Gracias al equipo de Anesia Seeds y Marshydro, sin ellos esto no seria posible. 🍁💐 Indigo Sapphire: Entra en el reino de la potencia sin igual con Indigo Sapphire. Esta belleza celestial es el vástago de la poderosa Imperium X y la encantadora Violet Fog, creando una cepa feminizada que está realmente fuera de este mundo. Con una composición genética 60% Indica y 40% Sativa, Indigo Sapphire es tu billete a una galaxia de felicidad y creatividad sin límites. Su linaje de Imperium X aporta una serie de efectos positivos, eufóricos y de expansión sensorial, junto con una intensa relajación y una inyección de energía creativa. Por su parte, Violet Fog aporta un subidón brumoso y embriagador, perfecto para relajarse en una profunda sedación física y mental. Prepárate para una cosecha abundante con la Indigo Sapphire, que produce hasta 600g/m² en interior y unos astronómicos 900 - 1200 g/planta en exterior. Esta cepa se dispara desde la germinación hasta la floración en sólo 60 - 65 días, con un tiempo de cosecha al aire libre a principios de octubre. Tanto si cultivas en interior como en exterior, la Indigo Sapphire alcanza alturas impresionantes de 100-140 cm en interior y 160-220 cm en exterior, lo que la convierte en una opción versátil para cualquier espacio de cultivo. 🚀🌻 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. Consigue aqui tu Adlite: 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 5: Una vez terminada la fase de estiramiento dedican todo su esfuerzo a crear nuevos pistilos y resina, es hora de engordar estos futuros cogollos. La carpa esta totalmente cubierta gracias al FC-6500 y los Adlite de Marshydro, se nota la floración mas avanzada que otras veces y con una mayor densidad. Continuo con las dosis de nutrientes recomendadas por XpertNutrients
Day 71, 19.06.2024 As the new and possibly last week of blooming arrives I am looking at two ladies, that behaved quite well during the last weeks. They grew close and it will be a shame to cut them down in the end. However, what must be done, must be done right? Today there will be the second to last nutrition intake for them. I decided to cut the BioBizz Grow and CalMag completely so they will receive 600ml of 4/4ml (Bloom/TopMax) later today. Also today I saw the first amber trichomes through my pocket microscope. But not enough yet - maybe I will stop feeding nutes after todays "last supper" and start flushing... Day 72, 20.06.2024 No action today. Day 73, 21.06.2024 600ml of water each - no nutes. I think it might be the big finale. I am thinking about harvest next and watching a lot of YouTube about that topic 😂 Day 74, 22.06.2024 No action on the plants but to give them a check up. I finally see the first amber trichomes on both of the plants, woohoo 🙌 Removed 3-5 fan leafs that were starting to get yellow. Time to make up a plan for the harvest I guess! Currently the plan is - to do harvest in 4 days from today in the evening (Wednesday, 26.06. ~1700). - I stop watering immediately - no more soup for you! Maybe I did not do flushing long enough, but my hope is that using organic fertilizer eases the effects - I will not switch off the lights on Monday at 1100 (like usual). Instead I will keep it on until 1700 - then switch them off completely. - 48h later on Wednesday I will harvest I do all this to inflict stress to the ladies. Stress by low water, stress by longer light followed by stress due to no light at all. All this will hopefully lead the plants to 1. produce more trichomes as a defensive reaction and build up bud mass 2. urges the plant to process as much chlorophyll as possible which leads to better taste in the end So much for the plan. Let's see how this turns out. Day 75, 23.06.2024 The good thing about not watering anymore: No action today. But as today would mark the "point of no return" in a way I will double or even triple check for the trichomes. If they are ready, I will commence the plan of not watering and longer lighting tomorrow. If there is doubt I will shift the plan day by day. Aaand here it is: Doubt! After checking the trichomes again I found too much of them clear. I decided to not rush things and thus postpone the harvest for at least 3 days. So today there will be a (late) flush and we will take it from there. Day 76, 24.06.2024 No real action today but to check in trichomes. Erika II has a good number of amber trichomes while Erika I still has too mich clear ones. It's a dilemma. But I will hold on to the plan for now which says: Harvest will be on the weekend (friday presumably)! Day 77, 25.06.2024 Today we reached 30°C outside and it is (finally) getting summer here in germany. This resulted in 28°C inside the tent & it felt good to give the ladies some craved water: ~1000ml went in the pots before the drain started. This was definetly the last drink. Tomorrow the last light cycle will start. Today is tuesday. The plan for harvest is as follows: Wednesday: No action. Thursday: Lights out at 1100. They stay off until the end. Friday: Harvest will begin at around 16:30 after work. Both plants will be harvested & hung up for drying. I am thinking about doing one plant using wet-tim and one plant using dry-trim techniques, just to have the comparison right after the first grow. I guess I need to make up my mind about that...
