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Der Samen hat eine ganze Weile gebraucht bis er eine Wurzel ausbildete. Ich habe ihn 3 Tage der „Papertowel“ Methode gehabt, anschließend ein paar Stunden ins Wasserglas gelegt und danach wieder zwischen zwei kleine Teller in nasses Papier. Es dauerte 4 Tage bis ich ihn einpflanzen konnte. 2 Tage später hat sie das Licht der Welt erblickt. Dieses besteht aus einem der beiden Panels der 240 Watt Kingbrite LED Lampe. Anfangs auf einen PPFD Wert von 150-200, habe ich es jetzt nach einer Woche auf 600 erhöht, um zu schauen, wie sie darauf reagiert. Die meisten Autoflowers sehen nach einer Woche weiter aus und diese hier fing ziemlich an zu spargeln, daher probiere ich mit dem Licht noch etwas herum. Das ist mein erster Grow mit den Green House Feeding Bio Düngern. Ich habe einen Coco + Perlite Mix verwendet und die Düngerangaben halbiert. Green House Feeding empfiehlt 3 gr/Liter Medium BioGrow bei 8 Wochen Wachstum. BioBloom soll eigentlich kurz vor der Blüte oben in die Erde eingearbeitet werden. Ich habe beide Varianten mit je 1,5 gr/Liter von Anfang ins Medium gemischt, da Barney‘s Farm den Zyklus für die Runtz Auto mit ca. 70 Tagen angibt. Ich rechne mit ca. 20 Tagen Wachstumsphase und anschließend Blütezeit. Ob das die richtige Entscheidung war, wird sich zeigen. Ich hoffe einfach, dass sich die Nährstoffe langsam freisetzen und zur richtigen Zeit verfügbar sind, ohne zu überdüngen. Als Bewässerung kommt eine 12V Pumpe mit 7 l/Min. zum Einsatz. Hinter dieser ist ein Y-Ventil verbaut, um die Mengen zu kontrollieren. Auch hier probiere ich noch etwas. Kokos soll eigentlich nicht austrocknen. In dieser frühen Phase aber 2 Mal am Tag zu gießen, fühlt sich auch nicht richtig an. Das Wasser ist ständig in Bewegung und wird vor dem Gießen auf pH 5,8 eingepegelt. Bei der Bewässerung gibt es noch Potenzial zur Optimierung, da sich das Wasser nicht im ganzen Topf verteilen lässt. Hier werde ich wohl auf die anderen Optionen von Floraflex zurückgreifen. Für den Anfang reicht es jedoch. Mal sehen, wie sie sich entwickelt. Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit.
Watermelon auto is growing great under the Medic Grow mini Sun-2, in the Gen 1:11 organo mineral nutrition. She has started to shoot her pre flower pistils. She is starting to stretch. Every thing is looking really good at the moment. Thank you Medic Grow, Gen1:11, and RQS. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
FBT 2308 is growing great under the Medic grow mini Sun-2, and in the Agrogardens nutrition. She had her first lst today. Plus she had a good root pruning. She is looking really good so far. Thank you Medic Grow, Agrogardens, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
She is a stinky, sticky beauty! Not doing much other than watering ✌️🏻💚🤣💨
Hi guys, What's up? Welcome back to Queen Peaky's Flower Gardens We meet again to admire the growth of these wonderful autoflowers Holy God....My central zkillez has something supernatural! Looks like you eat kryptonite for breakfast 😉Something tells me we're going to win 🏆
Hola hola! Aquí ya se realizó el corte final a esta mini banana purple punch con mucho cariño. Sufrió mucho desde que nació, tardando en germinar mucho más que otras semillas anteriores y además mantuvo siempre un perfil de planta extremadamente pequeña, nunca antes había visto algo así 😝 Tuvo una estresante vida dentro del tent pero aún así ella decidió florar y luchar contra las adversidades de manera muy fluida. Huele delicioso, un aroma dulce como de banana madura y un poco tropical con algo de diésel o kush en el fondo. Sus tricomas se ven un poco deteriorados pero quería cosechar tarde para un efecto knockout ☠️ Gracias a todos por seguir y un gran saludo. Viejo roble del camino, tus hojas siempre se agitan algo Nena, nena, que bien te ves Cuando en tus ojos no importa si las horas Bajan, la noche es día sin sol Bajan, el día que nunca acabó Y además vos sos el sol Despacio también podés ser la luna
