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**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 09/09/19 || To/Hasta: 15/09/19 From day/Desde día: 08 || To day/Hasta día: 14 Ocean Grown Cookies Diary / Diario de las Ocean Grown Cookies: -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- V1 - Transplanting day. I'm using 10 l Aeropots as final recipient. I've used: - Small layer of ATAMI HydroRokz (perlite) at the bottom of the pot, just for cover bottom holes and to retain a bit of humidity - Over the perlite i placed 1l of mixture with BioBizz "All Mix" and Volcanic Soil - Again over, 1l of mixture with BioBizz "Light Mix" + Volcanic Soil & Guano - And filled the rest with BioBizz "Light Mix" + Volcanic Soil It's the second time that i broke half of the roots of a plant doing a transplant, It happened to me just for not being careful enough to hold the soil by the lower part. While this is no good, no further signs of that mistake other than the recorded video ;). V2 - Quick show up on how to correct the color of photos taken under red/ping/purple light. First I merge the HDR image from 3 bracketed shots, then I apply my custom color adjustment in the HDR resulting image. As i show in the video, to correct the red light, you have to enhance the blue and green curves, just play with a point in the curves until you find the best adjustment for each of both curves. Then you should go to tones, and play a bit with reds, pinks & purples... and.... Voilá, you can see the results, easy and effective..... but no more easy than using the right white spectrum. P1 - Cookies Showdown before transplant P7 - Volcanic soil and Guano -----WEEK SUMMARY----- This week was very easy, i didn't do anything to these babies apart from the transplant. This is the first time im mixing something with the soil, I hope not to overfeed the Cookies with the nutes, as i'm going to use the same nutrients i was using. The first 10 days they were growing in my 60x60x40 tent (DP60), with a terrible chinese light that i always use the first week wen I plant. PandaGrow 100W (50W draw) - So after transplanting when i place the plans under the Quantum Board or the Platinum LED, i've notice it on them immediately, they really don't like this kind of chinese lights. Thus after the transplant the plants has started to grow and wide much more and much quickly. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 12/09/19 DAY 11 - 1,5 l after transplant with all week nutrients @ 0.8 EC & PH5.8 *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMÁGENES & VÍDEOS----- V1 - Día de transplante. Transplantaré a AeroPots de 10 l. Para el transplante he usado: - Una capa pequeña de ATAMI HydroRokz (perlita) en el fondo de los tiestos, sólo para cubrir los agujeros y retener un pelín de humedad. - Encima de la perlita he puesto 1 l de mezcla de BioBizz "All-Mix" con tierra volcánica - De nuevo encima he puesto otro litro de mezcla de BioBizz "Light-Mix" con guano y tierra volcánica - El resto está relleno con una mezcla de BioBizz "Light-Mix" con tierra volcánica Es la segunda vez que se me parter unas raíces por la mitad en un transplante, eso me pasa por no ser lo suficientemente cuidadoso como para agarrar el sustrato por su parte baja. Esto no es algo bueno, pero he de admitir que aparte del mal rato de que se te partan las raíces, a la planta no le sucede nada de nada, sigue creciendo al mismo ritmo que su hermana. V2 - Un ejemplo rápido de como corregir la iluminación de una foto tomada bajo un espectro rosado o rojizo En el vídeo primero compilo el HDR compuesto de 3 fotografías horquilladas y una vez compilado le aplico mi ajuste de color. Como muestro en el vídeo, para corregir este tipo de luces hay que realzar las curvas de color azul y verde, simplemente con un punto por encima de la mitad de la línea media hasta encontrar los puntos más adecuados para tu luz. una vez encontrados, sólo hay que ir a los tonos y ajustar un poquito el rojo, rosa y morado. P1 - Muestra de las Cookies antes del transplante P7 - Tierra volcánica y Guano -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Esta semana ha sido muy sencilla, no les he hecho absolutamente nada a las pequeñas a parte del transplante. Esta es la primera vez que mezclo algo con el sustrato y espero no sobrealimentar las cookies ya que voy a seguir usando los mismos nutrientes que he usado con anterioridad y de la misma manera. Los primeros 10 días han crecido en mi tienda de 60x60x40 (DP60), con una luz china terrible: PandaGrow 100W (50W draw) - Siempre uso esa luz los primeros días de cada cultivo, por lo que al cambiarlas a la Quantum o al Platinum LED lo noto al toque, realmente no les gusta nada la luz china esa, inmediatamente se ponen a crecer y ensanchar mucho mas. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 12/09/19 DÍA 11 - 1,5 l después del transplante con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 0.8 EC & PH5.8
Hello growmies 👊💚 the first flowering week is coming to an end, the lemonade haze girls have developed splendidly and the stretch has begun, it smells wonderfully fruity in my grow closet, I could spend the whole day here 😆 I would like to apologize to my friends here because I work 12 hour shifts and I don't have much time for myself. When I find the time I will get back to you and will visit your diaries, thank you for your support and help my friends 🤙☝️ wish everyone a nice weekend good luck with your diaries 💚👊
Che ve ne pare? Ha iniziato prefioritura giusto una settimana fa, la prossima credo sia molto interessante. La pianta non mi ha portato nessuno problema fin ora, neanche in ambito fitofagi. È in forza e pronta a mordere e la cosa che piu mi appaga è il non usare fertilizzanti chimici o organominerali. La strada ora è tutta rosa e fiori contento e soddisfatto qualsiasi sia il risultato. Concimazione con compost autoprodotto + My banana biobloom/macerato e compostato+ algabloom a stimolazione. Grazie per la visione,per info rispondetemi.