27.6.2k24 4x topping now Nutri: Plagron Alga Grow & Plagron Power Roots 👌 Subs: Plagron Grow Mix Greenhouse
I chopped. Fuck it. I need some more energetic high as well. When I was chopping I compare it next to fat banana. Defo clear trichioms and Fat Banana was all cloudy. Let the dry-period begin. I put that bitch inside dehydrator for few hours. Crispy buds, maybe little over-do but damn that smoke is sooooooooooo smooth, the high is soooooooo gooood. I put it inside the jar, will update on smell and taste in next few weeks.
Hola amigos, comenzando la 3 semana de las nenas fueron regadas con top veg. Les comento que la luminaria utilizada es de una marca chilena, de 200w y tiene 2 chips led cob y 2 chips led 3500k.
And we have arrived at the end, the last lady branded Zamnesia F1 Hybrid has been harvested, she is probably the most beautiful and largest of all and her name is Pineapple Express F1 Hybrid Auto. I talked about the harvest of the smallest plant last week if you want to go and see the second one go to week 8. As for this one it is definitely the tallest plant, I still have to weigh the dry buds, but it certainly seems to be the most productive plant, there is really a lot of weed in the dry room. Lots of weed in a short time guys don't overlook this factor, I know especially new growers love autoflowering plants like crazy and have also specialized in growing them: you can certainly see the advantage of finishing in 8-9 weeks instead of 12. 2 more harvests per year do the math guys that's a lot of more weed. Lovers of topping on autoflowering plants, an experimental practice for me on these plants and only recommended on strains that respond well and quickly, will be able to finish the plants in reasonable times without stretching out as if they had grown photoperiodic plants. Guys, if you have to do topping on autoflowering plants, either grow very fast F1 Hybrids or switch to photoperiodic plants, we have excellent strains. It makes no sense to harvest autoflowering plants at week 16, with F1 Hybrids even if you do topping you get to 12. Of course, if you need speed and want to do topping, the advice is to choose those that the breeder indicates as the fastest. Our Pineapple Express is burning with resin and very productive, see for yourself, James Franco and Seth Rogen would be proud of us. The main cola has a wonderful shark fin formation that drives me crazy, I photographed it from different angles but when I see the shark fin I become a schoolgirl. The level of ripeness is medium, halfway through the harvest window we have some amber trichomes, many milky ones but also something transparent still, I could have kept it a little longer but as I said several times: I don't like super ripe plants, the pistils were super ripe so for me it's a symptom of mold lurking, in the growbox now there are 40 degrees.... The heat is not a friend of the quality of the buds and resin. So speed also helps us escape the arrival of the most hostile climates. Really a lot of grass in a short time and I fill the jars and have good times. SUmmer and autumn are assured, see you for the super harvests of October-November the best of the year. Strong, fast, stable as promised by Zammi. Feeding is by Plagron with the Power Buds - Sugar Royal - Green Sensation + Alga Bloom combo that drives me crazy The lights are from Viparspectra p2000 and provide super light Tent & Air Music of the week +++ 432 hz frequencies to keep in line my Girls to Gaia. Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: FRUITY FLAVORS AND ENERGETIC EFFECTS Combining Trainwreck with Hawaiian, Pineapple Express F1 Hybrid Automatic brings a beloved strain to new heights. This autoflowering F1 hybrid cultivar ensures exceptional uniformity, reliability, and stability, making it well-suited to growers of all experience levels. If you haven't checked out the Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic for yourself just yet, now is the time. GROWING PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC It takes 8–9 weeks from germination before Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic is ready to harvest. Thankfully, very little effort is required throughout the growing process, aside from a bit of maintenance, to ensure large, high-quality harvests. Thanks to its F1 genetics, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic offers superb resilience and uniformity, meaning all plants will have a similar height and appearance, and will churn out comparably large yields. Reaching heights of 