Hello and Welcome back 🌱
It‘s now 7 days ago since I put them in Water to Germinate and now it‘s their 5th day of growing. Yesterday, they got their first 4 hours of darkness and now i‘m slowly going down to 18/6 light schedule. I admit, the environment was sometimes very off due to experiments with VPD and leaf temperatur but I think I can dile it in correctly for this growing stage and beyond (hopefully). I was trying to see what happens if I stress them a little and hoped they would grow faster but they 100% didn‘t like it. They heat up pretty fast when the Air is too hot and dry because the roots are not developed and the plant is not established enough. An established plant can stay outside in the heat of the sun and still have cool leaves.
So my environment for this stage is as above (27°C,70%RH). Light at 15000 Lux (≈370 ppfd) a little high but I‘ve noticed some stretching and I asumed they wanted more light and I really don’t want any more stretching. My media comes without nutriens so i feed little amounts of it every time they dry out enough. This is a Indica dominant strain so I asume they will stay fairly smal. Btw. If anybody wonders if CO2 bags work, check out the Video I uploaded.
They are still seedlings (not really in Veg yet) and so i‘m treating them as such for the rest of the week. Root developement is now the top priority wich, if you didn‘t know, is better in a smal pot first because they are more likely to develope secondary roots but we’ll see. I heard It‘s like topping just underneath the plant. When they are ready to be transplanted I most likely will take the first three.
Update: I did all the preperations for Transplant bc I was worried about root bound. I took Nr. 4 out and washed it as carefully as I could to expose the roots. Some of them got stuck on harder peaces of dirt and got ripped off. But it looks like alot of secondary roots developed instead of just one long taproot, wich is nice. I assume i can transplant them in the next few days.
I rearanged the plants according to the Lux reading, wich is highest in the middle so the bigger plants (Nr.1 and Nr. 3) went to the sides. Maybe Nr.1 got the „smal“ genetics and it’s not anything environmental.
thanks for following along this far and happy growing!
Update: hey guys so yesterday I noticed, that the roots are coming out of the bottom. They were trying to get to the bottom of the three pots 😭 i had to do an emergency Transplant wich went very bad because they were stuck in the little pots. I don‘t think i‘m going to use these kind of pots anymore because they were not easy to get out. I even dropped Nr. 3 but luckily nothing bad happened.
After the transplant both Nr. 1 and 2 were already ready to get more light. But Nr.3 was turning away from the light and the leaves were hanging down. So to lower the stress and encourage root groth I redusced the amount of light to a minimum and lowered the Temperature and highten the RH. This seemed to work well because the leaves were purking up again. The next day after 6-7 hours of darkness they are doing fine again but i‘m going to give them a little longer to establish themselves in the new pot. I changed the light schedule to 18/6 since I had to give them more darkness yesterday. I hope everything goes smothly from now on.