The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
~ WEDDING CHEESECAKE FAST FLOWER by FastBuds ~ Well fam, here we go again with another epic strain from FastBuds Fast Flowering stable. After having such tremendous success growing their Gorilla Cookies Fast Flower outdoors last year, I've decided to run another of their fast flowering strains outdoors this year... Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower! The best description of this awesome cultivar comes directly from my friends at FastBuds which is as follows: "A delight for the mind and body: Wedding Cheesecake FF (Fast-Flowering) is a delicious strain that offers XXL yields in a 7-8 weeks flowering cycle. This terpene powerhouse produces loads and loads of mouth-watering vanilla-creamy-cookie-scented terps with hints of citrus and cinnamon. In addition to its delicious aromas, this variety grows very well in both indoor and outdoor setups, yielding up to 650 g/m2 without extra maintenance, making it the ideal strain for beginners as it allows you to maximize yields while minimizing work. This super-fast feminized photoperiod version offers upbeat and energetic yet deeply relaxing effects that are perfect for consumers looking for a heavily focused, motivating, and creative high. It’s the ideal strain for those needing that extra energy boost to start a busy day on the right foot. Wedding Cheesecake FF boasts chunky, large-sized buds with a thick layer of silvery-white resin and bright orange hairs scattered all over: that just screams ‘quality’. The lime-green flowers sparkle with an array of hues ranging from dark to light green, to magenta and purple, and reek of a delicious aroma that’ll remind you of fresh store-bought cheesecake. This is an XXL hybrid that grows extremely tall in height, reaching up to 3m with one huge main cola and multiple long side branches that can withstand enormous yields of up to 650 g/m2 with ease. Wedding Cheesecake FF is extremely resilient to the elements and can be grown in almost every climate as long as you’ve got the space and basics covered, making her an excellent choice for those looking for large-scale harvests with a quick turnaround time without much effort." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the Wedding Cheesecake FF indoors as our weather is still too cold to put her outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 30's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures stay above the mid 40's℉, at which point she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes, and then let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 9/6- Well, Week Five of flower is here and the Wedding Cheesecake FF by FastBuds is rockin-n-rollin! Well fam, the 'Beast From The East' is going strong, and so far has not encountered any issues with any bud rot but is showing signs of the beginnings of Septoria. Luckily, this far into flower it shouldn't be too much of a concern at this point. This late in our growing season I always worry about Boytris, especially with cultivars that have really dense and tightly grouped flowers as our weather is now turning cooler and wetter. 9/8- I'm continuing to water the Wedding Cheesecake FF in the mornings on days that we do not get any substantial rain with well water via the garden hose. Today I went through the plant and removed a bunch of old dead leaves, along with any shade leaves that were totally yellow. I did not water today as we had a good amount of rain yesterday and the soil is still really moist. 9/10- My daily routine of watering, removing dead foliage and checking over the flowers continues. The aroma coming off of the Wedding Cheesecake FF is really loud now and you can definitely pick up some subtle hints of her Cheese lineage in it! 9/12- With Five weeks of flowers now behind her, the FastBuds Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower only has 2-3 more weeks to go (weather permitting) and she's on track to be an enormous yielding plant! I can't wait!!! Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏
Another week done applying some More training Put the Ionbeam U4 inside the tent watch the unboxing video and setup!
Another week done applying some More training Put the Ionbeam U4 inside the tent watch the unboxing video and setup!
Another week done applying some More training Put the Ionbeam U4 inside the tent watch the unboxing video and setup!
