MIMOSA ZKITTLEZ FF / GANJA FARMER WEEK #6 OVERALL WEEK #5 VEG This lady is getting big she taking to LST extremely well I've topped her and she's recovered and started new growth quickly she's easily manipulated and just continues to grow you can take clones from her as well!! Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! Thank you GANJA FARMER!!! MIMOSA ZKITTLEZ FF GANJA FARMER
Divine indica has grown really well. Her trichromes were just first starting to get cloudy yesterday. About a half and half of clear and cloudy. I figure she has abour 10 to 12 days left. I will be switching her to ph water in a few days during ripening. She has a good aroma and is looking excellent. She has been loosing a few leaves on the bottom due to a slight nitrogen deficiency. Which is okay during flowering. Nitrogen can hinder bud development. So low does in flowering is ideal. Thank you Divine Seeds, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️ Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Nach dem Ich eine Woche mit Canna Flush und Osmose Wasser gespühlt hatte , habe ich Ihr kein Wasser mehr gegeben bis alle Blüten nach unten gehangen haben.. Da die Temperatur gerade recht hoch ist , habe ich die komplette Pflanze einfach aufgehängt, damit die Luftfeuchte langsamer entweichen kann.. Hatte diese Pflanze sozusagen als Test um zu sehen wie eine Automatik so wächst.. Hatte anfangs die ersten 4 Wochen auch nur eine 25 watt Lampe , dann 3 wochen lang 8 stunden 25 watt und dann 10 stunden 60 WattWatt und letzte 2 wochen 120 Watt , aber auch gedimmt auf 70 % Verbrauch Stromkosten 30 Tage 25 Watt 18 Stunden - 13,5 Kw 21 Tage 25 Watt 8 Stunden - 4,2 Kw 21 Tage 60 Watt 8 Stunden - 12,6 Kw 14 Tage 70 Watt 18 Stunden - 17,64 Kw Durchschnittlich mit Daylight zyklus 70 Tage lüfter 5 Watt 24 Stunden-8,5 Kw 70 Tage Abluft 15 Watt 24 Stunden- 25 Kw Verbrauch zusammen für den Grow ist 81,44 Kw Bei einen Kwh preis von 0,37 cent sind das insgesammt ausgaben von knapp 30 euros Und das Hydro system war nur ein 2 Liter kanister mit einen Aquarium Sprudelstein.
Here the girls are on day 43 of flower. Lost track of the diary but had to share these beautiful ladies with you. Terps are a stank dank b.o and a sweet dank out of the 2 Jelly Donutz phenos. Also have 2 Orange Creampop looking fabulous. Good thing the nets up cause they would be falling over. I think they are still stacking on weight. One pheno is turning really purple daily
Grow Diary Update: Week 5 - Pre-Flowering and LST Evaluation Entering Pre-Flowering Stage At the end of last week, the first pistils appeared, marking the beginning of the pre-flowering stage for my plants 🙌 There's much to manage now. To support optimal stretching, I've adjusted the nutrients following 2/3 of the Terra Aquatica feeding schedule: CalMag: 2 ml/l (Starting EC before adding nutrients: 0.45 mS/cm) Grow: 1.33 ml/l Bloom: 1.0 ml/l Micro: 1.33 ml/l The nutrient solution now has an EC of 1.3 mS/cm (638 ppm PPM-500/TDS) with a pH of 6.1. These adjustments aim to promote vigorous growth and prepare the plants for flowering. Weather and Growth With significant weather improvements, my plants are thriving at full speed. Every centimeter gained now counts towards maximizing the final yield, turning around from the challenging weeks prior. Pest Management I'm fortunate not to have encountered pests like spider mites, aphids, or thrips. However, the persistent snail issue remains. Nightly patrols with a flashlight have been effective, and placing old lettuce leaves away from the plants has helped trap and remove snails, ensuring the plants remain undisturbed. LST Experiment Results The two plants I trained with LST have responded admirably, showing healthy adaptation to the bending and vigorous growth. Yet, I'm at a crossroads regarding the upcoming stretch phase: should I continue to tie down branches to maintain an even canopy or allow natural upward growth to potentially boost vertical yield? Your Feedback Matters I value your insights on this critical decision. Should I proceed with low-stress training to control canopy height, or should I let the plants stretch upwards for increased productivity? Your experiences and advice are invaluable to me as I navigate this stage of my grow. Share your thoughts below! Stay tuned as I continue to document the pre-flowering stage and learn from the ongoing LST experiment in my grow diary!
