AUTO MOON ROCK / DIVINE SEEDS Week #13 OVERALL WEEK #8 FLOWER This week we are getting close to harvest you can see the plant has a crazy fade already going on. Buds are getting denser and super sticky. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU DIVINE SEEDS!! AUTO MOON ROCK / DIVINE SEEDS
Srr tree art of week 3 for seed bearing and week 4 for pollen Donor timming looks good!! BALLS!! Middle week 3 of flower we got balls and sign of pollination already!! Last STS spray done!! Oh ya we got balls and signs of pollination
Week 3 - It’s Friday again, and that means a new update! Today’s update comes a little earlier, at least in terms of time. It’s been an exciting and eventful week in the grow tent, with a lot of progress and key changes taking place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Growing Parameters -Humidity: 60%, reduced to 50-55% today -VPD: Max 1.4 -Airflow: Always active at level 1, auto-adjusts when needed -Day Temperature: 25-26°C -Night Temperature: 22°C -Light Cycle: 20 hours light / 4 hours dark -Lamp: IONBOARD S24 from AC Infinity (240W) Watering Schedule: -Day 14: 600ml -Day 16: 600ml -Day 18: 700ml (with full BioBizz nutrient dosage) -Day 21: 1 liter -Nutrients are applied with every watering Light Adjustments: -Started at 60 cm distance, intensity level 6 -Increased to 75 cm distance, reduced intensity to encourage stretching -After pre-flowering began, gradually reduced distance and increased intensity: -70 cm distance, intensity level 7 -65 cm distance, intensity level 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watering and Nutrient Adjustments On Day 14, I increased the watering amount to 600ml per plant, marking the beginning of more intensive care. Alongside this, I started regulating the water’s pH to 6.5 to ensure the plants were receiving the best conditions for growth. At this stage, I also introduced nutrients into the watering routine, but I began cautiously, using only half of the recommended dosage of BioBizz nutrients to see how the plants would react. By Day 16, the plants received another 600ml of water, and since they responded well to the first dose of nutrients, I increased the nutrient concentration to 3/4 of the recommended dose. The plants continued to thrive with no signs of stress, and they appeared to be absorbing both water and nutrients efficiently. On Day 18, I increased the watering amount again, this time to 700ml per plant, while applying the full BioBizz nutrient dosage for the first time. The plants showed no adverse reactions, and the soil remained moist even 48 hours after watering, indicating the plants were getting sufficient hydration without any issues. As we progressed through the week, I established a pattern of watering the plants 2-3 times per week, depending on how quickly the soil dried out. I’ve continued to use the full nutrient dosage with every watering, as the plants are now in a more advanced stage of growth and require more resources to support their development. On Day 21, after closely monitoring the moisture levels, I decided to increase the water amount to 1 liter per plant for the first time. This adjustment came at an ideal moment, as the plants are now in the pre-flowering stage and seem to be taking up more water and nutrients. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting Light Intensity and Encouraging Stretching At the end of last week, the light was set at 60 cm distance, but the plants appeared shorter than expected. To encourage vertical growth and stretching, I decided to increase the distance to 75 cm and reduce the light intensity. The goal was to stimulate the plants to reach upwards. This adjustment seemed to work well, as I noticed increased height in the plants as they stretched toward the light. However, once pre-flowering began around Day 18, I shifted the strategy. I started gradually reducing the light distance and increasing the intensity to optimize conditions for the flowering phase: After the plants stretched, I reduced the distance from 75 cm to 70 cm and increased the intensity to level 7 Finally, I lowered the light to 65 cm and increased the intensity to level 8 These changes were made over 24-hour intervals to ensure the plants adapted smoothly. They responded positively to the adjustments, with no signs of light stress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signs of Pre-flowering and First Scent On Day 18, I noticed the first signs of pre-flowering. Several plants have begun to show small pistils, indicating that they are transitioning into the next phase of their life cycle. This timing aligned well with the increase in water and nutrients, ensuring the plants have everything they need to support their upcoming flowering stage. In addition, over the last 3-4 days, I’ve begun to notice a distinct smell when opening the tent. As a beginner, I’m still not sure if this is the smell of cannabis itself or just the scent of young plants in general. Since this is not only my first time growing cannabis, but also my first real interaction with it, I find myself a bit uncertain and naïve when it comes to identifying the typical smell. So far, I can’t really tell the difference in smell between the Gorilla Cookies and Amnesia Zkittlez plants. However, I am noticing the first differences in growth behavior. While the Gorilla Cookies had a height advantage at the beginning of the week, the two previously smaller Amnesia Zkittlez plants have now outgrown it. The Gorilla Cookies is growing more bushy