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**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** If you like this week, please hit a like, it costs you nothing! 👊. Thanks in advance 😉! From/Desde: 12/08/19 || To/Hasta: 18/08/19 From day/Desde día: 21 || To day/Hasta día: 27 -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- V1: She's still turning with this size, but is lowering the total angle/week, of course she has stopped turning once topped. You can see at the end of the videos the clones i've taken from her. Anyway, 4 days after taking the clones i decided to kill them because i had to grow another 4 plants in September and it's going to bee too much work @time. P4: I did a foliar irrigation this day, and i'm not going to add it to watering calendar. I'm using non PH adjusted water with BAC Foliar spray + BAC Plant Vitality Plus + BAC Pro Active. P9: Pruning and topping time!!. I toped her at 10 cm exactly, abobe the 4th main internode. Also I pruned the first and second main internodes, so I'm leaving 4 main branches to create the plant, i will try to keep them all at the same height. Also i must admit that i don't like nothing the cable i used to fix them to the floor as it's potentially danger for the branches, it cuts like a knife!. Asap i will buy a good rubber covered cable for do the job. Also i will put one of my training structures in the floor, top supported by the 2 horizontal 6 mm aluminium rods i used to LST @images. -----WEEK SUMMARY----- Well well well, prunning & topping time 😋!!!. This week temperatures raised a lot in my country full direct to 35º along day due to warm winds coming from inside land, what's called here "Terral", while it's a name, it can be translated as something similar to "Sandwindy" 😰😰😱😷😷. It's impressive how the Alice Kalashnikova (I de love more Alice than Avtomat 😂) did support those high temperatures like nothing. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 15/08/19 - 4,000 ml with all week nutrients @ 1 E.C. PH5.8 *****ESPAÑOL***** Por favor, si te gusta esta semana dale un like, no te cuesta nada 👊. ¡Gracias por adelantado 😉! -----IMÁGENES & VÍDEOS----- V1: Y ella sigue girando a pesar de su tamaño, pero está reduciendo la cantidad de giro semanal, por supuesto parará de girar una vez le realice el topping. Al final del vídeo se pueden ver los clones que tomé de ella. No obstante, 4 o 5 días después de hacerlos decidí matarlos ya que tengo que plantar otras 4 plantas en Septiembre y se me iba a acumular mucho trabajo. P4: Realicé un riego foliar este día, ya que no voy a añadirlo al calendario de riego os digo lo que he usado. Agua sin ajustar PH con BAC Foliar spray + BAC Plant Vitality Plus + BAC Pro Active. P9: ¡Tiempo de poda y topping!. la he podado a exactamente 10 cm del suelo, justo por encima del cuarto nodo principal. También he podado los 2 primeros nodos, así que estoy dejando 4 ramas principales que intentaré mantener a la misma altura. Debo admitir que no me gusta nada el alambre que he usado para atarla a las barras ya que es potencialmente dañino, corta como un cuchillo. En cuanto pueda compraré un cable con cobertura de goma para hacer le trabajo. También pondré una de mis estructuras de entrenamiento sobre el sustrato y las mantendré fijas con las barras de aluminio horizontales de 6 mm que he puesto y que se ven en las imágenes -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Bien bien bien, ¡tiempo de poda! 😋. Esta semana las temperaturas han subido directamente a 35º debido al terral, es insoportaaaaaaaaaaaaaable 😰😰😨😨. Es impresionante como Alice Kalashnikova (me gusta mucho más alice que avtomat😂) soporta estas temperaturas como si nada. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 15/08/19 - 4,000 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 1 E.C. PH5.8
Die dritte Blütewoche startet für die Ladies und sie bekommen noch etwas Proviant mit auf den Weg. Sie bekommen jeweils 20ml Orgatrex und 1g Bactrex, gelöst in einem Liter Osmose Wasser. Ich habe den Autopots einige Tage vorher die Wasserzufuhr abgedreht, um sie nicht zu fluten. Für mehr Stabilität habe ich ein zweites Netz reingehängt. Außerdem habe ich zwei ungenutzte PC Lüfter ins Zelt gelegt um für etwas mehr Umluft zu sorgen. Desweiteren wurden einige Blätter entfernt. Die Woche neigt sich dem Ende zu und die Pflanzen sprengen das Zelt. Die Lampe hängt mittlerweile auf Anschlag.
