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The ideal PPFD level for seedlings is between 100-300 micromoles per square meter per second (μmol/m²/s). This softer lighting mimics the diffused sunlight of early spring, providing enough energy for seedling-stage plants to develop their initial leaves without overwhelming them. at 48 inches from light sources, the seedlings receive around 150-180μmol/m²/s, as they grow they grow towards the higher levels of ppfd naturally. Urine is a liquid waste product as a result of our kidneys cleaning and filtering our blood. Typically, urine contains around 95% water and the rest are a mix of salts including sodium, potassium and chloride, urea, and uric acid. Due to the high water content in pee, the more you drink, the more you have to go. For a healthy person, human urine typically has a pH of around 6.2 with a range of 5.5-7.0. A person’s diet and alcohol consumption can also affect the pH of their urine. The main organic component of urine is urea, a combination of ammonia and carbon dioxide, which is the byproduct of our bodies breaking down proteins into usable amino acids. Urea is very high in nitrogen, a key ingredient to healthy leafy growth in plants. In addition to being very nitrogen-rich, urine also contains dissolved phosphorus that’s immediately available to plants, making urine a quick-acting fertilizer. Diesel exhaust fluid for motor engines is made up of 70% de-ionized water and 30% Urea. I didn't know that. Interesting stuff. If you own a dog, you may be familiar with yellow patches on your lawn where your pet has peed. Dogs and cats excrete fresh urine with a higher quantity of urea than humans do and that can more easily burn a plant upon contact. Human urine contains less urea and thus less ammonia. A novel electrochemically induced method for ammonia synthesis (eU2A) on demand from urea in alkaline media was demonstrated. A Nickel based electrode was employed as the active catalyst. The effective rate of ammonia generation of the eU2A process at 70◦C is ∼28 times higher than the thermal hydrolysis (THU) of urea. Despite Bear Grylls drinking urine in his popular survival shows, urine is not sterile. It picks up trace amounts of bacteria as the sterile version passes through the bladder, the urinary tract and comes in contact with the skin. Still, the health risks of using urine are very low because urine does not typically contain pathogens found in feces. Infectious diseases like cholera are spread through water sources contaminated by poop. In areas with poor sanitation, there is no way to separate solid and liquid waste which is why all untreated mixed sewage can pose significant public health risks. Only 10-15% of all nutrition you ingest is absorbed, all the rest is disposed of in the urea of urine, 95% Water, 5% Urea. Human urine consists primarily of water (91% to 96%), with organic solutes including urea, creatinine, uric acid, and trace amounts of enzymes, carbohydrates, hormones, fatty acids, pigments, and mucins, and inorganic ions such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), ammonium (NH4+), sulfates (SO42-), and phosphates (e.g., PO43-).1 A Representative Chemical Composition of Urine Water (H2O): 95% Urea (H2NCONH2): 9.3 g/l to 23.3 g/l Chloride (Cl-): 1.87 g/l to 8.4 g/l Sodium (Na+): 1.17 g/l to 4.39 g/l Potassium (K+): 0.750 g/l to 2.61 g/l Creatinine (C4H7N3O): 0.670 g/l to 2.15 g/l Inorganic sulfur (S): 0.163 to 1.80 g/l The pH of human urine ranges from 5.5 to 7, averaging around 6.2. The specific gravity ranges from 1.003 to 1.035. Significant deviations in pH3 Chemical Concentration in g/100 ml urine Water 95 Urea 2 Sodium 0.6 Chloride 0.6 Sulfate 0.18 Potassium 0.15 Phosphate 0.12 Creatinine 0.1 Ammonia 0.05 Uric acid 0.03 Calcium 0.015 Magnesium 0.01 The element abundance depends on diet, health, and hydration level, but human urine consists of approximately: Oxygen (O): 8.25 g/l Nitrogen (N): 8/12 g/l Carbon (C): 6.87 g/l Hydrogen (H): 1.51 g/l Morning piss is best, diluted to 6-10 parts water. Breaking Down Nitrogen Forms & Their Impact: Forms of Nitrogen: Nitrogen, comes in three primary forms: ammonium, nitrate, and urea. Ammonium (NH4+) carries a positive charge, nitrate (NH3–)carries a negative charge, while urea ((NH2)2CO) carries no charge. Natural Processes in Media: Once these nitrogen forms are introduced into the growing media, natural processes kick in. Bacteria play a vital role, converting urea to ammonium or ammonium to nitrate. This latter conversion releases hydrogen ions, increasing media acidity. Urea Conversion: Urea undergoes rapid conversion to ammonium in the soil, usually within two days. Both urea and ammonium are often grouped together and referred to as ammoniacal nitrogen. When plants absorb nitrogen, they typically release a molecule with the same charge to maintain internal pH. This process can also alter the pH of the media surrounding the roots. pH Effects of Nitrogen Uptake: Ammonium (NO4) Uptake and pH: When plants absorb ammonium, they release hydrogen ions (H+) into the media. This increases the acidity of the media over time, decreasing the pH. Nitrate (NO3) Uptake and pH: Plants take up nitrate by releasing hydroxide ions (OH–). These ions combine with hydrogen ions to form water. The reduction in hydrogen ions eventually reduces the media acidity increasing the pH. Nitrate (NO3) Absorption Variations: Sometimes, plants absorb nitrate differently, either by taking in hydrogen ions or releasing bicarbonate. Like hydroxide ions, bicarbonate reacts with hydrogen ions and indirectly raises the media pH. Understanding these processes helps in choosing the appropriate fertilizer to manage media pH. Depending on the nutrients present, the media’s acidity or alkalinity can be adjusted to optimize plant growth. Risks of Ammoniacal Nitrogen: Plants can only absorb a certain amount of nitrogen at a time. However, they have the ability to store excess nitrogen for later use if needed. Nitrate (NO3) vs. Ammonium (NH4): Plants can safely store nitrate, but too much ammonium can harm cells. Thankfully, bacteria in the media convert urea and ammonium to nitrate, reducing the risk of ammonium buildup. Factors Affecting Ammonium (NH4) Levels: Certain conditions like low temperatures, waterlogged media, and low pH can prevent bacteria from converting ammonium. This can lead to toxic levels of ammonium in the media, causing damage to plant cells. Symptoms of Ammonium (NH4) Toxicity: Upward or downward curling of lower leaves depending on plant species; and yellowing between the veins of older leaves which can progress to cell death. Preventing Ammonium (NH4) Toxicity: When it comes to nitrogen breakdown of a nutrient solution, it’s crucial not to exceed 30% of the total nitrogen as ammoniacal nitrogen. Higher levels can lead to toxicity, severe damage, and even plant death. Ideal Nitrogen Ratio for Cannabis: Best Nitrogen (NO3) Ratio: Research shows that medical cannabis plants respond best to nitrogen supplied in the form of nitrate (NO3). This helps them produce more flowers and maintain healthy levels of secondary compounds. Safe Ammonium (NH4) Levels: While high levels of ammonium (NH4) can be harmful to cannabis plants, moderate levels (around 10-30% of the total nitrogen) are are considered most suitable. This level helps prevent leaf burn and pH changes in the media. Nitrogen: nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) Nitrogen is mobile in the plant. When it is in the soil it is mobile as Nitrate NO3– and is immobile as Ammonium NH4+ All those nutrients should be in ionic form, either in the soil or in a nutrient solution. Ions are simply the atomic or molecule form having +ve or –ve charge. As we know, the positive attracts the negative, and the same charge elements will repel each other; this power of charge represents the strength of the element. The positive ions are known as Cation, while negative ions are Anions. The anions want to disperse themselves to even concentrations, so they move from higher concentrations to lower concentrations. As we look at the soil structure, it’s a composition of particles; those particles attract the positive ions (+Ve), repel the Negative ions (-ve), and float freely in the water. This attraction of Cation by the soil particles is called Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), which measures the number of cations that can be retained by the soil particles. The higher the CEC, the more Cation Nutrients can be stored in the soil. As a result, the higher CEC soils can become more nutrient-rich; also, keep in mind the soil composition is diverse and varies among different soil types.
Stems are getting top heavy, more weight packed on and they are starting to lean, I don't have room for a scrog net. Pistils are turning amber, only about 10% so far on day one. I hand plucked off the small larfy, sucker buds. I let some go too long and the large majority are worth keeping. Next time I will have the courage to defoliate properly! I get so scared after weeks or months of growing and then removing growth. Final day of week and these colas are stacking on so much weight they are bending over. Noticed nutrient deficiencies and tried to adjust accordingly. Hoping the problem doesn't get exacerbated.
day 68, i know im a week ahead but whatever. She's chugging along nicely, kind of. To be honest she's looking a bit overcooked in my opinion lol, i thought the light may be too close but nope, light meters reading between 50,000-70,000 which is normal, plus the 70k is at the tip of those big colours. Super frosty, smells delicious, its mostly the 2 big colas at the back that need to hurry up, i've included photos. She's had 2 flushes now, last one was a few days ago. So hopefully she'll finish up nicely. No more nutrients, definitely looks like the leaves are starting to deplete themselves of food and may start dying soon. I'm guessing she may be done at day 75? hopefully. gotta remember shes about a week behind because of the time she was stunted. Just a quick update and a bunch of photos :) oh! and a video.
