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Der Vorblüte-Stretch nähert sich vermutlich dem Ende, man kann sogar die ersten kleinen weißen Narben erkennen. Die Euphoria hat allerdings nicht in dem Ausmaß von der Größe her zugelegt, wie eine ihrer Nachbarn. Deshalb steht aktuell eine Kiste aus expandiertem Polystyrol unter der Euphoria, damit sie mit der Ice Cream Cake (links) ungefähr auf einer Höhe ist. Mit der Luftfeuchtigkeit habe ich ein wenig zu kämpfen. Ich habe bemerkt, dass bei der North Thunderfuck auf dem Boden ein leichter Schimmel-Flaum ist, welche ich abgetragen und weggeworfen habe. Die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit pegelt sich meistens zwischen 50 und 65 Prozent ein. Das ist aktuell noch vertretbar aber ich mache mir Sorgen, dass sie in der späteren Blüte nicht weiter sinken wird. Deshalb behalte ich mir die Option offen einen Luftentfeuchter zu besorgen. Der wird auch gleichzeitig noch ein wenig Abwärme erzeugen, was im Winter nicht von Nachteil ist. Außerdem habe ich noch weitere Ventilatoren hier, welche ich in Kürze verbauen werde. Dabei sollen die beiden vorhandenen PC-Lüfter (200mm Durchmesser) unter das Blätterdach und zwei größere 5 Watt - Ventilatoren, welche dann auf das Blätterdach pusten sollen. Damit sollte genug Umluft vorherrschen, damit Schimmel oder Feuchtigkeits-Hot-Spots kein Problem mehr darstellen sollten, wobei ein radikaleres Lollipopping ja sowieso noch ansteht. Die Pflanze habe ich in dieser Woche wieder ein wenig entlaubt, damit kein Urwald entsteht, also nichts neues. Bei der Wässerung stellt sich ein Rhythmus von einmal wöchentlich viel gießen ein, genauer gesagt 6-7 Tage, wobei dieses Mal auch wieder die volle Düngermenge nach Düngeschema gegeben wurde. Nach meinem subjektivem Empfinden, wird die gesamte Pflanze eher heller als in der Vegetationsphase. Der PPFD-Wert der Euphoria an der Blattspitze beträgt derzeit 750 μmol/s*m². Beim Gießen ist mir aufgefallen, dass ein paar weiße bzw. hellere Punkte und einen Streifen an den Blättern der Euphoria zu sehen waren. Meine Vermutung sind hier Schädlinge, wobei bis auf ein paar Trauermücken, die sich auf 3-4 pro Woche summieren, keine zu sehen waren außer am Tag des Gießens. Da habe ich einen mikroskopischen kleinen weißen Punkt auf der Erde gesehen, der sich bewegt hat. Dabei war er verdammt schnell unterwegs, ca. 1 cm pro Sekunde (ca. 0.4 inch pro Sekunde). Ich habe keine Ahnung, was das war, aber wenn das meiste gut läuft mit der Pflanze, gibt einem so etwas schon zu denken. Aber Erde ist Erde und da gehören Insekten nun einmal einfach dazu. Die North Thunderfuck hatte noch ein paar braune Punkte auf 3 Blättern, die ich entweder auf einen Rost-Pilz oder einem kleinen Mangel schiebe. Ich habe sie abgeschnitten und die BioBizz CalMag-Dosis im Gießwasser auf 0.5 mL/L erhöht. Mal schauen, ob es das Problem behebt. Die Ice Cream Cake ist mangelfrei.
Bueno ! Acá les dejo la última semana ! De nuestra hermosa planta ! Subiendo el corte y más adelante subiremos las flores curadas y secadas !! Logrando obtener una estructura de copa desde el día uno y teniendo una dura batalla sobre el mal control de la ec y teniendo excesos de minerales como os contaba en los diarios anteriores ! Logrando tener varias ramas con flores abundantes y sólidas no unas flores llenas de tricomas y un olor maravilloso ! Bueno dando a conocer la linda experiencia de este banco 🏦 lograremos seguir en este lindo proyecto!
