Der Samen hat eine ganze Weile gebraucht bis er eine Wurzel ausbildete. Ich habe ihn 3 Tage der „Papertowel“ Methode gehabt, anschließend ein paar Stunden ins Wasserglas gelegt und danach wieder zwischen zwei kleine Teller in nasses Papier. Es dauerte 4 Tage bis ich ihn einpflanzen konnte. 2 Tage später hat sie das Licht der Welt erblickt. Dieses besteht aus einem der beiden Panels der 240 Watt Kingbrite LED Lampe. Anfangs auf einen PPFD Wert von 150-200, habe ich es jetzt nach einer Woche auf 600 erhöht, um zu schauen, wie sie darauf reagiert. Die meisten Autoflowers sehen nach einer Woche weiter aus und diese hier fing ziemlich an zu spargeln, daher probiere ich mit dem Licht noch etwas herum. Das ist mein erster Grow mit den Green House Feeding Bio Düngern. Ich habe einen Coco + Perlite Mix verwendet und die Düngerangaben halbiert. Green House Feeding empfiehlt 3 gr/Liter Medium BioGrow bei 8 Wochen Wachstum. BioBloom soll eigentlich kurz vor der Blüte oben in die Erde eingearbeitet werden. Ich habe beide Varianten mit je 1,5 gr/Liter von Anfang ins Medium gemischt, da Barney‘s Farm den Zyklus für die Runtz Auto mit ca. 70 Tagen angibt. Ich rechne mit ca. 20 Tagen Wachstumsphase und anschließend Blütezeit. Ob das die richtige Entscheidung war, wird sich zeigen. Ich hoffe einfach, dass sich die Nährstoffe langsam freisetzen und zur richtigen Zeit verfügbar sind, ohne zu überdüngen. Als Bewässerung kommt eine 12V Pumpe mit 7 l/Min. zum Einsatz. Hinter dieser ist ein Y-Ventil verbaut, um die Mengen zu kontrollieren. Auch hier probiere ich noch etwas. Kokos soll eigentlich nicht austrocknen. In dieser frühen Phase aber 2 Mal am Tag zu gießen, fühlt sich auch nicht richtig an. Das Wasser ist ständig in Bewegung und wird vor dem Gießen auf pH 5,8 eingepegelt. Bei der Bewässerung gibt es noch Potenzial zur Optimierung, da sich das Wasser nicht im ganzen Topf verteilen lässt. Hier werde ich wohl auf die anderen Optionen von Floraflex zurückgreifen. Für den Anfang reicht es jedoch. Mal sehen, wie sie sich entwickelt. Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit.
7/11 It's pouring. We got like 2 in of rain. I compared the flowering with that of the mendo breath I grew in a previous journal and they are real close. Tjat was DONE DONE in September. Judging by the small preflowers they are going to be ready approximately around the same time. I think I'm going to have a middle September harvest with some and some will go to October. Realistically, I should've changed this to flower. I like to call it "the stretch" though. Plants are stretching like a mother fucker. Seems like the less I fuck with them the better they do! No nutes yet. I'm going on vacation for a week and I think I won't feed before I leave either. Plants don't look like they are lacking in anything. Just because I have tons of nutes doesn't mean I need to use them. Stillneed to put up the secondary supports for flower.
Doing very well after repotting her 😍❤️ Very good and strong quality seeds by @supersativa seed club Try them outt
Tequila Sunrise - Week 7: Slug Attack! But This Señorita's a Fighter ¡Ay caramba! This week with Tequila Sunrise has been a real telenovela, growmies! Just when I thought things were heating up with the flowering fiesta, WHAM! Enter the evil-doers, the nefarious villains... the SLUGS! Seriously, folks, when I saw my little señorita on Friday, I swear I could've cried. Those slimy devils had gone to town, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Leaves munched, flower parts devoured - it was a scene straight out of a horror movie! To add insult to injury, I unearthed a whole gang of the culprits - nine fat, brown slugs of all sizes chilling in the soil. The audacity! But here's the thing: Tequila Sunrise ain't going down without a fight! In a stroke of genius (or maybe just desperation), I decided to elevate her to a plastic chair throne. Apparently, slugs are like nightclub bouncers - they don't like high places (gettit?! ;). And guess what? It worked! The next two nights, not a single slimy visitor dared to approach. Victory, at least for now! Despite the slug buffet, Tequila Sunrise even managed to pull off a respectable 10cm growth spurt this week. This girl's a fighter, that's for sure. Weeds are called weeds for a reason, right? They're tough as nails, and Tequila Sunrise is no exception. So, here's the plan, amigos: let's send some good vibes this señorita's way. With a little luck and some continued anti-slug warfare, she might just bounce back from this brutal attack and still deliver a decent harvest. We believe in you, Tequila Sunrise! Show those slimy suckers what a true party queen is made of! Stay tuned for next week's update, where we'll see if Tequila Sunrise continues her impressive fight or if the slug attack takes a bigger toll. ¡Oremos! (Let's pray!)
