Week 8 Update: Transition to Flowering 🌸✨ 🌟 The Flowering Stage Begins 🌟 Welcome to Week 8! Big changes are happening in the grow room. This week marks the official switch from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage. With the light schedule now adjusted to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, the plants are entering the crucial phase where all the hard work of vegetative growth will start to pay off in the form of buds. 🌼 Flowering Transition 🌼 Light Schedule: The light schedule has been reduced to 12 hours on and 12 hours off, which signals the plants to begin flowering. I'm aiming to maintain a Daily Light Integral (DLI) of around 40 to optimize bud development. Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze 🌞 Responding quickly to the light change, with the first signs of pre-flower pistils emerging. The even canopy from LST will help the plant distribute energy effectively to multiple bud sites. Humboldt Seed Bubba Kush 🌿 This compact, bushy plant is beginning to show signs of entering the flowering stage. Its strong structure is set to support what should be a dense, resinous bud formation. Blueberry Muffin 🥞 Continuing to exhibit robust growth, with the first signs of transition into flowering. The dense frame developed during veg should result in a productive flowering stage. 🌱 Continuing Care 🌱 As the plants transition, I'll be adjusting their care to support this new phase: Nutrient Adjustment: Shifting to a flowering-focused nutrient schedule with increased phosphorus and potassium to support bud formation, while gradually reducing nitrogen. Environmental Control: Monitoring and adjusting temperature and humidity to ideal levels for flowering, ensuring the environment promotes healthy bud development. Training & Defoliation: Continuing LST and selective defoliation to maintain an even canopy and improve light penetration to lower bud sites. 🌸 Looking Forward 🌸 The plants are now in the flowering stage, and this is where the real magic happens. Over the next few weeks, we'll start to see bud sites develop and eventually swell into full, aromatic flowers. I'll be closely monitoring the plants to ensure they have everything they need for a successful bloom. Stay tuned for next week's update as we dive deeper into the flowering phase! Happy growing! 🌸💚
Would definitely recommend for an easy grow. Takes forever due to 100% sativa genetics but well worth the grow. Smells just like cannalopes with a hint of cocoa and a strong dank/sour odor. High is fantastic starting and feeling heaviest right behind the eyes/sinuses. Spreads to extremities in a slight relax feeling. The taste and smell of the smoke is extremely smooth and tastes like the sour + cantaloupes. The buds have a lot of shades of green but are predominantly dark covered in crystals. Smell isn’t extremely strong in bag but once buds begin breaking apart it is almost unbearable and resin makes it hard to break apart by hand do grinder is needed.
really easy to grow. Had some issues in the begging being underfed and low ph issues. But still grew through all the struggles. Wasnt the biggest yield but wasn't the biggest plant. So wasn't expecting truly much. The purple pheno gave me a zip and half about. The other green one gave me a zip dry. Both smell lovely and can't wait. Will come back next week or so to update smoke report. Also fixing to make cannabutter from some of this can not wait ^_^ . Will grow it again but in a bigger pot maybe.
шишка с новой причёской! появился хороший запах,и так как системный блок дует на шишку,а завехрения воздуха направлены на монитор-запах просто потресающий,обожаю как пахнет растишка)
Esta es mi primer planta que cosechó con éxito, y estoy muy feliz con mi resultado final 😄 obtuve una muy buena cantidad de flores premium con alrededor de 15% de thc (desde mi punto de vista claro 😅) Tuve algunos problemas durante el cultivo, principalmente que deje que se estirara mucho, debi hacerle LST a la punta principal para que no siguiera aumentando la altura y tener más flores del mismo tamaño, las flores más bajas quedaron chicas y les faltó madurar un poco, también tuve problemas de sobrefertilizacion aun a pesar de que seguí las instituciones de los fertilizantes y de sus indicaciones que me dieron los de servicio al cliente, incluso ya teniendo en cuenta eso siempre use la menos de la dosis de la base ya hasta que crecieron más le fui aumentando, igual creo que es muy cierto lo que dicen de que “menos es más” a la próxima empezaré usando muy pocos nutrientes, aparte creo que si hubiera usado unos leds más potentes, las plantas hubieran aprovechado más los nutrientes, pero igual me sirvió de experiencia, pienso cultivar de nuevo esta genética y sacarle más provecho. Muy recomendada 👌🏻😁
Crystal meth esta asi... Creo que puede ser pulgon, pero a las demás plantas estan bien, esta en coco en 15L y riego 500ml cada 48h aprox, puede que se me hayan podrido las raizes por poca/mucha humedad? El indoor suele estar por 30°c y 50/60 %rh , ahora esta en 24° Finalmente ha muerto Crystal meth... Nose si volvere a probarla, desde pequeña dio problemas y era demasiado espigada para mis gustos y recursos.. Una de las 4 Blackberrys de fastbuds se ve enorme y esta empezamdo a engordar creo, hojas púrpuras, creo que será la mas productora, la tengo em un armario aparte ella sola con olantas mas bajas con una marshydro ts600 que le penetra perfectamente en todas las ramas
Hello Guys, Hope you are doing good. It's now over, The flush was done and it was time for harvest. It took me around 2 to 3 hours to cut and do the wet trimming. I removed all the soil to check the roots and was surprise by the size some were very big like huge pipeline of nutrients. I have tested a bit but it's under curring and I can taste her best only in few weeks. Hope you enjoyed my grow. Take care all and remember to grow your own. Sawyer
All cut and hanging. I don't weigh wet buds will have pics and weights soon as its all dried pre and post final trim. If I woulda left it a little longer I coulda brought out much more color but even so there are purples and reds and 10 different color greens. Headband might have taken the award for density away from the enemy's dream. The headband and critical purp both had some purple. Can't wait to smoke em all. Happy to get the first filled to capacity run in my room fully set up and anxious to start the next.