Bueno ! Acá les dejo la última semana ! De nuestra hermosa planta ! Subiendo el corte y más adelante subiremos las flores curadas y secadas !! Logrando obtener una estructura de copa desde el día uno y teniendo una dura batalla sobre el mal control de la ec y teniendo excesos de minerales como os contaba en los diarios anteriores ! Logrando tener varias ramas con flores abundantes y sólidas no unas flores llenas de tricomas y un olor maravilloso ! Bueno dando a conocer la linda experiencia de este banco 🏦 lograremos seguir en este lindo proyecto!
Outdoor coco 15g pots Progress: Lava cake is about week 6.5. Starting to ripen and get heavy. Buds are getting fat. Strong sweet cookie/ ice cream smell. Buds are getting more frosty. Buds are getting so heavy I installed a net on 3 of 4 and doing #4 soon. On my most mature plant - About 25-30% of pistils have turned color. Some trichomes are milky, none amber. Looks like plants are a few days apart. Marathon OG week 5 1/2. Still stacking and getting fat. Smells dank. Trichomes are showing up. The 20 gallon OG is growing into a monster. I’m still waiting for the heavy bud stacks…. Nutes: Bumping up ppm, the dry koolbloom and molasses, stopping regular koolbloom and grow. Looking to starting flushing the lava cake in a week or so. Feeding 2x a day; 3x on hot days. Weather: Had a good week of cooler temps until yesterday, when it was 97. Looking at hugs in the 80s this week, perfect. Pests: The moths and caterpillars are in full swing so I’m applying BT every morning. I’m working hard to reduce caterpillar 🐛 losses. We lost all of the top colas on a plant in another location 💔 . I’m only losing one bud at a time and not the entire colas so far. Wishing fat buds and monster harvests to all.
Outdoor coco 15g pots Progress: Lava cake is about week 6.5. Starting to ripen and get heavy. Buds are getting fat. Strong sweet cookie/ ice cream smell. Buds are getting more frosty. Buds are getting so heavy I installed a net on 3 of 4 and doing #4 soon. On my most mature plant - About 25-30% of pistils have turned color. Some trichomes are milky, none amber. Looks like plants are a few days apart. Marathon OG week 5 1/2. Still stacking and getting fat. Smells dank. Trichomes are showing up. The 20 gallon OG is growing into a monster. I’m still waiting for the heavy bud stacks…. Nutes: Bumping up ppm, the dry koolbloom and molasses, stopping regular koolbloom and grow. Looking to starting flushing the lava cake in a week or so. Feeding 2x a day; 3x on hot days. Weather: Had a good week of cooler temps until yesterday, when it was 97. Looking at hugs in the 80s this week, perfect. Pests: The moths and caterpillars are in full swing so I’m applying BT every morning. I’m working hard to reduce caterpillar 🐛 losses. We lost all of the top colas on a plant in another location 💔 . I’m only losing one bud at a time and not the entire colas so far. Wishing fat buds and monster harvests to all.
Outdoor coco 15g pots Progress: Lava cake is about week 6.5. Starting to ripen and get heavy. Buds are getting fat. Strong sweet cookie/ ice cream smell. Buds are getting more frosty. Buds are getting so heavy I installed a net on 3 of 4 and doing #4 soon. On my most mature plant - About 25-30% of pistils have turned color. Some trichomes are milky, none amber. Looks like plants are a few days apart. Marathon OG week 5 1/2. Still stacking and getting fat. Smells dank. Trichomes are showing up. The 20 gallon OG is growing into a monster. I’m still waiting for the heavy bud stacks…. Nutes: Bumping up ppm, the dry koolbloom and molasses, stopping regular koolbloom and grow. Looking to starting flushing the lava cake in a week or so. Feeding 2x a day; 3x on hot days. Weather: Had a good week of cooler temps until yesterday, when it was 97. Looking at hugs in the 80s this week, perfect. Pests: The moths and caterpillars are in full swing so I’m applying BT every morning. I’m working hard to reduce caterpillar 🐛 losses. We lost all of the top colas on a plant in another location 💔 . I’m only losing one bud at a time and not the entire colas so far. Wishing fat buds and monster harvests to all.