Week 4 starts Sunday July 17, 2022 Plants seem really nice and healthy. I really like Flora Nova, its a great product. 300ppm and the plants love it, even though the Gaia Green is in the mix, it seems to just love this combo, ever since I repotted with the amendments in the soil, and watered with Flora Nova Bloom (mix it crazy well before using) the plants just look really happy and green. It's not an organic product, maybe like 30% organic -- just like me haha. I think by week's end we will be caught up and ready to intensify lights, threw the SF1000 in the tent finally for more light, but so far just keeping only the Phlizon white light full spectrum COBs on and the RB lights off, and not using the SF-1000 at all even though its mostly white. Despite what Phlizon says, the COBs are great during veg, the RB not so much. I like the COBs so much better than the smaller LEDs for veg. July 19, 2022 Turned on the SF-1000 to 60% and measured light, I'm happy with it. I have another strain growing next to these and the extra light will help during flower as a side light but it will most likely hit the canopy too. The growth is vigorous right now. Added pics, today is day 28 since they were dropped into water July 23, 2022 Tomorrow starts week 5, growth is super green, no funky yellow or leaf drama. Stalks are getting much thicker and stronger. Turned the lights up this week, added the 2nd COB, and temps are just fine! Who knew. Anyway, they look like they are very close to pre-flower. Added some tent mates for a future grow, check out the grow area vid. Maybe I forgot to mention added worm castings this week...
Hello dear fellow growers 😎 we are in the 2rd week of flowering and the 2 ladies are doing great! I'm going to start using Biobizz's bio bloom stimulator this week to improve cell division and nutrient uptake, I intentionally don't give too much otherwise the weed gets a very sweet taste (disadvantage of this product if you don't like it) The bloom stretch is almost finished, I reckon with a final height of 1.70m despite Lst since the beginning, the plant was also defoliated below! There are umpteen blossoms on both plants, you only have to look at a small part and you can already see around 20-30 and the thickness of the stems is crazy! Expect huge buds and a good yield 💯💯😎😎😍 HAD NO YELLOW LEAF YET, if a deficiency occurs in the 5th week of flowering, it will no longer be noticed. I hope you like my report, if you want leave a like there Update : Hello colleagues, here is a short update: first of all sorry that you see the Runtz muffin always with puff light! Unfortunately, I don’t have the opportunity to take the plant out of its home and I don’t want to take pictures in the dark phase because otherwise seeds would arise (stress). But I promise you when the strain is ready comes a detailed report in writing and pictures without pufflicht the two plants are perfect, I had neither a deficiency or a yellow leaf on both plants, the only stress was to top, (lst I do not see as much stress) the two are still growing and many small flower sets were removed below, the leaves but calm. Your Deutschergrower86 Hallo liebe Growkollegen 😎 wir befinden uns in der 2 Blütenwoche und den 2 Damen geht es prächtig! Ich werde diese Woche beginnen den Bio Blüte stimulator von Biobizz zu verwenden um die Zellteilung und Nährstoffaufnahme zu verbessern, ich gebe absichtlich nicht zu viel da sonst das weed einen sehr süßen Geschmack bekommt (Nachteil von diesem Produkt wenn man es nicht mag) Der Blütestrech ist fast abgeschlossen, ich rechne mit einer End Höhe von 1,70m trotz Lst seit Anfang, zudem wurde die Pflanze untenrum noch mal Entlaubt! Es befinden sich zig Blüten anSätze an beiden Pflanzen, man braucht nur einen kleinen Teil ansehen und sieht schon um die 20-30 und die dicke der Stämme ist irre! Rechne mit riesen Buds und gutem ertrag 💯💯😎😎😍 HATTE NOCH KEIN GELBES BLATT, falls noch der 5 Blütenwoche ein Mangel auftritt wird dieser nicht mehr wahr genommen. Ich hoffe mein Report gefällt euch, wenn ihr wollt lasst ein like da Euer Deutschergrower86😎
Tout va pour le mieux ! Il reste une bonne semaine pour la strawberry gorilla avant la récolte ; j ai commencé le rinçage. Il doit rester environ deux semaines pour sherbet et un peu plus pour la gorilla cookies je pense. Grosse chaleur prévu en début de cette nouvelle semaine, jusqu’à 40 degré Celsius. Les trois dégagent de magnifiques odeurs !
The last man(girl lol)standing, the Royal haze, it had some hard time because i was flushing out purple punch and cheese, while royal haze was in the middle of the flowercycle, it a battle to not loose all the fanleaves. Putted her back on banana and figpeel juice. Togheter with some fish slurry from the bottom of my pond. The mainbud get really really fat now. I like to grow different strains with colors and stuff, but at the end of the day, i just damn like haze and prefer it above everything. The inhalings, the incents, the exhaling. The tearing up a haze bud and the lemon coming out i just love it. The other picture are from my fast drying and curing jar, because i have enough to ruin some of the buds for a quick smoke😉😁
Welcome back friends. The two automatic ladies grow up healthy and beautiful. The Bio fertilizers and bio nutrients I am using I must say are a bomb. praise to bionova, biocanna and zamnesia. Unfortunately I will not be able to taste my girls, for reasons of force majeure. But my crew is ready as always to come to help. A misfortune that makes me sad, but more determined than ever
Welcome back friends of growdiaries. have you seen? The beautiful Canadian ladies of the grew in less than a week from 12/15 cm up to 65/70 cm. This is incredible and magnificent. The quality of the seeds is indisputable. The quality of nutrient fertilizers as well. Unfortunately last week I was very busy, and with such rapid growth, I could not mount the net for the scrog, now they are too big for this method. So they will grow free, with LST and HST, when needed, and defoliation. Have fun and see you next week