FastBuds - Gelato Auto x 1 Dry Weight - 2 ounce and 20.73 gram I can definitely see an increase in weight and yield from doing the mainlining technique I would normally get around 1.7 oz of an auto If I hadn't done any training and not lollypopped and defoilated the plant. Highly recommend this method to avoid clutter , little popcorn nugs and messy plants. I thought I lost a plant to herm but I could have been wrong as I seen a diary on here that looked very similar to the one I Isolated and it turned out OK. Smoked that one already and didn't hear any popping or cracking of seeds so she could have gone longer but I didn't wanna risk other plants turning. Nugs are rock solid! Gassy lemony smell! Tried one last night as a tester and it was niiiiiice! Will try and let the cure begin before I raid the jars lol Buzzing with results! This was also a sample from FastBuds so good! 🙌🍦🍦🍦🔥🔥🔥 👊
Día 15 (27/01) Ha reaccionado bien al trasplante. A ver como se desarrolla en los siguientes días! Día 16 (28/01) Muestra un buen desarrollo con las primeras ramas formándose Día 17 (29/01) Subo a DLI 40 Muestra un color verde estupendo 😍 Día 18 (30/01) Tras subir el DLI la temperatura en el indoor ha subido a de 22ºC a 26 ºC, de modo que va a acelerar las necesidades hídricas Se sigue desarrollando estupendamente 😁 Día 19 (31/01) Seguimos a buen ritmo Creo que debería haber regado este día... (Visto como estaba de seca al día siguiente...) Día 20 (01/02) Elimino las ramas más inferiores (1er nudo) que siempre suelen quedar débiles en el stretch Riego con 350 ml H2O RO Día 21 (02/02) Empieza a estirarse! 😍 Está sedienta! Riego con 350 ml H2O En una semana a floración! 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Día 15 (27/01) Ha reaccionado bien al trasplante. A ver como se desarrolla en los siguientes días! Día 16 (28/01) Muestra un buen desarrollo con las primeras ramas formándose Día 17 (29/01) Subo a DLI 40 Muestra un color verde estupendo 😍 Día 18 (30/01) Tras subir el DLI la temperatura en el indoor ha subido a de 22ºC a 26 ºC, de modo que va a acelerar las necesidades hídricas Se sigue desarrollando estupendamente 😁 Día 19 (31/01) Seguimos a buen ritmo Creo que debería haber regado este día... (Visto como estaba de seca al día siguiente...) Día 20 (01/02) Elimino las ramas más inferiores (1er nudo) que siempre suelen quedar débiles en el stretch Riego con 350 ml H2O RO Día 21 (02/02) Empieza a estirarse! 😍 Está sedienta! Riego con 350 ml H2O En una semana a floración! 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
All 4 seeds sprouted in about a day. I didn’t get any pictures of them in the dome but this is them after I transplanted the cubes into 1.5 gallon pots of coco. I could’ve started in a solo cup but that’s to much messing around just to take clones and flip to flower right away 😉 just 6.0-6.2ph spring water for the first watering.
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie wächst sehr schön und macht keine Probleme. Rabattcode für den BIOTABS-Webshop GDBT420, damit erhalten Sie 15 Prozent
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie wächst sehr schön und macht keine Probleme
A planta que parecia que juntava mais água de fato demorou mais pra secar e acho que a colheita foi um pouco antes da hora, ela aguentaria e se beneficiaria de mais uma ou duas semanas. Acabou que ficou mais fraca. Dei mole na forma de tirar o SCroG também e posso ter perdido um pouco pela falta de habilidade, vale mais a pena já cortar e pendurar pra secar somente os galhos e não a planta inteira, até pra retirar do SCroG.
harvested her long ago , forgot to do anHarvestreport i
Nun, in der letzten Woche ist Einiges passiert: Beide Pflanzen wurden in ihre 11 l. Stofftöpfe umgepflanzt und in der Mitte der Woche getoppt. Sie haben es sehr gut vertragen und erfreuen mich mit ihrem Wachstum. Überhaupt sind es sehr schöne Pflanzen mit ihren violetten Blattstielen und den hellgrün- und dunkelgrünen Blättern. Gedüngt wurde nicht, da die neue Pflanzenerde erst einmal genügend Dünger bereit hält. Aber dann habe ich die Blumat Tropfer für die automatische Bewässerung in Betrieb genommen und nun sammelt sich überschüssiges Wasser in der Bodenwanne, was den anderen Stecklingen sehr zugute kommt. So war es aber nicht gedacht. Die genaue Einstellung der automatischen Blumat-Bewässerung ist etwas, dass ich zum ersten Male durchführe, habe also noch keinerlei Erfahrung darin und das Ergebnis sehe ich nun. Immerhin habe ich in den Stofftöpfen eine Drainage eingebaut, sodass die Wurzeln nicht geschädigt werden. Die Stecklinge scheinen das überschüssige Wasser zu lieben. die beiden großen hinteren Pflanzen, sind Mutterpflanzen, die ich seit August am Leben gehalten habe, darunter eine Divine-Seeds Fractal-Mutter, für die immer noch kein Ergebnis im Wettbewerb zur Verfügung steht 😒. Meine automatische Steuerung sieht etwas chaotisch aus, ich hoffe das noch in den Griff zu bekommen.😜 Leider kann ich keinen genauen Wasserverbrauch angeben, da das Wasser direkt aus der Wasserleitung kommt und nicht aus einem höhergestellten Behälter, ich vermute der Wasserverbrauch liegt z.Zt. bei 50-100 ml, ist aber nur eine Schätzung. Ich wünsche euch eine weitere erfolgreiche Grow-Woche und bedanke mich dafür, dass ihr meinen Report besucht habt. Ich nehme sehr gerne Tips zur Blumat Steuerung entgegen....
She stretched a little bit more in the last week, everything very healthy.
Put on A LOT of frost this week. Fan leaves are covered to the tips, I love this pheno so far.
Yeah this pheno is the frostiest plant I’ve seen. Starting to smell like a sweet vanilla GAS. Everything staying healthy, she’s starting to bulk up and show a little bit of purple colors.