I felt things were going well, and didn't want to jinx it.... however my time has come for the next level of challenges.
This week things were looking great, but then I saw some leaves having discolored spots. I looked under the microscope and saw it was the leaf, didn't think much more of it. Next day, more spots, so I investigated. looking again with the microscope, I found the devil!
Spider mites!
So, I sprayed greencleaner on them at light shutoff...
and the following day plant does not look too good.
Looks dry and light burned.
So I moved the lights up, they were not a problem before and the plant had stopped stretching this week.
hopefully I this will go away, but I need to spray tomorrow to keep with the schedule, hope it does not dry out y plants as much this time!
However looking at the bugs again, they are dead!
I also lollypopped the girls, however since I am a noob, I could have trimmed more, but it makes me nervous of taking off too much, so maybe a few days I will take some more off, or just watch the dead leaves closer, and will clear daily...