The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Deep Forest Auto is doing good. She is stretching more and starting to do some stacking for flowering. I started to give some of the blooming nutrition in her last feed. I did some selective defoliation and she is due for some more lollipopping very soon. Everything is looking great. Thank you Medic Grow, Doctor's Choice, and Gen1:11. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Exelente creciendo y engordando, muy buena altura y producción, con rapidez y aroma a mango muy fuerte, resistente y fácil de cultivar, muy recomendable.
LJ4Q23 Bolt II SOP LJ4Q23 - 8-Plant SOG from Cuts Objective: - 8 Plants - Single Colas - No Branches - Harvest Lemon Jeffery (Narrow Leaf Phenos): 70±5 days - Light Intensity - Ramp up from 200 - > 40 DLI, at 13 hour ScotoPeriod, will need MAX Light to Achieve - Ramp Light Intensity to MAX ASAP (3 Weeks?) Notes: - Lemon Jeffery handles HIGH LIGHT Well, even within 6” of Light @ ~1800 µMol/m2/ - The challenge will be achieving minimum 40 Mol/day, which in this setup requires 1000 µMol/m2/s @ 13 hour Scotoperiod ______________________________________ Start of Week: [ 2023-12-06, LJ4Q 8:B:1:1] End of Week: [ 2023-12-12, LJ4Q 14:B:1:7] Flower Week 2 _______________________________ Environment Targets (Bolt II): - Scotoperiod: [ 13, h] # Contiguous dark hours daily - DayPeriod: [ 1900, 0600 +24h] - TemperatureMax: [ 82, °F] - RH: [ 70, %] - VPD: [ 0.91, mS] - LightIntensity: [ 850, µMol/m2/s] - LightDistance: [ 16.5, “] Bolt II Fertigation - RLA Medium Chart, Week 2, EC: [ 1.7, mS] - Primer A: [ 6.2, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 6.2, ml, gal] - CalMag Fuel: [ 2.5, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 2.5, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 2.5, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 2.5, ml, gal] - Peak Bloom: [ 2.5, ml, gal] Bolt II Fertigation - RLA HYDRO Chart, Week 4, EC: [ 1.7, mS] - Primer A: [ 8.5, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 8.5, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4.25, ml, gal] All Fertigation Add - Plant Success: - Microbelife Photosynthesis Plus: [ 0.5, ml/gal] - Build-a-Soil: - Quillaja20 Powder: [ 0.5, tsp/gal] - South Cascade Organics: - SLF-100 _______________________________________________ Wed Dec 6, 2023 LJ4Q 8:B:1:1 __ Thu Dec 7, 2023 LJ4Q 9:B:1:2 FOLIAR Application: Bolt - CalMag Fuel: [ 20, ml/gal] - Lush Green: [ 5, ml/gal] Install Drain Tray - [x] Install Irrigation Manifold - [ ] Install Drain pump Irrigation Install (When Drip Rings Obtained) - [x] Connect manifold lines to each of 8 drip lines - [ ] Calibrate Drip Ring delivery __ Fri Dec 8, 2023 LJ4Q 10:B:1:3 - We had 500 ml Runoff from 360 X 8: 2880 total: 17% Runoff, which is a good number. - Therefore - if we want to duplicate Initial watering: - Let’s start at nominal 110 ml/ event - 4x a day. 1.8 ml/sec, 110 ml: 61 Seconds, + 5 Sec -> Make it an EVEN MINUTE of irrigation. - [x] Bring Reservoir Operational - [x] Power Chiller - [x] Install irrigation pump - [x] Install circulation pump Irrigation Approach - We’ll use 1.7 ml/sec/line as the Baseline feed. - If we water no more than the Saturation Volume daily . . . - 440 ml/day, Max/Plant Estimates - AirPot Size: [ 4400, ml] - AirPot Saturation: [ 440, ml] - @ 3.2 ml/sec: [ 137, sec] # Max Per Day - Assume 10 Sec ‘Fill’ overhead Per Irrigation HF Fertigation - 4 Events/day - 11 hour Irrigation 4x/day Frequency: 2.75 hrs - First Irrigation 15 Minutes BEFORE Lights On - @ 1.7 ml/sec, 60 sec/event, 100 ml/plant, 4 times a day - 60 Seconds/event, 4X/day EC 3.2 1.7 6.0 ml ml ml Primer A 16.00 8.50 EC 3.2 1.7 6.0 gal total Primer B 16.00 8.50 Primer A 16.00 8.50 51.00 Silica Skin 8.00 4.25 Primer B 16.00 8.50 51.00 Quillaja20 0.5 tsp/gal Silica Skin 8.00 4.25 25.50 King Crab 0.5 ml/gal 0.5 - Loaded ~ 6 Gallons, added another 1 to 1-1/2 to EC: 1.7 Program Irrigation Timer ( Start 