The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
This week I ll water with just rain water for a couple of times. Maybe I ll give it another week of feed after but not sure yet. It will depend of how they go. Smell is really intense. Special Lime Haze smells herbal and cheese.
Quick introduction: this is a grow sponsored by 3 sponsors = Barney Kid = Girl Scout Cookies = Bubba Island Kush And one I picked out myself to do = Sticky Zkittles Glue 💚
Day 53 of flower and she’s definitely approaching the end, as this strain runs for anywhere from 56-70 days. Odor is very strong with some serious gassy orange soda terps. Most all of the trichomes are still looking hazy to milky white. No amber showing yet except for on some of the sugar leaves, which should make for some nice heavy edibles once I process trim. Have been flushing for the last few weeks and will continue until harvest. Can’t wait to give this pretty lady the chop.
Day 45 --> Restart some light LST for the final weeks of Flowering. 🍇 Really intense aromas from stomper n GWK (like sour,sweet grape tannins). ⚠️ In this project we experimented with a super soil like mixture. Biobizz all mix was 65% of the mixture which 1/3 of it was placed on the bottom of the pot and the rest 2/3 was mixed with 35% Canna terra. About 10% perlite was added on the mix and it was sprayed with EM microorganisms (Soil activator). 🏁 The target is a tasty organic flower fed only with tap water and a slow release organic fertilizer(6-3-18) which being applied on the end of the 3rd week and, becomes available to the plants 7 days after. In our case which we transplanted on day 9, we used it on day 30(9+21) from seed. ℹ️ Facts Until the 3rd week plants were growing under LST with no problem (Day 17-19) was when preflower started). In the 4th week development slowed down and initially we though that was due to some drop of temp like midway veg in ➡️ (RQS fem induction). After days were passing and the development of the plants was not satisfying (even though the plants didn't show any symptoms of deficiency or environmental stress) we noticed shiny leaves and dark green colour starting from Stomper#1 which was the smallest plant and was the only one that had some visible burned tips on the leaves. GWK#2 was the only one that did not appear dark green colour or shiny leaves (like SS#1,#2 and GWK#1) but had drooping leaves without having overwatered her or noticing any issues.(Conditions on week 5 and 6 were a bit unstable as the weather got weird and we had high humidity and low temps). Reaching 7th week plant development continues to be average, stems of the most plants became dark red without having low temps inside the tent even though plants look a bit better after they were let to dry a bit more. 🔬 Symptoms 1)Dark shiny leaves 2)Slow growth 3)burn tips 4)Drooping leaves 5) Dark Red stems Matching the pieces of the puzzle we assume that we had NITROGEN TOXICITY and knowing that we do not use any liquid fertilizers it seems that our problem was that our super soil was too "hot" for our baby mephs. If our rooting system of our plants reached the final layer of soil( Biobizz all mix on the bottom of the pot) in the 4th week, it was when it had the highest availability of nitrogen. Availability that seem to be "too hot" for Sour stomper and Grape walker kush in early Flowering. Also in the last weeks we had cold weather so we had an electrical heater on increasing the temp of the room which led to higher temp and transpiration inside the tent.That being said it is likely that due to higher transpiration our plants let higher amount of N to enter the plant and that forced the plants to show us signs of it's toxicity. For a start we let the pots dry to reduce the nitrogen availability and then in Day 45 we water with 6,5 ph tap water + EM microorganisms (700ml each pot). ℹ️ Day 48 : Ideal humidity + temps and the plants have started to drink and eat a lot better the last days. After the second water (700ml) of the week yesterday (D47) with microorganisms only, we find the first signs of deficiency on Sour stomper #2 today. We were expecting this cause our dry fert has only (6-3-18) --> 3 phosphorus (slow release), so our leaves look like having phosphorus and calcium deficiency, we are thinking that the roots locked calcium too with the deficiency of P as these too are collaborating. - So we are going to feed all the plants with organic liquid fert. from Plagron - green sensation PK (9-10) starting with stomper#2. * Every plant in tent has its private watering schedule as the maturity and needs, have changed over the last week. - If the problem continues we'll consider a cal mag solution. * Will be appreciated any comments or same experiences!! Last updated --> Day 49 end of the week.
