These ladies are loving the stash blend ™️ i bought Remember It’s 420 somewhere™️
Hello hello again! Starting Week 9 with again some flashlight nighttime shots because i fell in love with that. Growwise, theres nothing much to report. I keep everything more or less the same. Watering 2,5L after 5 Days, usually i had a pretty good 4 day rhythm going but last time they had a tad too much runoff so i decided to let her dry out for a day more. they liked that, back to the usual thirstiness. Nutes changed a bit (grow up from 2 to 2.5, bloom up from 3 to 3.2) but thats just because i did an oopsie. PH stays 6.5 in, 6.2 out. Trichomes i will check later. Pistils are still to white and they dont look ready yet, but its fun taking closeup pictures, so there you go. Other than that, ill skip my usual ramblings about how i love these, you all know that by now :) *Added Trichomes, daytime shots and timelapse at the end of week 9, until next week, happy growing! :
9 weeks in the books. I will harvest her on day 64. I gave her nutrients for half the week at a lower dose. Then gave her only water for 3 days to clean her out some. 😍
Woche 4 bricht an und es läuft hervorragend! Die Orange Sherbet bekommt diese Woche frischen Boden: eine Mischung aus Bio-bizz All-Mix und Greenhouse-Feeding, perfekt für die letzten Vegetationswochen und blüte. Zudem hat sich die Orange Sherbet sehr gut mit dem Backhefe-Buttermilch-Melasse-Experiment entwickelt, was zu einem starken CO2-Anstieg auf bis zu 1500 ppm geführt hat. 💨 Ich bin gespannt, wie sie sich in der neuen Umgebung entwickeln wird. Auf der anderen Seite explodieren die Frozen Black Cherries förmlich in der Hydroponik! 🌱 Die Entwicklung ist beeindruckend, und ich könnte nicht zufriedener sein mit ihrem Fortschritt. Die Blütephase rückt näher, und ich bin gespannt, wie sich alles weiterentwickelt! Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden! 🚀 Week 4 is here, and things are going great! The Orange Sherbet is getting new soil this week—a blend of Bio-Beth All-Mix and Greenhouse-Feeding, setting her up perfectly for the final weeks of vegetation and . Additionally, the Orange Sherbet has responded well to the back yeast-buttermilk-molasses experiment, resulting in a significant CO2 increase of up to 1500 ppm. 💨 I'm excited to see how she adapts to her new environment. Meanwhile, the Frozen Black Cherries are absolutely thriving in hydro! 🌱 Their growth has been phenomenal, and I couldn't be more impressed with their progress. The flowering phase is getting closer, and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds! I'll keep you updated! 🚀
Lemon Mandarin 1 & 2 09/17 5 weeks Orange Sherbet 1 09/17 5 weeks Papaya Sherbet 1 & 2 09/25 4 weeks Gorilla Melon 1 & 2 10/04 3 weeks Lemonpaya 1 & 2 10/04 3 weeks and 10/14 2 weeks
Harvested on day 64. Trimmed her up while she was in the pencil holder. I then cut her and hung her upside down to dry. Took the roots out of the pencil holder and rinsed them off. Roots looked super healthy. 😍
RO watering run off Peach Sherbet OG - 2076 PPM Peach Sherbet OG #2 - 1009 PPM Mimosa x Orange Punch - 1035 PPM Mimosa x Orange Punch #2 - 964 PPM Permanent Marker Auto - 2020 PPM Permanent Marker Auto #2 - 2520 PPM Glookies Auto - 1031 PPM Glookies Auto #2 - 3460 PPM
Currently at 2,722 grams with stems and untrimmed. Hoping to get around 800 grams dried. Prior to harvest I run lights for 48hrs
Runtz Punch is still getting slight spotting over the week. She was showing nitrogen toxicity as well. So I did a solution change. Plus my ph pen was .3 off. So she has basically had a reset button hit on nutrition. Hopefully she pulls out of it now. She got some lst and defoliation today. She should be ready to go now. Thank you Herbies seeds, Athena, and Spider Farmer.🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Strawberry Amnesia is growing well. She has show another mutation in one of the branches. Curious if she will continue to show more as the grow goes. She is becoming my little fat leaf mutant. She will be due for a solution change very soon. I defoliated and lst her some. She is kinda stubby in the height department. Everything is looking good. Thank you Herbies seeds, Athena, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Ich hätte noch locker 2 Wochen dranhängen können.. Aber ich habe bewusst jetzt schon geerntet da ich die kleinen Buds und Sugar Leafs zu Bubble Hash verarbeiten werde, das sind satte 479g,ich habe keine Ahnung was das dann an Bubble Hash ergibt. Falls das jemand weiß schreibt es mir in die Kommentare.. Ich habe ein wet trimming gemacht, hat mich 4 Stunden gekostet, aber: 857g Nass Gewicht !! Wandert jetzt für 8 Tage in den Cannatrol Cool Cure. Edit: 186g Trocken Gewicht nach Curing, alle Stängel sind zudem entfernt. Riecht sehr frisch. Der Smoke ist sehr mild, aber die Wirkung haut mächtig rein, eher Sativa Effekte, hatte nen mega Laber Flash.. Auf jeden Fall viel THC. Das war ein Hochsommer Grow, die Sour Jealousy von FastBuds hat die hohen Temperaturen problemlos weggesteckt. Man muss dazu sagen, dass mein Zelt prinzipiell immer offen steht, so kann auch kein Schimmel entstehen denke ich. Nur muss ich eben mit 2 Luftentfeuchtern arbeiten.. Ich bin mega happy und auch stolz, das ist erst meine 4. Ernte, ich habe erst Mai 2023 angefangen mit dem Anbau. Vielen Dank lieber Grow Gott für die reiche Ernte!!