War 10 Tage im Urlaub. Die erste Woche wechselhaft und verregnet, dann 3 heiße, schwüle Tage. Die automatics bauen schön Blüten auf, Apple fritter Auto sind am weitesten, dicht gefolgt von sweet zz Auto, dann creamatic und critical Auto ( die brauch noch minimum 5 Wochen..) Apple fritter Auto vielleicht noch 2 Wochen. Die feminisierten wachsen gesund und verzweigen schön . Es läuft gut. Bis nächste Woche ✌️
War 10 Tage im Urlaub. Eine Woche wechselhaft, 3 Tage heiß. Sie sind gut gewachsen. Blue mystic: habe eine getoppt und eine gefimmt. Die getoppte skywalker schießt in die Höhe und muss bald wieder getoppt werden. Fat banana ist sehr stark im wuchs. Bald werd ich die mal entlauben.Es läuft gut. Bis nächste Woche ✌️
Leckere Zitronische Sorte! Kann leicht Übergossen werden sonst sehr einfach für den Anbau Guter erster Grow! Kleine Fehler waren dabei: -Übergossen -Zu spät in die Blüte geschickt daher über Lampe hinaus gewachsen -Trauermücken Befall am Ende der Blüte - Sehr fluffige Blüten durch die Fehler Aber sonst extrem leckerer und intersive Sorte echt zu empfehlen 👍🏻🍍☣️
After super cropping plant responded very well, growing faster and stronger. This is my first time using this technique and it is the bestest way I found to have a nice looking yield
So cant explain much about dogma nutrients as everything is in grams not ML 🤣 But it is highly recommended, had no issues of nut burn with it and plants seems to enjoy organic grows
07/09/2024 Week 7 Update!!! Yooo what's good gang update!!! What's good gang, we pushing into week 7 now and the girls are doing great, chugging along trying to get them to even out at the canopy level nutso let's see!! 07/11/2024 Yoo gang what's brackin!?!?👹 Soo they girls are coming along, gotta do the water change Sunday and gunna hit the Rez with that CropSalt drop on em!!! Stay tuned training is in full effect tonight will update lessgooo!!!
Its now week 3 of flower and the budsides are growing and showing their beauty and smell and at the end of the week is lollipopping on the Menu. There aren't any signes of lacks in nutrients. I found one yellowish leave but I'm pretty sure that was my fault for leaving the Soil a little bit to dry for some days.
Day 100 Day 57 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Flushed with de-chlorinated tap water today pH 6.0. Flushing using 10L of water with Flawless finish- I'll be using this every other flush. , getting 50% run off, I can't measure ppm, I have ordered the tool to start learning this way also. I haven't measured run off ppms before so will be interesting to see. Smelling pungent, deep greens of colour coming through, hoping over the next 2 weeks she swells as she is not as dense as I was hoping 😅 Day 10day 58 Flower 07/07/24 Sunday No feed /water today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short 🤩💚 Day 102 Day 59 Flower 08/07/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap Water 5L pH 6.0 + 3L Water +calmag 5ml to keep her from deficiency during 1st week of flush. Updated a short video 😁 She's getting there. Day 103 Day 60 Flower 09/07/24 Tuesday No water, letting her dry off again ABIT, noticing a huge amount of trichome production, updated a short to see 😍. Day 104 Day 61 Flower 10/07/24 Wednesday Another 10L flush today , de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with flawless finish. 10ml flawless finish to 10L water. Updated pictures and video. Day 105 Day 62 Flower 11/07/24 Thursday Last day of the week, another big flush today! 10L de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with 10ml Flawless finish 👌 Trichomes...😍 She maybe a 21 day flush we'll see how she goes next week with ripening. Video updated.
Moving right along, tucked inside out of the weather for a couple days but back outside and happy now.
Moving along into flower nicely, spent a day and change inside hiding from the rain and wind from the hurricane remnant. Back outside now.
7/7 17 days old. Calling this her first week of veg. She did not appear to be growing much for a few days after being transplanted. However in the last couple of days she has been putting on height. Now that she is growing again it seemed like a good time to top her. Topped her at the fifth node. A few of my previous grows I topped at the single leaves. This gave me two main branches that I just tied down. Then let all the branches grow up. Gave me a very uniform plant. 7/9 She has a very healthy dark green color. Her branches almost immediately started growing after being topped. I can see the difference in 2 days. Her nodes are very close together. 7/10. This lady has huge tits/leaves. Her leaves are so big they’re blocking out the light for the branches. I used some coat hanger to pull the leaves out of the way. Really her leaves are huge for her age. They’re almost the size of my hands and I’m 6,3. I pulled 1 leaf off to help open her up some. I will do some reading on this strain. I believe as she gets older she will look more sativa. Right now she looks heavy indica. 7/11 She broke ground 21 days ago. She graduated into veg 4 days ago. This plant is growing very nicely. So far the living soil is doing a great job. The company says just water. We will see. Ethos Genetics is top shelf. My friend grows mostly Ethos and these plants are just amazing. I was hunting for old school so I didn’t grow any Ethos until now. Old school is gone. I have never saw buds like these Ethos. This plant needs to come out close to or better than my friends. Still going to transplant from the 2 gallon to a ten. From what I’m seeing the living soil will feed her well straight to flower. 2 or 3 weeks before flower I will add nuits for flower. She is growing in organic living soil and her color is great. The only thing I added was myco supreme on her roots. The next time I water her she will get some liquid kelp and humic acid. The plant is relying on the living soil to eat. So I want to make sure her root system is very healthy and able to process nutrients.