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Très content de la voir en bonne santé après les premières semaines où elle avait la mine bas. J’ai ajouté un mars hydro ts600 pour un meilleur éclairage étant donné que la Amnesia s’étire vraiment plus que les autres .
Starting the week healthy after a week of recovering from nuit burn. Strong growth continues and added a 3000W LED in the middle. Lights as far up as possible and raised the reflective curtain to capture the escaping light. The tallest tops do not appreciate the speed two of the fans. Lowered to speed one and added an oscillating fan to move air below the canopy.
Den 78 - proplach samonakvétaček ph 5.8 ec 0.36 Celoročky pohnojeny ph 6.2 ec 2.1 Den 79 - kontrola proběhla v pořádku Den 80 - kontrola mikroskopem,trichomy mléčné Den 81- hnojení ph 6,2 ec 2.1 Proplach - ph 5.8 - ec 0.4 Den 82 - good work Den 83 - jedeme dále Den 84 -hnojení ph 6,2 ec 2,1 Proplach ph 5,8 ec 0,36 Den 85. sklízení vrchů Blackberry gum auto - 247 g mokrého Brooklyn Sunrise auto - 154 g mokrého
420FASTBUDS ORT2109 WEEK 7 The pair of these beautiful girls continue to surprise me every week. I give them a once over and look and the leafs for a weekly inspection to make sure all's well. The both have many flower sites showing up and I decided to do a mild defoliation to allow the plants energy to be focused on the upper sites. Over all I'll continue feeding them they way I have been with 2liters of water/nutes every 2-3days. Happy Growing
D68 (28/01/2021): First official day of week 6 in bloom and first official day (second in reality) of pre harvest flush. The smell is strong when I open the tent! It does not take long for the whole room to smell dank and even outside the room. - temp: 24-25C light ON ; 20-22C light OFF - no water - RH: 49-52% light ON ; 49-50% light OFF D69 (29/01/2021): I did a first proper flush today by running approximately 2.5 gallons of water trough the medium. There is still a lot of nutrients in the medium. I might do the exact same flush tomorrow. The PH of the run off is high (around PH7-7.1). This is an other reason to flush again tomorrow. I also reduced the light ON schedule by two hours. So now 18h hours ON and 6 hours OFF. I will continue reducing the ON period until they are ready for a complete dark period. I also try to reduce the air temperature. - temp: 24-25C light ON ; 19-20C light OFF - water: PH6.4, 135PPM, 2.5 gallons each - run off: PH7 and 680PPM for Glue Gelato ; PH7.1 and 560PPM for Banana Kush - RH: 47% light ON ; 48-53% light OFF D70 (30/01/2021): I did a second flush since I was not satisfied with run off PPM of yesterday. Today, the run off PPM is under 300 which is what I wanted. The run off PH is still high with 7.1. Banana Kush is ripening with the pistils slowly turning brown. Glue Gelato look sooooo yummy and I can't wait to harvest it. There is a small color change in some leaves but I'm expecting more in the next days. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 19C light OFF - water: PH6.4, 125PPM, 2.5 gallons each - run off: PH7.1 and 260PPM for Glue Gelato ; PH7.1 and 250PPM for Banana Kush - RH: 46% light ON ; 46-48% light OFF D71 (31/01/2021): Glue Gelato is changing color. I'm checking trichomes everyday on both girls and no amber yet. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 19C light OFF - no water - RH: 45% light ON ; 49-50% light OFF D72 (01/02/2021): Well well well...the clock is ticking for those girls. Glue Gelato is now having a couple of amber trichomes. Banana Kush don't have any. Overall Banana Kush has less trichomes and fluffier buds. This girls is not ready yet but I will need to chop her down at the same time has the Glue Gelato because my drying space is the tent I'm growing in. I will try to push the Banana Kush to ripen faster by lifting up the lamp at 16 inches from top bud and by reducing of 2 hours the day period for a 16 hours light ON and 8 hours light OFF. But at least all Banana Kush trichomes looks milky. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 18-19C light OFF - water: PH6.2, 123PPM, less then a gallon each - run off: PH7.4 and 200PPM for Glue Gelato ; PH7.4 and 287PPM for Banana Kush - RH: 45% light ON ; 40-45% light OFF D73 (02/02/2021): I gave water probably for the last time today. Trichomes on Glue Gelato are starting to amber on top buds. Not a lot of amber but you can see that all the trichomes are starting to degrade by curling down slowly. Trichomes on Banana Kush are not amber at all but they all look milky. Glue Gelato is ready to harvest but Banana Kush need more time. It's tough to make a decision to chop or not since they are not at the same stage of growth. I want to place them in a complete 48 hours of darkness before harvest. 