15 minutes before Lights On - Time based on ~3ml/sec per line ADJUST When we have ACTUALS). Delivery Max per Plant/day: [ 440, ml] Delivery Frequency/Day: 4 Delivery Period: 2h, 45min Delivery/Plant: [ 102, ml] DeliveryDuration: 60s Usage Expectations - 800 ml/day W 6 Gallons in the res, we’ve enough feed for 28 Days - probably need to mix less. ;-} Fertigation Schedule Initiate Irrigation Irrigation Complete Event 0 18:45:00 18:46:00 Event 1 21:30:00 21:31:00 Event 2 00:15:00 00:16:00 Event 3 03:00:00 03:01:00  Foliar - [x] Resin Bloom: [ 20, ml, gal], [ 1.25, ml, 240, ml] - [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 20, ml, gal], [ 1.25, ml, 240, ml] - [x] Connect manifold feed line to Little Giant Irrigation Pump FOLIAR Application: Bolt - Solar Rain: [ 20, ml/gal] Per Line Delivery, 2 Data Points: 1.87 ± 0.125 ml/sec Let’s go with 1.8 and see . . . Following the rules of Halves - the Pre-Drip ring flow rate was 3.2 per line. With the rings - it’s about HALF, maybe a little more. SO - Ferti9gat __ Sat Dec 9, 2023 LJ4Q 11:B:1:4 GROWER ERROR - Left Irrigation pump connected to POWER instead of TIMER and drained 6 Gal of feed across 8 plants. - I think they’re sufficiently watered . . . ;-} - Gorilla Grow Tent HELD all the water until I could shop vac it out this morning during the grows scotoperiod. - Will report on results after lights on @1900 Lessons Learned (SOP) - ALWAYS ENABLE DRAIN PUMPS BEFORE INITIATING AUTOMATED IRRIGATION - Some might call this common sense, not an SOP… _______________ Saturday Tasks - [x] Refill Res, RLA Hydro Chart @ EC: 1.7 mS, 3 Gal (11.4 Litres) - [x] Primer A: [ 25.5, ml] - [x] Primer B: [ 25.5, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 12.8, ml] - [x] Quillaja20 Powder: [ 1.5, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 15, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 18, ml]  - [x] Tidy Grow Room Install Irrigation Drain system - [x] Obtain 10’ of 1/4” - 3/8” red tubing for runoff drain - [x] Install sump and catch bucket - [x] Externalize power cord - power up - verify operation - [x] Externalize waste hose output in 2-1/2 Gal Dark plastic reservoir _______________ __ Sun Dec 10, 2023 LJ4Q 12:B:1:5 LightIntensity: [ TBD, µMol/m2/s] DLI13: [ TBD, Mol/m2/d] Need to get to 40 DLI baseline, which at 11 hours of light is 1037 µMol/m2/s @ 11 hours/day __ Mon Dec 11, 2023 LJ4Q 13:B:1:6   Lighting Plan - Increase PPFD 10% until we’ve achieved [ 1000+, µMol/m2/s] - Increasing light intensity will increase nutrient needs and runoff. - STAY ON POINT. FOLIAR Application: Bolt - Solar Rain: [ 20, ml/gal] - Silica Skin: [ 20, ml/gal] Still looking for vigor. The girls still look like they’re enjoying a slumber party. ;-| Evaluate Runoff - After doubling irrigation time ( 1 min -> 2 min), we should have some runoff to evaluate. - IFF NOT: Double Irrigation Time to 4 min - ELSE: evaluate - estimate 10%/min, ~320 ml LightIntensity: [ 850, µMol/m2/s] # The sooner we get to full light, the better. ;-} - 440 ml/day - 44 ml, runoff/day - [x] Actual: [ 500 , ml] We also had an extra 5 or so minutes of feed verifying pump yesterday. Will measure again Tuesday. height range: [ 10, 6, 9.5 avg] - [x] Increased Irrigation Interval to 3 minutes. __ Tue Dec 12, 2023 LJ4Q 14:B:1:7 Irrigation Interval: [ 3, min] Irrigation Delivery per Event: [ 100, ml] Events per Day: 4 Total per day per plant: [ 400, ml] Total per day delivered: [ 3200, ml] # < 1 Gal - We target 10-15% runoff, so we’re looking for 380 - 440 ml runoff per day. - IFF we have MORE than 380 - 440 ml’s - [x] Reduce Irrigation Time to 2:30 (from 3:00) - IFF we have LESS than 380 ml runoff - [ ] Increase Irrigation Time time to 3:30, Re-evaluaute WEDNESDAY - [x] Measure Runoff - [x] Amt: 600, ml - Total Run was 14 minutes. We’re using 100ml/min as the guideline, but believe it’s closer to 30-50 ml/min. ***TUESDAY NIGHT - LAST PICTURE FOR WEEK (Hopefully DRY and Praying)!*** Changed Irrigation from 3 min to 2:30.