Outdoor coco 15g pots Progress: Lava cake is about week 6.5. Starting to ripen and get heavy. Buds are getting fat. Strong sweet cookie/ ice cream smell. Buds are getting more frosty. Buds are getting so heavy I installed a net on 3 of 4 and doing #4 soon. On my most mature plant - About 25-30% of pistils have turned color. Some trichomes are milky, none amber. Looks like plants are a few days apart. Marathon OG week 5 1/2. Still stacking and getting fat. Smells dank. Trichomes are showing up. The 20 gallon OG is growing into a monster. I’m still waiting for the heavy bud stacks…. Nutes: Bumping up ppm, the dry koolbloom and molasses, stopping regular koolbloom and grow. Looking to starting flushing the lava cake in a week or so. Feeding 2x a day; 3x on hot days. Weather: Had a good week of cooler temps until yesterday, when it was 97. Looking at hugs in the 80s this week, perfect. Pests: The moths and caterpillars are in full swing so I’m applying BT every morning. I’m working hard to reduce caterpillar 🐛 losses. We lost all of the top colas on a plant in another location 💔 . I’m only losing one bud at a time and not the entire colas so far. Wishing fat buds and monster harvests to all.
Outdoor coco 15g pots Progress: Lava cake is about week 6.5. Starting to ripen and get heavy. Buds are getting fat. Strong sweet cookie/ ice cream smell. Buds are getting more frosty. Buds are getting so heavy I installed a net on 3 of 4 and doing #4 soon. On my most mature plant - About 25-30% of pistils have turned color. Some trichomes are milky, none amber. Looks like plants are a few days apart. Marathon OG week 5 1/2. Still stacking and getting fat. Smells dank. Trichomes are showing up. The 20 gallon OG is growing into a monster. I’m still waiting for the heavy bud stacks…. Nutes: Bumping up ppm, the dry koolbloom and molasses, stopping regular koolbloom and grow. Looking to starting flushing the lava cake in a week or so. Feeding 2x a day; 3x on hot days. Weather: Had a good week of cooler temps until yesterday, when it was 97. Looking at hugs in the 80s this week, perfect. Pests: The moths and caterpillars are in full swing so I’m applying BT every morning. I’m working hard to reduce caterpillar 🐛 losses. We lost all of the top colas on a plant in another location 💔 . I’m only losing one bud at a time and not the entire colas so far. Wishing fat buds and monster harvests to all.
*Week 3 Flower - 09/10* Blimburn Apple Fritter - Seedsman Genetics Critical+2.0 Healthy - 0 signs on of deficiencies Most fan leaves have been stripped; - Lighter defoliation - Aggressive LST on main colas *Week 3 Flower Mid-week update 09/13* Approximately 3 inch increase in Height on both plants - Critical+2.0 - Seedsman Genetics - Blumburn Apple Fritter 1 Gallon increase on water feed (Nutes included) Budsite density has increased. Light defoliation *End of week recap 09/16* (Week 3 Flower) BlimBurn - Apple Fritter - 47 Inches - Flowering processing accordingly - 0 deficiencies Seedsman Genetics - Critical+2.0 - 46 Inches - Flowering processing accordingly - 0 deficiencies Increased water feed (2.5 gallons every day +Nutes) *SEE UPDATE END OF WEEK VIDEO RECAP*
*Week 3 Flower - 09/10* Blimburn Apple Fritter - Seedsman Genetics Critical+2.0 Healthy - 0 signs on of deficiencies Most fan leaves have been stripped; - Lighter defoliation - Aggressive LST on main colas *Week 3 Flower Mid-week update 09/13* Approximately 3 inch increase in Height on both plants - Critical+2.0 - Seedsman Genetics - Blumburn Apple Fritter 1 Gallon increase on water feed (Nutes included) Budsite density has increased. Light defoliation *End of week recap 09/16* (Week 3 Flower) BlimBurn - Apple Fritter - 47 Inches - Flowering processing accordingly - 0 deficiencies Seedsman Genetics - Critical+2.0 - 46 Inches - Flowering processing accordingly - 0 deficiencies Increased water feed (2.5 gallons every day +Nutes) *SEE UPDATE END OF WEEK VIDEO RECAP*