Che ve ne pare? Ha iniziato prefioritura giusto una settimana fa, la prossima credo sia molto interessante. La pianta non mi ha portato nessuno problema fin ora, neanche in ambito fitofagi. È in forza e pronta a mordere e la cosa che piu mi appaga è il non usare fertilizzanti chimici o organominerali. La strada ora è tutta rosa e fiori contento e soddisfatto qualsiasi sia il risultato. Concimazione con compost autoprodotto + My banana biobloom/macerato e compostato+ algabloom a stimolazione. Grazie per la visione,per info rispondetemi.
Had high winds and it took it first tumble of the grow, the burning you're seeing in the picture is from it laying on the hot roof for jesus knows how long. I just snipped the burned parts of and kept it pushing, nothing else that can be done and I didn't lose a branch so smiles all around. I have stopped training for the most part, I've learned there is such a thing as overtraining outdoors and it causes you to lose branches.
One bean was badly mutated still produced an ounce of decent bud. The normal gorilla cookies started off strong then turned out quite small but produced very pretty dense buds thickly covered in trichomes.
After 24 hours in glass of water, I put the seeds 48 hours to germinate using the paper towel method inside the container you see in the photo. Then moved both germinated seeds (with a 1cm root) to the substrate. The 6th day they showed up in the surface as you see in the photos.
Just an insane grow. Paid silly money for the seeds but well worth it. Absolutely frost machine. One has rose Buds which I've never experienced. Fatty thc deposits all over the buds so one to press although I won't be. Hats of to exoticgenetix for this one 👏🏻 .. curing tip. Freeze the arse out of your room. Forget this 60/60 crap. 14-15c and 70 humidity. I will turn my dehumidifier on for 3hours once a day. Just make sure you have a fan blasting but not over your Buds More pics to follow 📷
Hey growmies! what a week for this plant, she responded wonderfully to the lollipopping and defoliation performed last week, in fact she started voraciously eating and i had to keep increasing dose and water every day. She did enter flower now, I have taken off a few more offshoots that wouldn't have yielded much bud and was crowding the canopy with tiny branches. Now was my last chance to take off said shoots, because this girl has started pumping energy into stretching, and now more of that precious energy will go into more dominant branches, that ultimately will yield higher quality flower. Could I technically have higher yield if I left the little branches? possibly. but that weight would come in fluffy bud that choke out airflow and nutrients away from the pretty flowers, which in turn suffer. the plant started stretching and she grew too close to her new lights, as a result all my tops have yellow tips, she should recover nicely however, I have raised the lights back to 45 cm above the canopy. Speaking of canopy, this autoflower is pretty big, atleast in DWC, so if you're growing her, deffo ScrOG her. Hydroguard keeps my roots pretty healthy, even during the heatwave without a chiller! next week i will put in a second trellis, help her while she stretches! hope to see you then
Chopped her down right after these photos. Had one little area with bud rot! The humidity has been crazy high and she was almost perfectly ready, but needed one more week. Chopping down to avoid any more! She smells like pine gas! Foxtails are from the temps swings. Happy with the turn out because Mother Nature was not kind to this lady! ✌️💚🌿💨. Results after dry!
