This week they did more stretching as you can see the one on the left is into and above the light! I can't believe this but I'll role with it! I slowly defoliate just a little here and there between watering and filling the humidifiers. They really like to eat! Also, something to note that is they love the humidity as well as the warmth. I had to clean the outside of their grow bags this week. To my surprise the roots are starting to come out the bag! I can't believe it but this is awesome! Now they'll die due to contact with the air, and in return get bigger to take in even more nutrients! As predicted they fell off because their little pieces are on the floor. Well I fed and watered them daily. Like normal whenever I fed them either nutrients or soil amendments I made sure to water the plants with plain pH balanced H2O the next day in order to flush them. Then I would do any soil amendments if needed. After that plain pH balanced H20 and then you could do another fertilizer nutrient for them. After that pH balanced H20 and then you return to the soil amendments if needed. That way every other day you're feeding soil then pH balanced H20 then nutrients then pH balanced H20. This will allow you to monitor pH imbalances, nutrient burn, or any subtle changes you need to make you can catch it before it happens hopefully!