Grow Diary Update: Week 5 - Pre-Flowering and LST Evaluation Entering Pre-Flowering Stage At the end of last week, the first pistils appeared, marking the beginning of the pre-flowering stage for my plants 🙌 There's much to manage now. To support optimal stretching, I've adjusted the nutrients following 2/3 of the Terra Aquatica feeding schedule: CalMag: 2 ml/l (Starting EC before adding nutrients: 0.45 mS/cm) Grow: 1.33 ml/l Bloom: 1.0 ml/l Micro: 1.33 ml/l The nutrient solution now has an EC of 1.3 mS/cm (638 ppm PPM-500/TDS) with a pH of 6.1. These adjustments aim to promote vigorous growth and prepare the plants for flowering. Weather and Growth With significant weather improvements, my plants are thriving at full speed. Every centimeter gained now counts towards maximizing the final yield, turning around from the challenging weeks prior. Pest Management I'm fortunate not to have encountered pests like spider mites, aphids, or thrips. However, the persistent snail issue remains. Nightly patrols with a flashlight have been effective, and placing old lettuce leaves away from the plants has helped trap and remove snails, ensuring the plants remain undisturbed. LST Experiment Results The two plants I trained with LST have responded admirably, showing healthy adaptation to the bending and vigorous growth. Yet, I'm at a crossroads regarding the upcoming stretch phase: should I continue to tie down branches to maintain an even canopy or allow natural upward growth to potentially boost vertical yield? Your Feedback Matters I value your insights on this critical decision. Should I proceed with low-stress training to control canopy height, or should I let the plants stretch upwards for increased productivity? Your experiences and advice are invaluable to me as I navigate this stage of my grow. Share your thoughts below! Stay tuned as I continue to document the pre-flowering stage and learn from the ongoing LST experiment in my grow diary!
I gave Isopropyl alcohol 70% equal parts water, 1 tsp cayenne, and kept enough for multiday application, what little population of aphids is left I shall catch them the next morning, opening the tent 10 min before lights on the clovers have yet to open, all the aphids hiding on undersides are easily visible, still none ever went near cannabis plant. Clovers are far tastier it seems. The alcohol kills on contact, the idea was to saturate the leaves with a light foliar application, and once I was done I ran it through the canopy with my hands making sure as much of the clover surface came in contact with the iso, once done turned on the fans and evaporate it quickly. iSOPRO......ops caps . ... beautiful thing about Isopropyl is that it evaporates rapidly at room temperature way below boiling point leaving behind zero residual so nothing seeps its way into rootzones unless you spill it there. It is a magical solvent that leaves no trace that it was ever there. Brain suggests I should create a secondary toroidal field with the same frequency and place it so it emits from the same reference point on the plant, (ZEPHERIUM) constructive interference suggests it should increase in size. If the toroidal field dictates the proportions, does increasing the toroidal size increase the proportions? Need identical genetic clones. Resonant Frequency: My first real-life experience of this was placing a grape in a microwave as a child. A resonant frequency is the natural vibrating frequency of an object and denoted as ‘f’ with a subscript zero (f0). When an object is in equilibrium with acting forces and could keep vibrating for a long time under perfect conditions, this phenomenon is resonance. In our daily life example of a resonant frequency is a pendulum. If we pull back the pendulum and leave, it will swing out and return at its resonant frequency. Objects combine to form a system, this system can have more than one resonance frequency. The resonant frequency is termed as the resonance frequency. The phenomena of resonant frequency used in the series circuit when the inductive reactance (XL) is equal to the capacitive reactance (XC). If the value of supply frequency is changed, we can observe that the value inductive reactance (XL) and capacitive reactance (XC) is also changed. Inductive reactance (XL) and capacitive reactance (XC) are inversely proportional to each other. When we increase the frequency, the value of XL increases, whereas the value of XC decreases. When we decrease the frequency, the