The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Gracias al equipo de Divine Seeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁Fractal: La semilla de marihuana Fractal es una cepa especialmente psicodélica que Semillas Divinas desarrolló para experiencias esotéricas y místicas, meditación y creatividad. La potente y vívida Skunk#1 fue cruzada con una pegajosa Afghani Indica, y el resultado es ahora conocido como Fractal. Este exótico híbrido es resinoso, picante y productivo. La mejor opción para el cultivo comercial: un compromiso entre mayores rendimientos y maduración rápida. En interiores se espera una altura de 1,70 m, en exteriores las plantas crecen hasta 2 m. Fractal se adapta a todo tipo de entorno de cultivo: cajas de cultivo, instalaciones hidropónicas o aeropónicas, plantaciones exteriores, balcones, terrazas e invernaderos. Para un mejor rendimiento se recomienda entrenar a las plantas de Fractal para ampliar su estructura y limitar su crecimiento vertical. Usar ScroG o SoG, LST, FIM o topping. Fractal tiene una inmunidad inherente al moho y a las plagas de insectos, pero como sus colas son gruesas, proteja sus plantas del aire viciado. También durante las semanas de lluvia su plantación puede necesitar ser cubierta. Listo para la cosecha al aire libre en octubre. Grandes y densos cogollos. Los cogollos de marihuana de la variedad Fractral huelen a hachís y algo a tierra, desprenden cedro y notas afrutadas al romperse. Mida su porción con cuidado: su potencia está por encima de la media. Con Fractal experimentas un apedreamiento general que te hace sentarte o frena tu movimiento. Perfecto para pasar una noche junto a una hoguera. Es mejor consumirlo por la noche. 🚀🌻 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. Consigue aqui tu Adlite: 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 5: Una vez terminada la fase de estiramiento dedican todo su esfuerzo a crear nuevos pistilos y resina, es hora de engordar estos futuros cogollos. La carpa esta totalmente cubierta gracias al FC-6500 y los Adlite de Marshydro, se nota la floración mas avanzada que otras veces y con una mayor densidad. Continuo con las dosis de nutrientes recomendadas por XpertNutrients.
Auto Magnum has sprouted on first seed. She is looking nice and healthy for a few days old. Everything is looking really good at the moment under the Mars Hydro FC4800 light. Thank you Mars Hydro, and Weed Seeds Express. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Auto Lavender has sprouted. So far everything is looking good. The seedling looks nice, and healthy she is under the Mars Hydro FC4800 light in Agrogardens nutrition. It is my first time using Agrogardens. So we will see how it goes. Thank you Mars Hydro, Agrogardens, and Seeds Mafia. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Curing 1 and half plants and froze the other 1 and a half for hash later. Can't wait to try!
Curing 1 and half plants and froze the other 1 and a half for hash later. Can't wait to try!
Explosive growth this week as usual! the plants getting bigger and bigger, and they started flowering, the first white pistils started to appear at the mid of the week approximately
This is the first week of flowering, at the end of last week the plants started to grow white pistils, so this the first of flowering. this week recently started, its ongoing (02/10)
Questa settimana é andata volando la cime sono.divemtate il doppio dopo una sola applicazione di pk 13/14 (ovviamente ridotto ad un mezzo) e tutti gli alzi prodotti hanno fatto in loro ora il.peoblema e che sembri non maturi mai ho un lumagny100x per vedere i tricomi ma sono sempre bianco latte non c'è modo di vederne uno mezzo ambrato! Quindi non inizierò ancora il lavaggio anche perché i pistilli sono ancora per la maggior parte bianchi....forse mi è capitato il fenotipo forte e non dimentichiamoci che in un mezzo di un mainline si spezzo per metà e che cazz*o guardate ora come si e rigenerata e ha riposizionato la sua energia sul resto dei lati .....una pianta stupenda FORTISSIMA BRAVI RAGAZZI DI FUST BUDS!! E A VOI GRAZIE MILLE PER ESSERE PASSATI DA QUI, LASCIATE UN MI PIACE SE LE FOTO VI PIACCIONO!
Day 39 to 46 of flower Basically the girls are on autopilot, with the autopots and Gaia green there really isn't much to do, both methods are super user friendly and the basic needs that need to be meet are just ph water in the reservoir every couple days and then watch them stack buds on top of buds...Occasionally I move a branch over to another square in the net to make room but Basically after the last top feeding it's just watch and weight, pun intended....
Day 32 to 38 of flower Basically the girls are on autopilot, with the autopots and Gaia green there really isn't much to do, both methods are super user friendly and the basic needs that need to be meet are just ph water in the reservoir every couple days and then watch them stack buds on top of buds...Occasionally I move a branch over to another square in the net to make room but Basically after the last top feeding it's just watch and weight, pun intended....
D-37 : Done the third topping, but I broke one of the branch of the most healthy Desfran :( I'm very sad about that so I will try to do a fourth topping to have the good amount of flowers. The others are going well ! D-43 : Everything still ok ! The LST is almost over, and I think I'll turn to flowering mode winthin 10 days max.
Day 39 to 46 of flower Basically the girls are on autopilot, with the autopots and Gaia green there really isn't much to do, both methods are super user friendly and the basic needs that need to be meet are just ph water in the reservoir every couple days and then watch them stack buds on top of buds...Occasionally I move a branch over to another square in the net to make room but Basically after the last top feeding it's just watch and weight, pun intended....
Day 39 to 46 of flower Basically the girls are on autopilot, with the autopots and Gaia green there really isn't much to do, both methods are super user friendly and the basic needs that need to be meet are just ph water in the reservoir every couple days and then watch them stack buds on top of buds...Occasionally I move a branch over to another square in the net to make room but Basically after the last top feeding it's just watch and weight, pun intended....
Day 78: This week I only gave them water with regulator, humic-blast and ezymen because they where ready to harvest. Those others from last week where kept inside a dark room for some days before cutting them down. By doing this, your plants will increase making thc. In the middle of this week i also putted some plants inside the dark/drying room to make them ready to harvest. These will also be in the dark for a few days before I harvest them. At the end of this week all other plants are in the dark as well for a couple of days, i will keep them in the grow room because there is no point to move them to the other room lol. Because i put them into the dark for days instead of cutting them down, I can cut them fresh and put them in drying nets instead of putting the full plant upside down on ropes. I will use a cutting machine for this.
Steady as she goes. Got some nutrient burn as I did up the I went back down again. Plants looks great to me but the fat lady hasn't sung yet!
D-37 : Everyone looks good. I've made the last topping for those girls. There still some lST to do during the next week so the mains can grow the right way. Then, on the following week, I'll turn everybody to flowering mode and switch the light 75% then 100%. I noticed that they are drinkning a bit more now. D-43 : Everything still ok ! The LST is almost over, and I think I'll turn to flowering mode winthin 10 days max.