Been hard sourcing everything I have needed for this room with the current situation. Fortunatly everything seems to bouncing along and are comfortable in the new tent.
Pineapple Express leaves are all losing color at this point, she’s getting close. Not sure how much longer to let this one go... she’s on day 57. Online recommended harvest date says day 55-65. Trichomes appear cloudy to me already but she’s shooting new white pistils everyday. The bud that was pollinated appears to be the most done. Its sugar leaves are beginning to yellow. The other buds seem a few weeks behind this one, I’m still trying to wait so the seeds fully develop. I don’t want to chop her too soon and not have fully developed seeds. The other buds I am trying tic heck trich’s on. Berry white is chugging along still, it’s still not as far along as the others but appears to be more frosty even though she’s a small plant. Looking forward to seeing how she develops further... I suspect the buds on that plant to be very tight. Thanks for reading and happy growing! 👩‍🌾🏼 🌱
Pineapple Express leaves are all losing color at this point, she’s getting close. Not sure how much longer to let this one go... she’s on day 57. Online recommended harvest date says day 55-65. Trichomes appear cloudy to me already but she’s shooting new white pistils everyday. The bud that was pollinated appears to be the most done. Its sugar leaves are beginning to yellow. The other buds seem a few weeks behind this one, I’m still trying to wait so the seeds fully develop. I don’t want to chop her too soon and not have fully developed seeds. The other buds I am trying tic heck trich’s on. Berry white is chugging along still, it’s still not as far along as the others but appears to be more frosty even though she’s a small plant. Looking forward to seeing how she develops further... I suspect the buds on that plant to be very tight. Thanks for reading and happy growing! 👩‍🌾🏼 🌱
This is her second week since the start of 12/12. This week I'll be focusing on defoliation under the screen. This will be the last week I'll be pruning. I'll be taking just a bit off each day until Saturday (the start of her 3rd week). Not much stretch yet. Screen's almost full. Looking real good. Gnats seem all but eliminated and I'll water with some more bti this week. Pistols are starting to show up more. She looks real healthy. I'll foliar with Epsom tonight as I foresee a Mg deficiency soon. Today's the last day of week 2. Tonight I'll finish the trim under the screen although I got most everything already, water with bti and foliar with Epsom. Then it's pretty much hands off everything above the screen from now on.
Приветствую тебя в моем дневнике! Это мой первый гроурепорт и первое выращивание. И я буду очень рад, если проходящий мимо гораздо более опытный товарищ, даст свой совет, рекомендацию или просто комментарий. Ведь тогда мои шансы на успех вырастут. Спасибо заранее. Исходные данные: Придумал чем занять себя на самоизоляции, тем более что давно хотел за это взяться и выращивать самому, но нужен был толчок к этому. Быстренько набросал схемы, почитал форумы и приступил к делу. Собрал свой гроубокс, размеры: 200 см высота, ширина 100 см, глубина 70 см. Прекрасно понимаю, что мои условия не идеальны, но я исходил из того, чтобы собрать это самостоятельно и в короткие сроки, плюс я живу в небольшом городе и некоторые вещи нужно заказывать с доставкой. Гроубокс стоит на неотапливаемой лоджии. Вентиляция идет прямо на улицу. Пока на улице прохладно внутри стоит инфракрасный обогреватель с терморегулятором от теплого пола. Вдув воздуха в бокс пока пассивный. На выдув стоит вентилятор Вентс 125 с регулировкой оборотов. Электронный таймер для лампы, первую неделю стоит режим освещения в 24 часа. Есть гигрометр и увлажнитель на 4 литра. Лампа собрана из 3-х LED прожекторов 6400К, плюс 6 фитоламп и 4 бытовые LED лампы. 4 уровня освещения включаются сверху. Вентилятор направлен на обогреватель, чтобы равномерно распределять тепло. Горшок Airpot на 15 литров. Грунт: 65 земля + 20 кокоса +15 перлита. Вода из под крана 7.1 pH, 138 ppm. У отстоенной воды 37 ppm. Семечка заложена в горшок 3 апреля. 4 апреля сделал пролив горшка водой 1 литра: Отстоенная вода + Восток ЭМ-1 (1мл) + Фитоспорин (0,5 мл)+ Эпин Экстра (0,1 мл). 6 апреля посадил в горшок рядом семечку Авто АК47 (от Семяныча). 8 апреля был пролив водой с Восток ЭМ-1 (1мл). 11 апреля сделал свой CalMag на основе: сульфата магния и нитрата кальция. Пролил раствором с CalMag 2 мл + 1,5 мл янтарной кислоты + 0,1 мл циркона. Думаю буду теперь постоянно проливать с водой, под корень и по листу с CalMag 2 мл. Информация не вся, позже еще добавлю, если будут вопросы по условиям выращивания.