*Early Flower 09/10* (2) Fastbuds - Mimosa Cake Auto Aggressive LST was applied for even light coverage. Smaller-Lagging budsites and bigger fan leaves under net have been removed. Slight increase in nutrient feeds, thus far 0 signals of deficiencies. *Mid week update - 09/13* Both plants have grown approximately 6 inches in height Early flowering continuing to progress accordingly Half a gallon increase in water feed (Nutes included) *End of week recap 09/16* Mimosa Cake (Auto) - Both in week flowering accordingly Small increase on nute feeds - Moderate increase in filtered plain water feed (1.5 gallons ) *SEE END OF WEEK RECAP VIDEO*
*Early Flower 09/10* (2) Fastbuds - Mimosa Cake Auto Aggressive LST was applied for even light coverage. Smaller-Lagging budsites and bigger fan leaves under net have been removed. Slight increase in nutrient feeds, thus far 0 signals of deficiencies. *Mid week update - 09/13* Both plants have grown approximately 6 inches in height Early flowering continuing to progress accordingly Half a gallon increase in water feed (Nutes included) *End of week recap 09/16* Mimosa Cake (Auto) - Both in week flowering accordingly Small increase on nute feeds - Moderate increase in filtered plain water feed (1.5 gallons ) *SEE END OF WEEK RECAP VIDEO*
Iniciamos la semana con un cambio de agua. 120 litros a 1.7mS EC y 6,2 Ph 12/09 Se añaden 20l con EC a 0.4. El PH sigue bajando hasta 5.6. Se cambia la bomba para que trabaje con ph+ 15/09 Se añaden 20l con EC a 0.4 El EC 1.9 sube, beben mas que comen. El olor ha aumentado considerablemente
Iniciamos la semana con un cambio de agua. 120 litros a 1.7mS EC y 6,2 Ph 12/09 Se añaden 20l con EC a 0.4. El PH sigue bajando hasta 5.6. Se cambia la bomba para que trabaje con ph+ 15/09 Se añaden 20l con EC a 0.4 El EC 1.9 sube, beben mas que comen. El olor ha aumentado considerablemente
Hey now, hope everyone is having a great weekend,. It was a good week for all five ladies. The Red Hot Cookies is slightly ahead of the Sundae Driver and Durban Nights. The Green Crack is the slowest growing so far, and the Sundae Driver has some holes in the leaves that I am thinking are from bugs, I have sprayed her twice with neem oil so far so we will see what happens. I topped all five ladies on day 23 above the third node as I am going to build mainlines out of all of them. I am still not able to list my nutrients for some reason, but I am feeding with all GH, Silica, Cal Mag, and Maxi Grow at an EC of 1.2 and a ph between 5.5 and 6.5. I use an auto feeding reservoir with halo feeders set on a timer to feed every 5 hours for one minute. I am hoping to get the second toppings done sometime this week, and then the final toppings done the next, and then flip to flower around week 7 or so. I am still using this Spectrum X from Medic grow, and have it cranked up to about 50% power and they are seeming to love it. We are in the midst of hopefully the final heat wave of the year and I am looking forward to cooler temps and lower humidity by the time I flip to flower. I hope everyone enjoys the first weekend of NFL football, Thanks for stopping by, Stay Safe and Blaze On!!! 💪 Website:
Day 43. Light is on max output, heat enormous and they RUN !!!! thought intensity will stop them a bit , but i think i do only worse ... We have +30 heatwave in UK, i live in attic , so for 4 more days everything will be out of control. Watered today. 6.3 phed water. I love simple and affordable Mars Hydro products, if you can cope with heat TSL2000 can do magic in your tent ! Will update after heat wave us over. Should be in 4 days back to +20 ;))) Day 45. They GROW !!!! Distance is insanly small, but i have 30 cm of space left, wont move light for a week, then i will try to have 20 cm at least again. Planing last top up, need two more waterings before it, so it should be on last day of this or first of next week. Thinking to take down all LST at that time, need pots to breath better, too thin fabric, they dont keep form. Day 47. Drink every two days !!! 4 liters goes to nothing !!! Huge, still streching, tops almost rubbing TS2000, heat 30 inside, humidity 65-68 ..... will need heavy clearing again !!! Devil is looking droopy because was just watered. Happy Growing !!!!
