All but the cpie auto has germed. I didn't like using the rockwool. I realized I like to see Taproot. Before just putting it in medium. So I put all of the seeds out of the rockwool and put em in their forever home. But the cpie had not even begun to open and it still hasn't and I can't find it. So I'm putting another one of my bx2 skunks in called temporarily called skunk v3. I got seeds from five different back crossed with Mexican and afghan phenos I created from breeding the original seeds my uncle got from skunkman sabacl in the late 80# after my uncle came back from war he started growing out in NorCal and met with skunk man and traded seeds. And when my uncle had to move back home cuz of age he gave me his seeds and I found some real Mexican and Sam's favorite skunk pheno. which we all no as skunk #1.. So yes I have real genetics. But I'm creating my own line of f1s -f4s and bxs. Skunk v3 grew really short. 2 foot gallon fabric pots and after 14 weeks at chop ( I know it's early for a photo but I did this grow natural to see had the best natural traits I'm looking for. And it only grew to maybe MAYBE a foot. And yielded the most densest and biggest colas out of all of them despite being more than a foot shorter than the rest of the phenos I had going. So now I will have two bx F1 skunks growing instead of just one. MY GOAL IS TO IDENTIFY THE SKUNKIEST OF THEM ALL. AND ENHANCE IT WITH SOMETHING GASSY ANNNNND SOMETHING LEMONY. HENCE GROWING THE CRITICAL THUNDER. AND THE SPECIAL QUEEN AND THE Royal GORILLA I HAVE HORROBLE MEMORY SO I APOLOGIZE IF IM LATE ON WEEKLY UPDATES. BUT I TAKE PICTURES AND JOT DOWN IN MY HAND WRITTEN JOURNAL EVERY TWO DAYS. THANKS FOR LISTENING TO ME YAALLL.
Gelato got good yield about 30 g per plant Got some problems with mold on gelato Because the form of the buds , could not handle it Some colas are over 30 cm Don’t like the creamy taste ( banana was better) It’s definitely day stuff Density 7 out of 10 fluffy0
Conclusion and a plant that grows quite slender in bloom doubles if it does not treble its size, responds well to defoliation, it is usually harvested in 8-9 weeks but if it is left a week more mature to perfection. on a scale of 1/10 my vote for this variety is 8.
Had a few family issues to contend with so sorry for not updating.. Tbh lost the week am on but she's growing very very well for my first attempt
That's it ! Plant #1 :45.52 G Plant #2 : 32.68 G Plant #3 : 43.12 G Sample before harvest : 4.16 G Total 125,48 G I'm happy with the quantity, i know it's not a lot for 250W, but with my setup, and my knowledge, i'm pretty happy with that, i am especially happy cause of the quality, it's dope ! the plant #2 gave me a bad yield. Buds was a but aery, not compact like the 2 others. I don't think it's a genetic problem, i've made mistake on her, and she was the one with the less light, a bit late since the beginning, etc etc.. but she is good ! she is like the #3 but not compact. For the cut i removed big leaves and big sugar leaves, and head down. It was ready to cure after 8 days, i'd like it to be slower but they are already wonderfull after almost 1 week into curing, so it's great 😎 I'm pretty lucky to have 2 realy differents phenotypes, this is so good ! Pheno #1 is realy like a concentrate of lemon, and realy sweet, sugary. She is strong ! Like a 50% High / Stone, totaly stunted. Pheno #2 smells like strawberry, like a strawberry yogurt. She taste more like sugary / fruits and earthy. She is my favorite, best looking, best smoking, best smell, best everything ! This is a plant to try, for sure ! Thanks to anyone who helped me ! Gonna enjoy now 😎0000
The plant got harvested at day 56 of flowering. too early bit was my first grow and had no idea about the harvest window.
Alright alright alright wiill have dry cured pics up soon one plant got 40 grams one got 65 both very differnent almost as though thre different strains everyone whos smoked it said its amazing and better than 99.99 percent of buds super happy
I have introduced a second bottle of CO2 to pump flowering weeks, I have cut off nutrients completely to get rid of nutes burn, plants are been fed PH water only. For this run I have been using a DIY automated drip system that cost me less than $100, this system can be used to feed up to 10 plants, now I can go way for days without a worry :) if anyone is interested here is my Instagram video: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwm1kO0BTNC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Stay Lit folks 👩‍🌾🏻
D93ish - 11.6 - I found her in a dumpster with a split stem and no grow equipment and our journey began. From the clandestine tent and trying different lights to spider mites and super cropping. Me and this baby been there. She was a great teacher and I loved her dearly. I'm incredibly grateful for her resilience and patience with me as learned my way around this new skill. I killed her last night, cut her into pieces and put her in a box to dry. I havent smoked any of the newly harvested Dumpster Queen and won't test it until it goes into cure jars, but the sample I took off over a week ago was divine and opened my eyes to everything I've been missing in organic grown nugs. Thank you all for you support. I'm so stoked moving forward with this newfound hobby and passion. Will update in a week or so on the dry weight, cuz I'm really interested too. Expecting about a QP, just enough to give as gifts to some awesome friends and keep me going until my next harvest! 11.9 - stems were snapping i trimmed her up further into jars and weight came out to 80g. The nugs are not very dense or large, but are very very sticky and full trichomes. Smells of sweet dank floral and pine and the dank and floral notes really come out in a joint. I just got bubble bags from BubbleBagDue and will practice extraction on some the the trim and super larfy stuff : Thanks again for the support and following along everyone. My other diaries are where Im implementing all the lessons I learned with DQ and where I'll continue documenting my ongoing pursuit of growing grade A organic meds! 11.19 - D106ish - Our cure with the boveda 62% bags has been on for 10 days and the bud is about perfect. Been smoking hard on it and is still thoroughly enjoying it. Notable changes in flavor is the shift of that floral scent to more berry. It smells soo good I bury my face in the jar haha. The effect is still very uplifting and creative, which is great since I'm writing my phd dissertation. Anyhow, be well. Tons of love!
We are still weeks out before I switch these ladies to flower because all of my flower rooms are to full capacity. The clones from the mother moonwalked kush have all taken root. My black aeroponic cloner is a week ahead of my white EZcloner. Everything is going well so far. They started showing their first signs of deficiencies this week so I increased the feeding. Nothing else to report.