICTURES AND JOT DOWN IN MY HAND WRITTEN JOURNAL EVERY TWO DAYS. THANKS FOR LISTENING TO ME YAALLL.
- WEEK 8 - ----- Day 50 ----- Woo hoo. End is in sight and the plants are still PACKING the pounds on. Big Bertha is 11 inches long, 2 inches wide. The hidden massive Gertha is 8 inches in circumference in the middle in just bud alone and isn't even the largest part of this 8 inch long nug... Fed 1150ppm 13L 6.4pH 5-15+ days left. 2-4 days till I start looking into trichome finish period. Forgot to take a regular full shot and shots of tropicanna glookies. oh well. Later tonight if I remember. I stopped bud candy cause I'm using a lot more molasses and its literally a sugar in itself so why put in bud candy which is just sugars... seems redundant. ----- Day 51 ----- Easy day of watching. Some nice bud shots today. The whole basement smells of weed candy. Back right Tropicanna is pineapple gummy bear, front right is just gummy bear. Wedding Cake is like sweet weed, you get the regular smell of pot but instead of skunky its sweet but that Tropicanna is just alllll candy no weed smell at all. I did the first 60x shot today. 5% cloudy 95% clear on the Tropicanna. Long ways to go. I'll be doing the Wedding Cake later tonight, got side tracked. ----- Day 52 ----- Fed 1200ppm 6.4ph 12 Liters Tropicanna Glookies is going full blown purple. Should be covered in dark purple coloration within the week. Wedding Cake is just fat. Super fat large nugs. Easy day. Forgot to take trichome pics of Wedding Cake will do that later today probably. Well, the largest bud is 1 foot in circumference now... rofl ----- Day 53 ----- Easy day. Fed some water, they're getting thirsty again. I'm going to do a 13L feeding , then next day 5L water. So that's what I did today. I'll be dropping the Kool Bloom Powder & CaliMagic by day 56 and only feed 1/2 strength molasses only. Will pick the buds off as they finish, not gonna do 1 big chop unless it manages to turn out that way. Colors are going wild. Will check Wedding Cake & Tropicanna trichomes before lights out will update pics then. ----- Day 54 ----- 1300ppm 13L 6.4ph fed Here's some pics. Wedding Cake is nowhere near ready by the trichomes. Barely any cloudy, no amber. ----- Day 55 ----- Tropicanna really turning purple now starting to infect the leaves at top of canopy. Can't wait for what Day 63 holds for all these ladies. Not going to check trichomes till probably day 58 Easy day, last fert feed with chemical nutrients tomorrow, after that its just molasses. ----- Day 56 ----- Didnt even bother with ppm/pH. Molasses. roughly 30-50ml in 13-15 Liters. Smoked a tester of the Tropicana Glookies (Sativa) God daaaamn. Shits fire. Extremely strong. Very Cerebral and its not even at its peak yet... I've chosen Tuesday as Harvest day for both Tropicana Glookies plants (they're clones of each other) A single Wedding Cake testing nug is drying right now, I'll judge when it gets harvested based on the high, and if not sufficiently near my level i'll give it 2 days before drying another nug and trying again. I want heavy ass couch-lock. 6 days for Tropicana. Probably 8 for Wedding Cake. Will send samples off to Canvas Labs for testing like I've done in the past and will be making both edibles and bubble hash and will post those here as they happen. Once thats done I will see if I can restart veg mode in this grow, and if so I will keep this going until the plants die (and just make side diaries for each individual plant variety grow). Should be interesting. *** update *** Where'd the 1.5 Liter water bottle go? rofl
Primera experiencia de scrog y no estoy muy satisfecho. Las plantas han tenido un estres y han madurado más rápido de lo normal. El resultado son cogollos pequeños. La calidad parece igual. Supongo que ha tocar demasiado las ramas para controlarla con la red es la origen del estres. Era un experimento de defoliación. Lo he hecho en varias plantas para comparar. Es un desastre, vale mejor no tocar las hojas salvo en ciertos casos.
Hi guys, sorry if I posted this week so late, but I was sooo busy! This week, I began to give two first doses of Flawless Finish, to start clean the soil (and unlock Indra from its nutrient burn). Aurora is growing really great, has a powerful smell and a white color when I get photo of her at night 😍 Indra began to grow again, after the use of Flawless Finish, the flowers are getting bigger and the smell is growing day by day, I will post her trichomes the next week! Enjoy the photos guys, and thank you all for the help :)
Hi guys, sorry if I posted this week so late, but I was sooo busy! This week, I began to give two first doses of Flawless Finish, to start clean the soil (and unlock Indra from its nutrient burn). Aurora is growing really great, has a powerful smell and a white color when I get photo of her at night 😍 Indra began to grow again, after the use of Flawless Finish, the flowers are getting bigger and the smell is growing day by day, I will post her trichomes the next week! Enjoy the photos guys, and thank you all for the help :)
Well, it looks as if one of the 3 plants is a male. I live in denial for one more day and then I toss it. Not sure which plant it is, as I painted over the strain names when I painted the cups grey. Smooth. So I will find out soon. Otherwise, good weather and some good growth. Roots are balled up at the bottom of the dutch bucket reservoir, Im sure, because I let the drip go dry for a day or two and the plants were droopin (coco)
Well, it looks as if one of the 3 plants is a male. I live in denial for one more day and then I toss it. Not sure which plant it is, as I painted over the strain names when I painted the cups grey. Smooth. So I will find out soon. Otherwise, good weather and some good growth. Roots are balled up at the bottom of the dutch bucket reservoir, Im sure, because I let the drip go dry for a day or two and the plants were droopin (coco)
Well, it looks as if one of the 3 plants is a male. I live in denial for one more day and then I toss it. Not sure which plant it is, as I painted over the strain names when I painted the cups grey. Smooth. So I will find out soon. Otherwise, good weather and some good growth. Roots are balled up at the bottom of the dutch bucket reservoir, Im sure, because I let the drip go dry for a day or two and the plants were droopin (coco)
Well, it looks as if one of the 3 plants is a male. I live in denial for one more day and then I toss it. Not sure which plant it is, as I painted over the strain names when I painted the cups grey. Smooth. So I will find out soon. Otherwise, good weather and some good growth. Roots are balled up at the bottom of the dutch bucket reservoir, Im sure, because I let the drip go dry for a day or two and the plants were droopin (coco)