Just starting to flower 😃 This week I foliar sprayed ChitoSal and Rubicon Marinis to help transition to flower. I also added nets to the rest of the plants since we've had crazy storms lately but they hole their own quite well. Roughly 30 gallons of soil inside cages wrapped in plastic about a foot and a half high amended with 3 cups Gaia 4-4-4 and 2 cups Gaia 2-8-4 and 2 cups Gaia Feather Meal 13-0-0. Topped up each month with a cup of each as well as worm casting/soluble kelp/molasses compost tea once a week. Also Fish Shit amendment added at recommended doses. Orange Kush Cake, Cherry Gar-See-Ya, Mac 'n Jack, Crescendo Rbx1 are all Ethos genetics at 25-35% THC Blue Afghan is from Jordan Of The Islands. Recieved clones in the mail in early May. Happy Growing 😌
She is fed every 5 days. 8/5 I'm bubbling up a batch of pit bull Stew tea. This is my first time making a tea. Worm castings, bat shit, recharge, kelp, foxfarm grow big and rice water for carbs and starch. Been hearing good things about rice and potatoe water. 8/6 two gallons of tea. 8/11 giving the same tea minus the recharge adding 1/2 teaspoon foxfarm open sesame. Today she is getting a Foxfarm feeding. 8/7. She takes almost 2 gallons until I see run off. She was fed 24 ml per 2 gallons of Tiger Grow. I could have went to 30mls, but like to stay on the safe side. She is about the size I wanted her to be. I prefer no one can see her. Also how much bud do I need. She has been fun to grow. Next year I'm growing 2 outdoor photos different strains. This is my first grow in many years. I beat the crap out of this plant. Tying, pulling and bending. She has branches that look like a W. She should be in flower very soon. I been pulling off the obvious branches that will not make it. Then once she is in obvious flower, I will see if anymore need to be removed. I'm sure there will be a few, have to see what the stretch does. She got well fed this weekend. So I expect a lot more growth.
bueno se hizo una por primera vez una cosecha por partes, como indicamos en el post anterior, se cosecho los cogollos donde la luz pegaba mas al parecer y estaban mas desarrollados, la cosecha fue con tricomas blancos tendiendo a transparentes con pocos ambar, en opinion ya luego de una semanas y una segunda cosecha, es que cosechamos pronto por temor al pasarnos al ser primera vez, entonces posiblemente nos apresuramos un poco ligeramente o confundimos los tricomas tendiendo a ser transparente por los blancos que es lo que indica la teoria el punto de corte, pero no nso quejamos quedo genial! subiremos el segundo punto de corte luego de 2 semanas . LAS ULTIMAS FOTOS LAS DE LAS 2 SEMANAS MAS 2DO CORTE.
bueno se hizo una por primera vez una cosecha por partes, como indicamos en el post anterior, se cosecho los cogollos donde la luz pegaba mas al parecer y estaban mas desarrollados, la cosecha fue con tricomas blancos tendiendo a transparentes con pocos ambar, en opinion ya luego de una semanas y una segunda cosecha, es que cosechamos pronto por temor al pasarnos al ser primera vez, entonces posiblemente nos apresuramos un poco ligeramente o confundimos los tricomas tendiendo a ser transparente por los blancos que es lo que indica la teoria el punto de corte, pero no nso quejamos quedo genial! subiremos el segundo punto de corte luego de 2 semanas . LAS ULTIMAS FOTOS LAS DE LAS 2 SEMANAS MAS 2DO CORTE.
bueno se hizo una por primera vez una cosecha por partes, como indicamos en el post anterior, se cosecho los cogollos donde la luz pegaba mas al parecer y estaban mas desarrollados, la cosecha fue con tricomas blancos tendiendo a transparentes con pocos ambar, en opinion ya luego de una semanas y una segunda cosecha, es que cosechamos pronto por temor al pasarnos al ser primera vez, entonces posiblemente nos apresuramos un poco ligeramente o confundimos los tricomas tendiendo a ser transparente por los blancos que es lo que indica la teoria el punto de corte, pero no nso quejamos quedo genial! subiremos el segundo punto de corte luego de 2 semanas . LAS ULTIMAS FOTOS LAS DE LAS 2 SEMANAS MAS 2DO CORTE.