and compact, while the Amnesia Zkittlez is starting to spread outward and gain height. It’s interesting to see these early variations between the strains as they move into the pre-flowering stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Reflections and Lessons Learned It’s fascinating to see how much I’ve learned in just a few weeks of growing. Every adjustment—whether it’s with the light intensity or watering—has a direct impact on the plants, and I’ve become more aware of how sensitive they can be to their environment. As a beginner, it’s exciting to realize how flexible the plants are in adapting to the different conditions I’m testing out. The responses to the light adjustments, in particular, have shown me how much control I can have over the plant’s development, even with small changes. This journey has been a humbling experience, reminding me that growing plants isn’t just about following steps, but also about observing and learning from the plants themselves. Every day brings new insights and challenges, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see these changes reflected in the health and growth of the plants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking Ahead In the next week, I’ll continue to monitor the pre-flowering phase closely. I expect the water and nutrient demands to increase even more as the plants transition into full flowering, so I’m preparing to increase the watering amount to 1.2 liters per plant soon. I’ll also be keeping an eye on the structure of the plants, especially the differences between the Gorilla Cookies and Amnesia Zkittlez. I may begin defoliating some of the lower leaves to give the plants more room to breathe and allow light to penetrate deeper into the canopy. There’s a lot of excitement ahead as the flowering phase approaches, and I’m eager to see how the plants respond to these new stages of growth. I’ll also be paying attention to how the aroma develops, as this will be another clear sign of progress! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion As I wrap up this week’s update, I’m excited to see how the plants will continue to develop, especially as they enter the flowering stage. With each passing day, I’m learning more about their needs and how small changes in the environment can have a big impact. The next week will be crucial as I adjust the watering and nutrient amounts to match their increased demands. I’m also looking forward to seeing how the differences between the Gorilla Cookies and Amnesia Zkittlez strains evolve in both structure and aroma. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions, feel free to leave a comment—I’m always open to learning from others and improving along the way. Let’s grow together, and I can’t wait to share next week’s progress with you all!
I tested out the Aurora Generation 2. i started off with the seeds in a shot glass for a day, then moved to Aurora Generation 2. By the next day they had all popped. Moved to the medium on the 27th. these pics are from the first of July.
9/17 Didn't know this was a new week or I would've taken more pictures. I'm glad I took those two plants. As it dries and I start to trim I could see where it could've turned to rot real easy. It rained enough last night to soak all the girls. The two bottoms I harvest look like the have pm on them. If so I'll wash it or through it in the concentrate bag. Found a few colas a dropped which will go in the concentrate bag. Scoping the toasted toffy and the event horizon and the both look AMAZING! I've scoped the others and I'm extremely impressed. They may be difficult to grow strains but they have high cannabinoid content. The sherb cream pie has really come to life and turned totally purple with beautiful flowers. The girl in the 50 has several soda can sized buds. I hope this weather holds up. I don't like flowers this size getting wet. The sativa leaning hydrid us the only one I may have trouble with. It's only in a 10 gal but it's enormous! If needed I coyld bring it inside at night. The buds look like cat tails. I'm used to growing indica dominant strains. Plant us super healthy though. I'll be intrigued jail for a while and I've gotta make contact with whoever is going to do my extracts. I'll keep this updated. It's a lot of work bur it's worth it. 9/18 WATERED EVERYTHING I GALLON BUT THE BOTTOMS OF THE 2ND EV AND THE TT WHICH EACH GOT A HALF. Since harvest I've noticed some pm spring up on the toasted toffy. Looking at the other event horizon through a scope the trichs are all milky with some amber. I'm just waiting for A LITTLE more amber. And for me to have time and or room. I decided to harvest the tops and majority of one of my event horizon and toasted toffy. Today during an inspection I found a couple grey mold branches and some botrytis on my big GMO on the back. This plant is done. It's by far the furyhest ahead. Septoria effected the yield a little but pistols were retracted and amber was at like 10%. I thought about it and I watched the plant next to it with the pm have a branch I supported just "slough off". Right in my face. I figured if there was a sign tjis was it. I cut that rot off and put the buds from the branch in a bag and froze them then I went around and harvested the limbs on the other plant that were furyhest along. I took about half of it. I could've taken more and maybe I should've but I'm tired. I also noticed a couple spots of grey mold on the plant in the 50. All the leaves were falling off. I finally scoped it and it was right whetr I wanted it to be. Looking at the colors I'm glad I spent so much time the past few days. That one I hung whole. The sherb cream pie has something eating the fresy shoots (probably ear wigs. But the buds are fattening and the trichs aren't quite there. I'm going to let the rest of this stuff go ad long as possible. With the exception of the other event horizon. I finally tried it. It's fucking killer. I could take that plant now. The only reason I'm not is because I have to much work on my husband's as is. I'll do some videos amd pictures but I'm tired as fuck. Got to try event horizon. Very fucking impressed! 