Day 43. Light is on max output, heat enormous and they RUN !!!! thought intensity will stop them a bit , but i think i do only worse ... We have +30 heatwave in UK, i live in attic , so for 4 more days everything will be out of control. Watered today. 6.3 phed water. I love simple and affordable Mars Hydro products, if you can cope with heat TSL2000 can do magic in your tent ! Will update after heat wave us over. Should be in 4 days back to +20 ;))) Day 45. They GROW !!!! Distance is insanly small, but i have 30 cm of space left, wont move light for a week, then i will try to have 20 cm at least again. Planing last top up, need two more waterings before it, so it should be on last day of this or first of next week. Thinking to take down all LST at that time, need pots to breath better, too thin fabric, they dont keep form. Day 47. Drink every two days !!! 4 liters goes to nothing !!! Huge, still streching, tops almost rubbing TS2000, heat 30 inside, humidity 65-68 ..... will need heavy clearing again !!! Devil is looking droopy because was just watered. Happy Growing !!!!
Week 11 (2-9 t/m 8-9) Week 1 bloei 2-9 Temperatuur: 29.8 graden (licht aan) 21.5 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 80% (hoogste) 50% (laagste) Week 1 van de bloei is begonnen! Watergift: 1250 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 3-9 Temperatuur: 29 graden (licht aan) 21.5 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 69% (hoogste) 50% (laagste) Watergift: 500 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 4-9 Temperatuur: 28.5 graden (licht aan) 21.5 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 71% (hoogste) 51% (laagste) Watergift: 1200 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium en 0.4 gr Hybrids Powderfeeding per liter. EC: 0.9 PH: 6.5 5-9 Temperatuur: 29.6 graden (licht aan) 20.8 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 72% (hoogste) 51% (laagste) Wat blaadjes weggehaald. Watergift: Geen. 6-9 Temperatuur: 33 graden (licht aan) 22.3 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 70% (hoogste) 42% (laagste) Watergift: 850 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 7-9 Temperatuur: 32.2 graden (licht aan) 22.6 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 66% (hoogste) 45% (laagste) De kartelpuntjes van het blad zijn lichtelijk geel, na het water geven heb ik de runoff gemeten en dat geeft een EC 2.4 en PH 6.8 aan. Ik ga nu een weekje geen Hybrids voeding geven en daarna ga ik de runoff weer meten. Watergift: 1500 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 8-9 Temperatuur: 30.4 graden (licht aan) 22.8 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 75% (hoogste) 46% (laagste) Watergift: Geen.
Week 11 (2-9 t/m 8-9) Week 1 bloei 2-9 Temperatuur: 29.8 graden (licht aan) 21.5 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 80% (hoogste) 50% (laagste) Week 1 van de bloei is begonnen! Watergift: 1250 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 3-9 Temperatuur: 29 graden (licht aan) 21.5 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 69% (hoogste) 50% (laagste) Watergift: 500 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 4-9 Temperatuur: 28.5 graden (licht aan) 21.5 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 71% (hoogste) 51% (laagste) Watergift: 1200 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium en 0.4 gr Hybrids Powderfeeding per liter. EC: 0.9 PH: 6.5 5-9 Temperatuur: 29.6 graden (licht aan) 20.8 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 72% (hoogste) 51% (laagste) Wat blaadjes weggehaald. Watergift: Geen. 6-9 Temperatuur: 33 graden (licht aan) 22.3 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 70% (hoogste) 42% (laagste) Watergift: 850 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 7-9 Temperatuur: 32.2 graden (licht aan) 22.6 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 66% (hoogste) 45% (laagste) De kartelpuntjes van het blad zijn lichtelijk geel, na het water geven heb ik de runoff gemeten en dat geeft een EC 2.4 en PH 6.8 aan. Ik ga nu een weekje geen Hybrids voeding geven en daarna ga ik de runoff weer meten. Watergift: 1500 ml, met 0.2 ml Silica per liter, 1 gr Calcium PowderFeeding per liter. EC: 0.4 PH: 6.4 8-9 Temperatuur: 30.4 graden (licht aan) 22.8 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 75% (hoogste) 46% (laagste) Watergift: Geen.