smoke is really good.strong taste and effect that you feel imideately.some times i catch a good paranoia with this strain.good psy effect. maybe it cause 11/13 light cycle. few hours after smoke good to sleep or eat smth good.not for day smoking.somy buds i stored in vacuum bags they very dense after this
Final Report: Grow: The plants has grown very beautiful and healty without pests and diseases. They grown bushy and with medium height during the vegetative stage. I had try to use LST in third veg week but i did't made correctly and after that i dicided to return to grown normally without any particolar tecnique. I used a littel more fertilizer then mine usual and that made the plants grown fast without any problem. In the first two weeks of flowering stage the plants started grow taller and the number of the branches increase, in this phase i only defoliated when the fan leaves turn yellow in late stage. Form the start to the end the flowers grown dense and bigger every day and this time i waited until almost all of them were mature before harvest the plants. I changed the plants from one grow room to another(in the sixth week) when they became too high and they couldn't stay more in the smaller grow box(nothing changed in the enviroment between the two boxes). Equipment and grow box: The enviorment of grow box has been optimized every stage with the right temperature, umidity and air flow. Vegetative temp/umidity --> 23-29 °C/45-55% Flowering temp/umidity --> 20-26 °C/40-50% The air flow was created by two pc fans and one big fan. Harvest: This time i harvest a big numeber of beautifull dense buds and i just discarde only few fluffy buds in the lower branches. The result of this grow is amezing compared to my old expiriences. I harvested the flower and i made a fast curing process after i washed the crop and i let them to dry with a fan on it. After five days a take the branches which were to dry and i did the final trimmig before put all the harvest in a open jar for finishing to dry. I collected all the leaves, fluffy buds and trimming scraps in a bag and i let them dry. Later i put the bag in the freezer and when i collect and dried all the scraps from OG Kush and Dandoverde Haze i did some Ice-O-Lator hash. I used 250g of trimming stuff and i made 11.50 g of hash, I had use a set of 5 bag and i take the resin from the 160µ - 120µ - 73µ- 25µ bags. I pressed all the resin in a great block of tasty strong hash. Always better every time 😊💪 Total harvest ---> 90g only of dense buds and 11.50g of hash.
Final Report: Grow: The plants has grown very beautiful and healty without pests and diseases. They grown bushy and with medium height during all the life cycle. I had try to use LST in third veg week but i did't made correctly and after that i dicided to return to grown normally without any particolar tecnique. I used a littel more fertilizer then mine usual and that made the plants grown fast with only a littel bit of leaf margin burn which I solved by decreasing the quantity. In the first two weeks of flowering stage the plants started grow not to very tall (except for one) and the number of the branches increase, in this phase i only defoliated when the fan leaves turn yellow in late stage. During all flowering stage the flowers grown but they remained very soft, they turned dense and bigger in the last weeks and this time i waited until almost all of them were mature before harvest the plants(I waited a littel more respect OG Kush CBD). I changed the taller plant from one grow room to another(in the sixth week) when she became too high and she couldn't stay more in the smaller grow box(nothing changed in the enviroment between the two boxes). Equipment and grow box: The enviorment of grow box has been optimized every stage with the right temperature, umidity and air flow. Vegetative temp/umidity --> 23-29 °C/45-55% Flowering temp/umidity --> 20-26 °C/40-50% The air flow was created by two pc fans and one big fan. Harvest: This time the plants were full of dense buds but the lower branches had many fluffy flowers(i used them to make some hash) but the result not change too much . The result of this grow is amezing compared to my old expiriences. I harvested the flower and i made a fast curing process after i washed the crop and i let them to dry with a fan on it. After five days a take the branches which were to dry and i did the final trimmig before put all the harvest in a open jar for finishing to dry. I collected all the leaves, fluffy buds and trimming scraps in a bag and i let them dry. I harvested the taller plant before the other two because she had matured earlier(with the OG Kush ladies). Later i put the bag in the freezer and when i collect and dried all the scraps from OG Kush and Dandoverde Haze i did some Ice-O-Lator hash. I used 250g of trimming stuff and i made 11.50 g of hash, I had use a set of 5 bag and i take the resin from the 160µ - 120µ - 73µ- 25µ bags. I pressed all the resin in a great block of tasty strong hash. Always better every time 😊💪 Total harvest ---> 126g only of dense buds and 11.50g of hash.
2 feet high by 20" wide. Watering daily, little less than a liter. PH still coming in close to 7, (+/- 0.3) Never over-water, have kept soil moist since seedling, letting it dry overnight. Always mix 0,50 ml / 1 L