Die dritte Blütewoche startet für die Ladies und sie bekommen noch etwas Proviant mit auf den Weg. Sie bekommen jeweils 20ml Orgatrex und 1g Bactrex, gelöst in einem Liter Osmose Wasser. Ich habe den Autopots einige Tage vorher die Wasserzufuhr abgedreht, um sie nicht zu fluten. Für mehr Stabilität habe ich ein zweites Netz reingehängt. Außerdem habe ich zwei ungenutzte PC Lüfter ins Zelt gelegt um für etwas mehr Umluft zu sorgen. Desweiteren wurden einige Blätter entfernt. Die Woche neigt sich dem Ende zu und die Pflanzen sprengen das Zelt. Die Lampe hängt mittlerweile auf Anschlag.
Zweite Blütewoche. Diese Woche gibt es das erste mal Blütedünger. Bio PK 5-8 von Biotabs. Ich habe mich mit 8ml leicht unterhalb der Angabe des Herstellers (10ml) orientiert. Außerdem habe ich einige Blätter entfernt um Platz für verdeckte Triebe zu schaffen. Die Blüten fangen an sich zu bilden. Ich hoffe das Höhenwachstum ist zuende.
Germination went well she was a beautiful large purple seed when I see her I knew she was going to be a nice phenotype . I use fish tank water as my base which is 350 parts per million then I added 1 ml of biogrow and 0.25 ml of biobloom . pH 6.5
Week 4 went good to everything perfect not much to report on other than growth the genetics seems to be doing very well. As again sorry for just one video and not many pictures my pictures have been messed up on my files . But thanks for seeing the diary and remember it's 420 somewhere
Gave just some water, no nutrients. Dimmed the light down to 65%, I think the green gelato got some light stress.
Week 21 well just steal the same old water and PH 6.5 using bioby's nutrients she's looking happy plant starting to show a bit purple on the stems already and in the leaf stems as well so very nice venotype tune in for next week and thank you for looking at the diary
Hi everyone week five here just going into flower swapped to 2 ml of biobiz bloom and 1.5 mL of biobizz grow ph6.8 in to flower naw and going strong she has changed so much in a week im ferry happy with her . thank you for seeing my diary and tune in for next week and remember it's 420 somewhere
So die Süßen bis auf ,,Eine,, die ist nicht so süß die letzten Tage gewesen..., befinden sich jetzt am Anfang der Blütewoche 5 Allgemein verläuft alles sehr gut. Aber wie eben schon angedeutet, spielt die Pink Mist vorne bei der Luftzufuhr ein wenig ,,Fasching,, und versucht sich doch als Mann zu verkleiden :-) Zwar gering und natürlich da, wo man es auf den ersten Blick nicht vermutet. Wenige Staubbeutel hatten sich sichtlich geöffnet. Dennoch hoffen wir nach rascher u. vorsichtiger Entfernung, dass weiter große Kollateralschäden ausbleiben. Die Gründe dafür können vieler Natur sein. Trotz das die Geschlechtsreife abgewartet wurde, ist nach hinten raus alles möglich. Man muss das beste daraus machen :-) Hätten wir es noch komplett vor dem öffnen der Staubbeutel gesehen, hätten wir sie eher entfernt. Natur ist halt Natur und noch viel wichtiger, es ist ja nur für uns. Sollten in der Pink Mist samen auftauchen, so hätten wir feminisiertes Saatgut. Also immer Positiv sehen ;-) Seit Mitte letzter Woche fahren wir mit einem EC von mind. mS 1,6 Tendenz jetzt fortlaufend eher an die 1,8. Augenscheinlich und von den Werten her passt alles wirklich gut. Auf eine neue tolle Woche! Ansonsten vielen Dank fürs reinschauen viel spaß mit dem Bild u. Video- Material und allen zusammen eine angenehme Wochen gewünscht! VG
Start of week 7 and all plants are looking great. Added the net to hold them later but I may take it out. Ran into a slight issue…my plants got so tall that I was not able to provide enough PPDF to the lower stems (I need a bigger tent and better lighting…in time). As a result a caused light burn on the top leaves. Additionally, early in my grow I was using Mass Pro. That alone with amendments and I foliaged early with Foop. I believe the Foop and Mass Pro were too much for these plants to handle. Still rocking though…
