2 Black Cherry Gelato - Clones from my clone guy 1000w LED, 4G Autopots,, coco/perlite 65/35, Jacks RO + dry koolblom and humic acid , RO water, AC pro Controller and T8, 5x5 GG Tent with extension Garage grow SoCal Another hot week in the garage averaging 88°. We just put in AC dehumidifier and we brought down the temp to 70 with lights on for ripening. The girls are starting to finish the ripening stage and are just about ready to cut the tops. Smell is unbelievable sweet and dank. As we’re at the final few days we’re running straight ph’d RO water. This weeks accomplishments: Ac for ripening This weeks issues: We manually eradicated the Spider mites by doing manual scouting and removal every day. Long term issues None. We’re just about done. I hope you all are having as much fun as I am. Best of luck gromies. Check out my purple push pop grow and compare side by side- same clone batch. I also am doing an outdoor light deprivation run. This should be a great comparison of indoor versus outdoor grows on the same schedule, same nutes and same clone batch 👍
I'm excited for this one, really skunky smell and lovely buds. Hey growth was right on point with a auto and having her under 24 hours if light a day really fattened up her flowers. She grew with zero stretch between nodes and stacked nothing but nice colas. I would definitely recommend this strain for anyone looking for a fast turnaround of fat resinous buds. Cheers.
Realicé la que yo creo será la última poda, quedó un tercio de la parte inferior completamente sin brotes ni hojas. Próximamente aplicaré guano de ave y hummus para luego regar de forma alterna con agua y melaza
Just another week of vegging and feeding, waiting to make sure the last remaining plant I have is female. I think the male parts would have shown already if it was male, but you never really know until flip time. I’m planning on up-planting the remaining plant I have to a 7 gallon fabric pot and flipping it to 12-12 because I don’t have tent space for a massive beast of a photoperiod. Excited to see if this one is female (which I really think it is fingers crossed!).
Very good plant it liked when I topped it not to picky smells like garlic right now I’m happy with it and I’ll update when I finish drying the rating may go up after I smoke it
Smells on this bud are amazing! Very piney with hints of berries 😋 Not the biggest harvest, but that was expected seeing as this plant was grown in a 1 gal pot. None the less, I am happy with the results 😁
This girl is about finished here sister came out to about a 1 1/2 ounce hopefully this big girl is more overall good experience I don't have to say I will be doing these again because I already have 2nd and 3rd generation clones who am I tho I. Just a newbie 😌 lol