value of XL decreases whereas the value of XC increases. At series resonance, when XL = XC. The mathematical equation of resonant frequency is: XL = 2πfL; XC = 1/2πfC XL = XC 2π f0L = 1/ 2πf0C ; f0=1/2π sqrt{LC} Where f0 is the resonant frequency, L is the inductance, C is the capacitance How to Calculate the Resonant Frequency of an Object? An object exposed to its resonant frequency can vibrate in symphony with the sound. The wavefronts pushing on the object will arrive at just the right time to push the object with greater and greater amplitude in each cycle. To get a clear idea of this concept one of the best examples is pushing a friend on a swing. If you push the swing randomly, the swing will not move very well but if you push the swing at a specific time, the swing will get higher and higher. Another example to find the resonant frequencies is to place the object next to a speaker and place a microphone attached to an oscilloscope next to the object. Then play the sound in the speaker at a given volume, and then without changing the volume slowly change the frequency. Now observe the oscilloscope, you will observe that at certain frequencies the amplitude of the wave, is proportional to the volume of the sound that the microphone is able to pick up. The frequency that is caught by the microphone will be greater than at surrounding frequencies. These are the resonant frequencies and are detectable as the sound energy absorbed by the object is re-emitted more efficiently at these frequencies. The precise moment that constructive interference happens the amplitude of the wave will spike at the precise frequency emitted. Q: Compute the resonant frequency of a circuit whose inductance is 25mH and capacitance is 5mu F? A: Known values are, L = 25mH = 25 x 10-3 H C = 5mu F = 5 x 10-6 F Formula for resonant frequency is, f0= 1/2π sqrt{LC}1/2π√L f0=1/2 ͯ 3.14√ (25 ͯ 10-3 ͯ 5 ͯ 10-6) = 450.384Hz Why Neodymium? Ferromagnetism is an exciting phenomenon observed in certain materials, known as ferromagnetic materials, that can retain their magnetization even after removing an external magnetic field. Ferromagnetic materials can become ferromagnets and interact strongly with other magnets and magnetic fields. A characteristic of ferromagnetic materials is their magnetization ability, distinguishing them from paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials, where weak magnetism exists temporarily. This unique property allows for making permanent magnets widely used in various applications such as motors, generators, speakers, and data storage devices. The ability to generate and maintain a magnetic field without the need for a constant external source of power makes ferromagnets highly valuable. An alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron discovered in the 1980s is ferromagnetic, yielding permanent magnets over 1000 times stronger than anything ever seen before. The name neodymium comes from the Greek neos didumous, which means "new twin." Neodymium magnets are made of an alloy of neodymium, boron, and iron. This allows them to simultaneously store impressive amounts of magnetic energy while being highly resistant to demagnetization. Because iron oxidizes quickly, neodymium magnets are coated to prevent rust from accumulating. The attraction between two neodymium magnets is so strong that if placed close enough together, they can collide and shatter. Neodymium magnets have an unusually high-temperature resistance, and they can even withstand heat exceeding 200 degrees Celsius. N50UH 1-1/2"OD x 1.065"ID x 3/8"
So far so good she has hit day 42. The weather the past week warmed up some. She had a few sunny days and a couple cloudy days with showers. I still haven't watered her due to the rain showers. Day 41 I did some defoliation of her bigger fan leaves. Week review: Warmer weather and defoliation of fan leaves. 😍
So far so good she has hit day 42. The weather the past week warmed up some. She had a few sunny days and a couple cloudy days with showers. I still haven't watered her due to the rain showers. Day 41 I did some defoliation of her bigger fan leaves. Week review: Warmer weather and defoliation of fan leaves. 😍
PURPLE KUSH / KANNABIA SEEDS WEEK #6 OVERALL WEEK #5 VEG This week she's doing good she recovered from being topped with new growth and she's looking healthy and strong!! Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! Thank you to KANNABIA!!! KANNABIA.COM PURPLE KUSH