at the moment, in the stage of drying, I was stunned by the fact that this stem is like a stone, it is unbearably hard and dense, it took me a while to cut it off at the root. Faced with a small problem associated with low temperature in the box, after the light stopped working, I didn’t even think about it, at the moment the temperature in the box is 13 to 16 degrees Celsius, I believe that this is a very low temperature I can guess that the drying and curing stage will take a long time, and as far as I was put on course, the mold probability is also possible. doses in irrigation, and in the last three days I didn’t irrigate at all, having dried one lump with a quick method, I was impressed with a smoky and very pungent smell, in general I want to say that the variety is excellent and I advise the Haze family! Easy to grow and very resistant to diseases, since this is my first experience I don’t have much to compare with, well, as for me, my first row turns out quite well, I plan to upgrade in the future, by the way, the harvest itself was spent deep at night since I read that do it best at night before turning on the light.