NOTES: I stopped using the root stimulator as I fill the tanks, next full nutrient solution change to mid-bloom phase is at around 3rd to 4th week flowering. I'll I stop using the Grow nutrient and will increase Bloom the same amount. A lot of training on upper parts with the net and some light defoliating on lower parts of the plants. Day57 (12.12.) Day58 (13.12.) Defoliated and pruned my plants a bit more. Removed some big fan leaves covering large areas of becoming bud sites but mostly focused on lower leaves growing inwards, blocking growth, airflow etc.. Added a video afterwards. Day59 (14.12.) Day60 (15.12.) I continued doing the same as before, light defoliation mostly under the canopy. Day61 (16.12.) Day62 (17.12.) Everything looks good and my teenagers are finally beginning to flower, also no signs of any males or hermaphodites so that's good. Filling the net and keeping the tops and bud sites at the same level is a lot of work since they've stretched a lot. They've also needed some pruning and defoliating but I've tried to not remove too much before they've finished growing bigger. After that, propably on 4th week of flowering I can decide better on what to remove and what to keep for the rest of the grow. Day63 (18.12.) I started the last heavier defoliation process which includes removing around 50% of the upper leaves blocking airflow and light to the developing bud sites. I'll continue the process propably a couple days so I don't stress them too much. It's pretty time-consuming to dive in to each plant and remove anything that's unneccessary for the rest of the grow, keeping that in mind I don't even have the time to do everything at once. This includes the bottom nodes and branches that aren't going to reach even close to the net, the leaves that are blocking the light on top, and the leaves at the bottom of the canopy that aren't getting basically any light. Thanks for the tips! 💪
First attempt at supercropping on D1, stressful but didn’t turn out too bad 😂 D1 starting to preflower despite the days getting longer - and yes I’m sure it’s not an auto Both are growing rigorously
D1 is a bit more hybridy than D2 (and/or just stronger). No tiredness from D2 D1 tastes amazing in vape, better than D2 but something about D2’s smoke is nice - the geranium undertones. Bottom line D2 is perfect day smoke After curing 3 weeks: D1 lemony and sweet, really good flavor profile D2: earthy-floral (ocimene), woody-pine, def most unique odor profile Flavors: D1: lemon (w grinder), apple (top note), sweet (top note) D2: berry (?), flowers (geraniums), tropical (?), pine; spices (not sure which)
D1 is a bit more hybridy than D2 (and/or just stronger). No tiredness from D2 D1 tastes amazing in vape, better than D2 but something about D2’s smoke is nice - the geranium undertones. Bottom line D2 is perfect day smoke After curing 3 weeks: D1 lemony and sweet, really good flavor profile D2: earthy-floral (ocimene), woody-pine, def most unique odor profile Flavors: D1: lemon (w grinder), apple (top note), sweet (top note) D2: berry (?), flowers (geraniums), tropical (?), pine; spices (not sure which)
Purple queen #1 and the watermelon are much further ahead than the rest I think, crazy to see both purples looking so different. I did some Defoliation to most of the plants as it was getting really crowded in the tent, they seemed to love it and you can see all the new budding sites. Wish I had more space to play with the plants as I think I was a bit gredy doing 6, I've learnt so much over this time I've loved it. I love waking and up going to check on the progress 😌 💚 I cannot wait to smoke my own plants which I grew and know exactly how it's been grown 😝
These girls had large growth spurts. The plant buds packed on volume in the last 2 weeks. I let some deficiencies run about a month prior harvest, which I'll make sure not to do in future. Roughly a quarter pound of nice buds + trim.