End of week 6 flower Time to flush I think She looks done already and I have had to string all the buds up as she was falling over There's a ton of bud on this plant Roll on the next couple of weeks
End of week 6 flower Looking delicious Flushing for the next week or two depending how quick she yellows up Though she looks ready
Okay so, dried my harvest and it's been curing for the last couple of weeks. Not to my surprise, this was a relatively low yielding harvest (still). The quality of the cannabis is excellent and already has a really smooth finish. However, in the future I would love to add some additional supplements in the flowering stage to boost her chances of being more fruitful. One thing I realized a little too late into flower, was that I should have added a larger quantity of fishbone meal earlier than I had and I believe that in general the plant could have used a P/K booster (which is what I am looking into for my next grows, along with humic acid). The plant filled in nicely but I would have loved for the internodal stacking to be greater and more dense.
Still fighting with pH. It was 5.5 when I add the plants, but when I check a few hours later, it's already above 6.5 Days 2: I trimmed the bottom fan leaves from Purple Kush to keep them off the ground. I also topped Purple Maroc. pH was still below 6 Day 4: Veg is gone wild..... I have been shoving the large fan leaves on the Autos underneath other branches to allow light in. Red Purps may get topped yet again. Day 6:. Switched autos to bloom nutrients. Added Purpanator to them. pH set to 5.5. Topped bottom and mid branches of Red Purps to keep canopy more even. Day 7: replaced CO2 generator.
Still fighting with pH. It was 5.5 when I add the plants, but when I check a few hours later, it's already above 6.5 Days 2: I trimmed the bottom fan leaves from Purple Kush to keep them off the ground. I also topped Purple Maroc. pH was still below 6 Day 4: Veg is gone wild..... I have been shoving the large fan leaves on the Autos underneath other branches to allow light in. Red Purps may get topped yet again. Day 6:. Switched autos to bloom nutrients. Added Purpanator to them. pH set to 5.5. Topped bottom and mid branches of Red Purps to keep canopy more even. Day 7: replaced CO2 generator.
Still fighting with pH. It was 5.5 when I add the plants, but when I check a few hours later, it's already above 6.5 Days 2: I trimmed the bottom fan leaves from Purple Kush to keep them off the ground. I also topped Purple Maroc. pH was still below 6 Day 4: Veg is gone wild..... I have been shoving the large fan leaves on the Autos underneath other branches to allow light in. Red Purps may get topped yet again. Day 6:. Switched autos to bloom nutrients. Added Purpanator to them. pH set to 5.5. Topped bottom and mid branches of Red Purps to keep canopy more even. Day 7: replaced CO2 generator.
Que pasa familia, ya estamos de vuelta, estás skunk huelen una barbaridad 10/10. Ya entramos en la recta final, se ve bien en el color amarillo de las hojas, que la propia planta chupa el alimento. Ph controlado temperatura y humedad están dentro de los parámetros, son una variedad con un porte Indico pero una floración algo más lenta, vaya puntas amigo, esas flores van a estar ricas. La semana que viene os vemos fumetillas, y sobre todo buenos humos.