The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
June 20th - all plants get a visit this week Updates start tonight. 22nd, prepping to make a tea for Fridays visit to PurpsBerry etc. Shaping the plants backwards, towards the Hillside will be the goal. Clean the hillside a minimal amount, not wanting to lose the wonderful camouflage it provides. We are looking to pull the plants tops northward almost to the ground, forcing the side-Branches into becoming Cola’s. Do it with 2nd opinions… making a Bush, thats the goal. It’ll Help achieve a lb per plant
esta semana los cogollos ban engordando y se nota que los pelos han cambiado us tonalidad, un dia de estos revisare los tricomas al microscopio a ver que tal está en ese aspecto. es algo qe por fotos no se puede transmitir, pero los cogollos están realmente duros. Puede que se acerque la cosecha, segun el banco el tiempo de flora son 56-63 días y van 51, asi que basicamente depende de como vaya viendo los terpenos se cosechará antes o después
Неделя прошла вроде бы хорошо, поливаю сейчас чисто водой, довольная, правда медленно медленно стала цвести, ну ничего пахнет и выглядет всё краше и краше)
Неделя прошла вроде бы хорошо, поливаю сейчас чисто водой, довольная, правда медленно медленно стала цвести, ну ничего пахнет и выглядет всё краше и краше)
ITA: Ciao a tutti, le piante continuano a stare bene ma l'umidità era troppo alta quindi ho deciso di comprare un nuovo estrattore d'aria da 125mm (prima era da 100mm ma non era sufficiente). Vedrò nei prossimi giorni se si vedranno risultati EDIT: l'umidità purtroppo non è scesa in quanto non c'è ricircolo d'aria nella stanza in cui c'è la box. Probabilmente userò un deumidificatore. Le piante hanno messo molte foglie e si coprono un po' motivo per cui tra qualche giorno eseguirò un'altra defogliazione. Stanno iniziando a fare odore, molto leggero ma si inizia a percepire ENG: Hi everyone, the plants are still doing well but the humidity was too high so I decided to buy a new 125mm air extractor (it used to be 100mm but it wasn't enough). I'll see in the next few days if we see any results EDIT: unfortunately the humidity has not dropped as there is no air recirculation in the room where the box is. I'll probably use a dehumidifier. The plants have put on a lot of leaves and are covering up a bit which is why in a few days I will be doing another defoliation. They are starting to smell, very light but you are starting to perceive
Honestly an amazing week! They’re stretching and producing so many bud sites widening their structure with some well let’s call it mid stress training lol i may if had a problem though I’ll see 😞 as my lights didn’t turn off until an hour and 15mins after their normal time due to a malfunction… sooooo hoping no problems ffs but will be switching that to a manual one tomorrow when lights are on! 🤞🏽 I hope because up til now it’s perfect no complaints!
Doing nicely. Light green strain probably sativa genetics. Clone sexing and possible fem pollen donor.
What another great week it’s been , today is Day 39 from seed an the lil ladies have jumped into preflower 😍! Yesterday gave em the trim up of the unders , kinda popsicled you can say to each one, cause we want to focus on them colas ! This week we should see some more great progress, let them caps start stacking ! Can’t wait to see what we do next week ! Hope you all enjoy an have an amazing productive day! Peace love an positive vibes to y’all Cheers 😶‍🌫️💨💨💨💨💨🤙🏻
What another great week it’s been , today is Day 39 from seed an the lil ladies have jumped into preflower 😍! Yesterday gave em the trim up of the unders , kinda popsicled you can say to each one, cause we want to focus on them colas ! This week we should see some more great progress, let them caps start stacking ! Can’t wait to see what we do next week ! Hope you all enjoy an have an amazing productive day! Peace love an positive vibes to y’all Cheers 😶‍🌫️💨💨💨💨💨🤙🏻