They were outdoors and neglected for about 6 weeks before coming inside to finish , despite this they all yielded nice smelling frosty buds . Easy to grow and good quality flowers.
Used RootMax mycorrhizae- bacillus + glomus: good root growth Top dressed with compost
Bud rot got the one I left outside in the polytunnel , shame but the weather was terrible here.
I've been feeding just water and allowing them to dry right back , I will harvest once the soil is dry again .
Notes for flower week 8 Watering Days. All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 120/50 (last feed was day 117/47) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of purified water (starting with 17ppm) mixed with 699ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) to the feed then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.35 (7.4 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I am making a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~15 cups of runoff (~20 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume increase, might let her go to 4 days and 2.5 next feed. It could be a result of the knitting needle treatment when feeding. Runoff was tested at 6.15ph and 2010ppm (6.10ph and 2070ppm last feed) - again thinking it could be a result of the knitting needles. Top soil tested at 6.65,6.48,6.6,6.81 for an avg of 6.635 (6.372 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 7.0ph again as I'm still liking where the ph is finally going, but rather see it closer to 6.3 or 6.4 top and bottom. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit and I will continue to monitor runoff ppms as I expected this to be lower with less runoff but have to consider they maybe washing out salt with the knitting needles. Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 7.1 in +4 days (124/54). I expect I will run 700ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again, but expect that to be my last large feed before harvest around Christmas. Day 124/54 (last feed was day 120/50) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 251ppm) mixed with 709ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and 45ml of Roots Organics HP2 (0-4-0) to the feed, then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.13 (7.35 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I am making a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~27 cups of runoff (~15 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume increase as well as previous knitting needle aeration. Runoff was tested at 6.21ph and 2100ppm (6.15ph and 2010ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.57,6.41,6.3,6.39 for an avg of 6.42 (6.635 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 6.8ph as I'm still liking where the ph is finally going. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 6.8 in +4 days (128/58). I expect I will run 400ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again, but no more HP2. I expect to start flushing her out with lower nute levels from that next feed point.
These were left in soil outside and forgot about , luckily my wife watered them as they were in the pollytunnel, I left one plant outside but after 6 weeks I brought brought the rest inside to finish them. They were in small pots but still produced 20-30 g each , I'd say 25g average plus the trim. If your after easy to grow plants with a nice taste these are them.
☄️Salut les copains,👋 🍊J'ai récolté 4 plantes au 53 ème jour de floraison. Après avoir retiré pleins de feuilles de mes bourgeons, j'ai pesé 75 grammes de bourgeons sec sur la balance. C'est ok mais j'aurai aimer avoir plus. 🍊J'ai commis des erreurs durant cette culture et je n'avais malheureusement pas la possibilité de m'en occuper comme je le voulais. 🍊Je vous suggère de ne pas reproduire mon dosage pour les nutriments(+serait mieux) et ma fréquences d'arrosage(moins d'eau et + souvent serait mieux). 🍊Je compte modifier certaines choses pour ma prochaines culture en espérant améliorer le rendement 👌 🍊 🍊Je prévois aussi de faire du ice o lator avec les plus petits bourgeons et les feuilles de mes Lemon Orange, je vous partagerais ça ici et sur mon instagram bientôt !✌️ 🍊 🍊Mon Instagram ☄️
What can I say. It was my first grow that started really well, however I ran into some issues at the start of flowering. I gathered a lot of useful tips from you guys and prepared for the next run, so I can achieved better results. However, the buds look nice and frosty with strong citrus smell 🍋 let's wait for the dry weight and start curing my first yield ✌️😎