D85/F41 - 24/06/23 - She's almost ready, I think I'll start the flush soon D86/F42 - 25/06/23 - Temp is still too high, I'm trying to refresh the environment with air conditioning D87/F43 - 26/06/23 - First Thricomes Video. I'm going to start the flush today and I'll arwest next WE D88/F44 - 27/06/23 - Flushing D89/F45 - 28/06/23 - Flushing D90/F46 - 29/06/23 - Flushing D91/F47 - 30/06/23 - She's ready. Tomorrow I'll cut her
June 26 Getting bigger and bigger! Makes me wonder if I should flip her to flower here soon to control the size since she's not an autoflower which is usually smaller, genetically. She hasn't used up all of the nutrients in the bucket yet either. June 27 Plant was a bit droopy, so a half gallon of PH'd water did the trick. June 30 Some lower leaves are getting yellow and dying. I'm taking that as a sign that the soil is almost out of nutrients. Mixed up a 1/8th strength of General Organics GO Box nutrients (week 1 to avoid nute burn), but upped the CalMag to 1/4 strength. Fed one gallon at a PH of 6.7 to slight runoff.
Plant two is doing a little better color wise. Something is going on with the leaves of plant one mostly. Maybe it is because i was using overflow water straight from the air conditioning unit instead of the tap? I'm having to pull a lot of dead leaves off
New week! Tips and help from last week, I had around 1500 ppm and I did flush my roots in water and change everything. Now is around 1000 ppm and dropping 150 ppm a day. Did read about water level in DWC and how to increase the grow with water. I had the water almost up to the root or the level of there the basket is. Now I have 1-2 inch (2-5 cm) below where the roots come out. This create air roots. I'm not sure if it's the air roots or the ppm but my flower is boosting. Can se buds grow!! Trimming so I can keep the same hight. Have any tips or rekomandation? Only have one question for next week and this is: it's looking a bit thigth between the buds and all of the leaf is cristal on it. Should I cut some more leaf? And what leaf should I trim? Is so thigth in there. Or will it grow fine?
New week! Tips and help from last week, I had around 1500 ppm and I did flush my roots in water and change everything. Now is around 1000 ppm and dropping 150 ppm a day. Did read about water level in DWC and how to increase the grow with water. I had the water almost up to the root or the level of there the basket is. Now I have 1-2 inch (2-5 cm) below where the roots come out. This create air roots. I'm not sure if it's the air roots or the ppm but my flower is boosting. Can se buds grow!! Trimming so I can keep the same hight. Have any tips or rekomandation? Only have one question for next week and this is: it's looking a bit thigth between the buds and all of the leaf is cristal on it. Should I cut some more leaf? And what leaf should I trim? Is so thigth in there. Or will it grow fine?
New week! Tips and help from last week, I had around 1500 ppm and I did flush my roots in water and change everything. Now is around 1000 ppm and dropping 150 ppm a day. Did read about water level in DWC and how to increase the grow with water. I had the water almost up to the root or the level of there the basket is. Now I have 1-2 inch (2-5 cm) below where the roots come out. This create air roots. I'm not sure if it's the air roots or the ppm but my flower is boosting. Can se buds grow!! Trimming so I can keep the same hight. Have any tips or rekomandation? Only have one question for next week and this is: it's looking a bit thigth between the buds and all of the leaf is cristal on it. Should I cut some more leaf? And what leaf should I trim? Is so thigth in there. Or will it grow fine?
D85/F41 - 24/06/23 - She's almost ready, I think I'll start the flush soon D86/F42 - 25/06/23 - Temp is still too high, I'm trying to refresh the environment with air conditioning D87/F43 - 26/06/23 - First Thricomes Video. I'm going to start the flush today and I'll arwest next WE D88/F44 - 27/06/23 - Flushing D89/F45 - 28/06/23 - Flushing D90/F46 - 29/06/23 - Flushing D91/F47 - 30/06/23 - She's ready. Tomorrow I'll cut her