Week 4 day 2 since i start germination, and i think they are evolving quite ok. CS1 is for now the queen in all aspects, shes the stronger, the most beautiful formation with no problems what so ever , CS2 is following and CS 3 also but with mutant leaves all over her, i will however keep giving her love and dedication, mb in the end she compensate with some beautiful flowers 🤞
As for the Tropicannas, TP2 its an amazing girl, no mutations and growing as it should, TP1 is recovering fast from her accident 😅🤞 and she is on the way to become a strong and beautiful girl.
They are adapting super well to the new ligth 😅 one less solution to find 👌
Day 27 veg And I’ve been kind off busy, sorry i miss 2 days of updates, but between this 5 girls, my veg room and harvesting my flower run, time only stretches so much since one still have a life beyond the love gardens 😅 but non or less here we are and they look fantastic 🤩😆 all showing strong genetics and i thing i will have different phenotypes on the Chocolate department lets see😁 so far the strongest CS still is number one and number three still mutating her self from day one 😆 but she will take all my love till the end ( we never know ) on the Tropicana department, both looking amazing, number one completely recovered from the led accident 😅 end growing in a way t hat i start to think that she will catch up with the rest pretty soon 🤞TP2 is now the tallest plant of them all With 16cm high 👏
Day 28 veg No updates , all going as it should 😅🤞
Little battle between Topicanna Poisen from @sweetseeds vs Chocolate Skunk from @00Seeds (just for fun)
TP = Tropicana Poison
CS = Chocolate Skunk
All i grow is medecine for myself, nothing to sell, dont even ask !!!!
Stay safe and do it with love for the love ❤️ 🙏