Beautiful genetics the fastest germination I've ever seen in 19 years of growing. will be using cocoa core perlite and expert nutrients for this one can't wait to see what this beautiful seed will do .thank you fast buds for grate genetics please tune in for next week to see more. And if you're anything like Hunter s Thompson and life can never get weird enough. just keep in mind it's 420 somewhere
The little ones are developing well, unfortunately there are a few minor nutrient problems in the direction of Calmag with the Morello Cherries and also slight signs of this with the TerpyZ Punch. I counteracted this with a foliar spray. The pH value of the hydrosystem has unfortunately dropped a little to 5.5, which I have equalised with ph up from Plagron. The plants are currently getting light between 800-900 ppfd and as soon as the stretch starts, l'll increase this to 1000 ppfd. Both ladies are slowly starting to smell.
The little ones are developing well, unfortunately there are a few minor nutrient problems in the direction of Calmag with the Morello Cherries and also slight signs of this with the TerpyZ Punch. I counteracted this with a foliar spray. The pH value of the hydrosystem has unfortunately dropped a little to 5.5, which I have equalised with ph up from Plagron. The plants are currently getting light between 800-900 ppfd and as soon as the stretch starts, l'll increase this to 1000 ppfd. Both ladies are slowly starting to smell.
The little ones are developing well, unfortunately there are a few minor nutrient problems in the direction of Calmag with the Morello Cherries and also slight signs of this with the TerpyZ Punch. I counteracted this with a foliar spray. The pH value of the hydrosystem has unfortunately dropped a little to 5.5, which I have equalised with ph up from Plagron. The plants are currently getting light between 800-900 ppfd and as soon as the stretch starts, l'll increase this to 1000 ppfd. Both ladies are slowly starting to smell.
The little ones are developing well, unfortunately there are a few minor nutrient problems in the direction of Calmag with the Morello Cherries and also slight signs of this with the TerpyZ Punch. I counteracted this with a foliar spray. The pH value of the hydrosystem has unfortunately dropped a little to 5.5, which I have equalised with ph up from Plagron. The plants are currently getting light between 800-900 ppfd and as soon as the stretch starts, l'll increase this to 1000 ppfd. Both ladies are slowly starting to smell.
One week more. The two ladies have developed quite well in the last week and I have now defoliated them again. I think the yellow leaf tips are due to low humidity. The morello cherries auto in the soil also had a bit of bad news for me. There was a small bag of bananas, which I have removed for now and will continue to observe whether new ones appear. With a new cultivar, I can well imagine that it will be even more stable. Otherwise, the morello Cherrie flowers very fast and l'm a little surprised at the low stretch.
One week more. The two ladies have developed quite well in the last week and I have now defoliated them again. I think the yellow leaf tips are due to low humidity. The morello cherries auto in the soil also had a bit of bad news for me. There was a small bag of bananas, which I have removed for now and will continue to observe whether new ones appear. With a new cultivar, I can well imagine that it will be even more stable. Otherwise, the morello Cherrie flowers very fast and l'm a little surprised at the low stretch.