50–70cm, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic is not an overbearing plant and can effortlessly slot into any setup. Once ready to yield, growers can expect returns in the region of 400–550g/m² indoors and up to 200g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF PINEAPPLE EXPRESS F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC Just one hit of Pineapple Express F1 hybrid Automatic treats users to a rich assortment of flavors and aromas. This strain offers strong pineapple notes alongside moments of citrus, spice, and pine, making for a mouth-watering blend that's extremely moreish. Bolstered by 21% THC and an array of cannabinoids, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic showcases an energetic and uplifting high that will have you feeling chatty in no time. So if you've been looking for a strain to enjoy with friends, Pineapple Express F1 Automatic might be just the thing. All F1 Hybrids and more and more and more on
Juju grow 2ml Juju flowa bloom 3ml Juju Greenmystic 2ml 1l Water First flowers are incoming
Day 31 (from sprout): Upon my return, I found that the plants were underwatered given they are in living soil this was especially bad. The first thing I did was to defoliate and to install a new trellis net. Sadly I was tired and couldn’t reach / see my plants well and ended up cutting off two valid branches from the gorilla skittlez
Started the week by watering in the night from 24.06 - 25.06 with 300-400-400. Biscotti is now (25.06) 57 cm high. The other ones are smaller. Biscotti, Jack Herer and Blueberry are already flowering since around 5 days. Frosted Guava is starting to show her first nodes with hairs. Train Wreck is starting lol pretty small and looks a little bit sick. But still he’s growing. I sprayed also neem Oil (1ml in 0,5 ml warm water and with just a drop of kitchen soap) over Frosted Guava and Train Wreck when I watered them (24.06-25.06). Since then the spider mites very rarely appear.
Two of the plants had little bit of powdery mildew so I defoliated those leafs. Also sprayed them with baking soda, liquid soap and water mixture. Hopefully we don't find any more of that. Otherwise everything seems good they are healthy and growing well.
Nach dem Ich eine Woche mit Canna Flush und Osmose Wasser gespühlt hatte , habe ich Ihr kein Wasser mehr gegeben bis alle Blüten nach unten gehangen haben.. Da die Temperatur gerade recht hoch ist , habe ich die komplette Pflanze einfach aufgehängt, damit die Luftfeuchte langsamer entweichen kann.. Hatte diese Pflanze sozusagen als Test um zu sehen wie eine Automatik so wächst.. Hatte anfangs die ersten 4 Wochen auch nur eine 25 watt Lampe , dann 3 wochen lang 8 stunden 25 watt und dann 10 stunden 60 WattWatt und letzte 2 wochen 120 Watt , aber auch gedimmt auf 70 % Verbrauch Stromkosten 30 Tage 25 Watt 18 Stunden - 13,5 Kw 21 Tage 25 Watt 8 Stunden - 4,2 Kw 21 Tage 60 Watt 8 Stunden - 12,6 Kw 14 Tage 70 Watt 18 Stunden - 17,64 Kw Durchschnittlich mit Daylight zyklus 70 Tage lüfter 5 Watt 24 Stunden-8,5 Kw 70 Tage Abluft 15 Watt 24 Stunden- 25 Kw Verbrauch zusammen für den Grow ist 81,44 Kw Bei einen Kwh preis von 0,37 cent sind das insgesammt ausgaben von knapp 30 euros Und das Hydro system war nur ein 2 Liter kanister mit einen Aquarium Sprudelstein.
Day 35: They went into pre-flowering this week, I still gave them vegitation nutrients since they still grow a bit in this stage. The leafs look healthy and green. I't is getting warmer outside now so hopefully they will stretch a bit in the preflower stage. Did some Defoliation and LST again. Until next week!
Really nasty week.. I noticed budrot on the 19.06 on quick one. Following that I removed the bud and two nearby buds, disinfected the whole greenhouse tent and placed the plant outside the tent for the rest of the week. The two buds that I took of got trimmed and didn’t show any signs of mold as of now. The days after that I also removed a few buds from Do-Si-Dos and more from Quick One. I decided to chop the top collar of Quick One and Do-Si-Dos a few days later. Those are trimmed and drying in a drying box connected to the inlet of my growtent (with cookies gelato) and a dehumidifier. Trichomes were milky and all the buds with mostly milky trichomes were also harvested. Cookies gelato got put in my indoor tent with a total of 450W (69W real usage) LED power (3*6500K and one plant light) I also vigorously removed any unnecessary leaves hiding in the buds and covering buds to ensure proper airflow. I also installed the outdoor fan in my grow tent in the basement.