1h less light today for a 15h light ON and 9h light OFF. The lamps are now at 20 inches. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 18-19C light OFF - water: less then a gallon each - RH: 45% light ON ; 40-45% light OFF D74 (03/02/2021): Glue Gelato is ready for 48h of darkness. I will take her out of the tent and place her in an other room without light. I will try to maintain a proper environment in this room and if it smells to strong or if the condition are not good I will replace her in the tent and both will start the 48h darkness. The idea is to give Banana Kush 2 more days to ripe and swoll more. After 48h, I will chop Glue Gelato and place her in the tent to start drying. Banana Kush will then start her 48h darkness. I don't know if this strategy is good but I will monitor everything closely and react if something is wrong. - temp: 22-23C light ON ; 19C light OFF - no water - RH: 47% light ON ; 43-45% light OFF
Primo giorno della seconda settimana, Oggi ho ricevuto per posta cocos a e b, e abbassa pH e misuratore di pH. Ho subito provveduto subito a dare acqua con pH giusto per la prima volta. Fortunatamente tutte le piantine a parte una godono di una meravigliosa salute. Una sola ha mostrato due piccole macchie gialle sui bordi foglie , penso sia dovuto a pH sbagliato dei giorni scorsi. Vedrò cosa succede nei prossimi giorni. 27 gennaio 2 dei 4 pannelli led della lampada si sono bruciati. Venerdì arriverà una nuova lampada . Ho preso una niello 1200w con creecob , sarei contento di sapere se qualcuno la usa come si trova , o comunque di ricevere qualche info in più. 9 giorno mentre attendo la nuova lampada led, le piante continuano a crescere. Giorno 10 arrivata la nuova lampada da 1200w della niello dopo un paio di ore di accensione le piante sembrano gradire. Ho ancora molti dubbi sulla quantità di acqua da dare e ogni quanto ma sto studiando per il capirlo meglio. Ultimo giorno di questa seconda settimana. Le piantine sembrano crescere bene tranne una. È rimasta piccola e con foglie verde scuro. Ho letto tantissime cose sulle varie cause, troppo azoto, troppa acqua etc . L ho trapiantata in un nuovo caso con nuovo terriccio e trattata con una doppia dose di radici di potere, ed enzimi speriamo si riprenda.
Been flowering very well. Acquiring a nice smell but still weak. Reduced nutrition level a bit. Plant is showing almost a bit too much nitrogen. It has been a hungry auto though. Thanks again for likes and follows. Support means a lot. Happy growing
Well for how I messed up the early weeks of this plants life I was rather surprised by final weight. Buds are hard and dense with hidden colors all about in light. Just started curing. Gonna be making another attempt at this strain soon. Thanks again fast buds. Your team is the best. 5 stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ If looking to purchase seeds follow the link please here.
Una cepa muy estable , muy semejante entre las 4 que cultive, venía ya probando la que coseche con anterioridad y vaya que exquisita variedad muy recomendable, en las foto no está el peso de la cosechada con anterioridad pero sume sus gramos al peso final, muy contento, me gustan estos cultivos fuertes y estables 💪👌✌️🍀
Una cepa muy estable , muy semejante entre las 4 que cultive, venía ya probando la que coseche con anterioridad y vaya que exquisita variedad muy recomendable, en las foto no está el peso de la cosechada con anterioridad pero sume sus gramos al peso final, muy contento, me gustan estos cultivos fuertes y estables 💪👌✌️🍀
Hectic week. Had some plumbing issues in the house so sorry for late update but the cal mag seems to be working. Last week I add any Nutes. It will be just flushing for the next two weeks. Left plant is maturing at a faster rate but nothing we cant handle! Really looking forward to Harvest time!
Started the flush about 5 days ago and been working on using up nutrition in plant. Plant showing signs of nitrogen level lowering and working on closing out in next 7 to 10 days. 1 more update prior to harvest. Thanks again for likes and follows. Special thanks to fastbuds. Happy growing