9/19 The past 3 days I've been working 5 a.m. to dark. I went back and harvested the bottoms of the toasted toffy and event horizon 1. After injury from harvest they contracted wpm. I used this as a learning experience and put some away in the freezer for concentrates and used a peroxide and water bucket. That's what kills the p.m. anyway. I hung them and they spun in the wind. I blew them lightly with a leaf blower before putting them ok strings I had previously setup with a fan in front of it. I kicked ass today. Toasted toffy got sampled and did NOT disappoint. I had it in a jar though and it was green so I'm not counting this. I do have some dry. I have indoor left too. Like in the video that one GMO looks like it's fucking dying or something. I'd rather cut it and use it for concentrates if it effects my healthy plants. I just checked on that plant in the 50 I hung. It looks amazing under the scope and smells better. Decisions, decisions. I do have a few calls I should make sooner rather than later. We are supposed to be getting rain. 9/20 The past 3 days have been hard. The wife's medical stuff is acting up and I had to tend to harvesting a few. My whole body hurts. I even did my first bud wash yesterday! The ev and tt I took and left some buds on ended up covered in pm. So I decided fuck it and tried bud washing. I also froze some for extracts. Speaking of which I need to male contact with whoever I'm going with this year because I think I've reached the point of diminishing returns on that dieing GMO. When it comes to grey mold and botrytis I don't fuck around. Winds are really high today. Putting the scope to the sherb pie is making me second guess myself too. Oh well. It's not going to rain today. And if needed I can move them in the barn. If I get ahold of Mt processor I'll chop that GMO and bring it right there. The other thing is that I've got tons of weed and a lot of its hanging so I've gotta find someone that will do a batch of live rosin then like a elbow of dry. This is the best part of the year. We'll It's supposed to be. Cutting down good plants us bittersweet. I don't mind chopping that one gmo a little early though because it's close to hitting the point of no return. That little sativa dominant hybrid in the ten is HUGE! The buds are swelling like crazy too. It's got a COUPLE septoria spots but this thing is resilient and easy to move around. This will finish perfectly. So far I'm happy with what I have. I'm GRATEFUL. The two September plants I tried were GREAT. A 90/10 and an 80/20 and they both suprised me and got me exactly whete I wanted to be. I'll keep things updated. I did a video I'll upload
Transplanted into a 2 gallon for veg cycle. Topped and put some bud clip trainers on mains. Smells skunky and sweet already.
Nach wie vor nahe zu täglich mit knapp 200ml gegossen pro Pflanze. Heute sind mir die leicht nach oben gewölbten Blätter aufgefallen, hab die Lichtstärke um 25% erhöht auf 50%, Abstand blieb bei 25cm (Hersteller Angaben)
I'm expecting at least another week on the hubba bubba as it's getting nice and thick, and I haven't noticed any new pistols form in a few days. The ABxRKO is still trucking, and it makes me excited for the next drop that tree1four did. It smells heavy on the burger side, but not super meaty. It has a slightly sweet gassy meaty smell to it.
Today marks the first week of flowering for my cannabis plant, and I’m thrilled with how it's progressing. The structure is already quite large, and the plant looks strong and sturdy. It’s stretching a lot now, growing taller each day, which is an exciting sign. I can really see the difference compared to just a week ago. I can see the early signs of flowering, and I’m eager to see how the buds develop over the coming weeks. The stretch during this phase is incredible, and I’m curious to see how tall it will eventually get. This plant is really coming into its own, and I can't wait to watch its progress. Feeling optimistic about the upcoming weeks!💚🌱
MIMOSA ZKITTLEZ FF/ GANJA FARMER WEEK #15 OVERALL WEEK #5 FLOWER This lady is a beast 💪 she's c completely taken over the tent she's about 4 inches from the light I mean she's just about as much plant as you can get into a small ⛺️ impressed with the genetics of this strain hearty and a strong 💪 plant she's producing nice looking buds!! Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU GANJA FARMER!! BUDTRAINER.COM BUD CLIPS MIMOSA ZKITTLEZ FF / GANJA FARMER
Perfect Growth but the weather is Not amanzing And the temperatures are constantly dropping I hope that the season will end we
APRICOT GORILLA AUTO / GANJA FARMER HARVEST WEEK This lady produces golf sized trichome covered buds that had a sweet aroma to her. She's a nice smooth smoke not heavy at all light notes with this lady. Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU GANJA FARMER!! APRICOT GORILLA AUTO / GANJA FARMER