In this week i decided to only give them another startbooster which contains some rootstimulator. Some days after feeding with startbooster, i gave them some water.
There are still so many kinds of nutrients in the soil.
The plants look a little light green, i have been checking my run-off water and it should be fine( still higher EC then i used to have but i have already explained why it is that way).
I'm not overwatering so it's not a (N)itrogen problem which can most of the time results into light green leaves.
( when there is no nitrogen in the soil the roots will not or barely take any water(nutrients)
I had the same thing with other sativas in the past, behind the window before and in later stages it got solved. I still have to remind myself that it is a fun-outside-grow so i should'nt complain about
low humidity(40-45) which should be 85%, temperature 20-21 degrees which should be 26-27, being behind a glas window instead of better exposure to the sunlight or lamps, not having fans on it to get
better firm stems or closer lightsource so they don't stretch that much.
For now i start getting them used to the sunlight by carefully putting them in shade places or with a few hours sunlight. It went well but except for the bigger pot plant,
you can see on the highest leaf that it got a little bit curly but still not a big issue.
I might buy some Canna Cure this week. Canna cure is good against insects, molts and such. It also holds some nutrients. Very usefull for outside growing.
Since i don't want to overwater or overfeed my plants because i want them to root alot, this might be a solution to give them some extra nutrients, it also makes the leaves more green.
When the plants are getting bigger and more thick i want to start doing LTS, i order to do so i just have a little bit time left to bully them a bit with keeping them dry for rooting.
I don't want to do that while doing LTS.
Don't mind the temperature meter, its not 32 degrees outside. It was still inside behind the window between the curtains. It hotter there. ( might also be the reason for some stretch in the plants)