Hi everyone
Welcome 🙂
We arrived today at the end of week 12 in sweet company with these beautiful five girls all from the same family , KALINI ASIA 🕉️🎋
For those who already know no further explanations are needed, but just to be precise..
This diary it's for the Zamnesia Spring Cup 🏆
I'm growing all seeds Zamnesia has provide us for try to show how this strain can grow in different ways.
The substrate will be the same light-mix soil mix with cocco and some one with humus
The nutrients and the cultivation techniques will be different for each one
So , I have reported down below what I do and I will do every week for the next few months..
The 5 ways 🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄
(Things I have and I still use in flowering , I have put for all five down below 👇, because are mostly the same)
K # 1 🌿 {BLOOM n°6}
Final height= 30cm
Is the lady where I have use all the things ZAMNESIA was provide to us for free👌💯
( I will spend more words about it when I post the harwest)
_60%light-mix soil/30%cocco/10%perlite
This girl is slightly faster in flowering when compared to the other four..
I remind you that both she and K # 2 and K # 3 entered flowering one week after K # 4 and two weeks after K # 5 respectively..
In addition, all three were tied by practicing LST, without topping I simply carried out a slight defoliation and lollipopping in its first half weeks after the 12/12 light change
Everything is going well and for now I am more than satisfied 👌
She and K # 3 are not showing and I really think they won't delight us with pink / purple colors
On the other hand, however, the buds are very dense and have a higher concentration of trichomes
We'll see 😉
The other things I have use in this last seven days I will put down below 👇
K#2 🌿 {BLOOM n°6}
Final height= 30cm
For this girl I have use a different approach..
_11l smart-pot
_Living Soil (my High-Brix formula)
How beautiful she is right now 😍
The leaves are gradually losing their beautiful light green color becoming more and more yellow
The plant has been in the auto flush phase, if we can say so, for about ten days..
So it will probably be ready shortly after 60 days 📆
The aroma that emanates is very good, it sincerely reminds me of a little Kush because of earthy hints I still don't feel it🙌
I will probably find them in smoke, but certainly in mix with other more citric / fruity notes
It is still early to understand
Certainly in the next two weeks the aromas will tend to explode..
I can't wait 😋
The inflorescences are slightly smaller than the others, most likely due to the diet they are following..
But I have no doubt that the flavor will be exceptional once dried and tanned at its best 🔥
Like the other sisters , the micro life/nutrients/stimulator I have use in this last seven days I have put down below 👇
K#3 🌿 {BLOOM n°6}
Final height= 35cm
With this girl I have use..
_11l plastic-pot
_20gMONSTER-MIX + 70g guano kalong + 25g kelp kalong + some organic nutrients/stimulator
This beautiful lady is the most leafy of the family 🍃
But also the one with the fatter flowers and perhaps with the greatest quantity of resin 💪
It is almost identical to K # 1 in terms of smell
The flowers if you observe them well differ slightly as the white pistils are much more elongated than the sister who is growing in the official pot of Zamnesia..
Most likely at the end of this new week , I will start to defoliate a little bit ✂️
A little stress towards the end never hurts, just don't go overboard 😉👌
We will see how she reacts..
Things I have use this week down below 👇
K#4 🌿 {BLOOM n°7}
Final height= 40cm
The little one ..but the most resinous of the three purple/pink 💪
Whit her I have using..
_5l air-pot
This little girl really smells delicious, but still very similar to K # 2 and K # 5..
Its buds are not too large but very sticky to the touch 🔥
She and K # 5 need water every day 💧
Certainly having used an airpot helps to dry the ground first..
Its larger leaves are now a beautiful yellow color and in a few days they will begin to fall
I really think that at the latest within two weeks she can be mature at the right point 👌
As I said before, the flowers are not very large, but present along all the branches..
Even the lower ones have reached a remarkable durability that is gradually increasing
We will see in the end 🤗
Other nutrients/stimulator I have put down below 👇
K#5 🌿 {BLOOM n°8}
Final height= 60cm
The beautiful one..
_7l geotextile pot ( not completely full , about 5,5/6 liters )
I love everything about her..
The ease of cultivation, the production of flowers entirely along the branches, the beautiful color of the latter and the spatial aroma🚀🔥
Now then, since he started to run out of nutrients, he has taken on and is taking on beautiful colors..
From green to yellow with fantastic purple hues..
The density of the trichomes is not at extreme levels, perhaps also because of the heat 🌡️
But the aroma it gives off is amazing
A real pearl 👌👌
Today we are exactly 60 days from when it entered flowering..
I really think it will be ready not earlier than 70 days..
But I'm more than happy to wait a little longer I can't wait to enjoy it in a few months
Ok and that's all about the general state of each one
I have reported over here the other things I have using in this last seven days , apart the regular water I have give every day mostly for each ones 💧
K#1 / K#2 / K#3
_5,5ml molasses each one
_3,5ml rinhoskin each one
_3,5ml topmax each one
_3,5ml sensizym each one
For the other two I have only using regular water💧 and some enzymes for K#4
So , for this last one this week I have using..
_2ml sensizym
And instead for K#5 I have use
_ water , every day
We are getting closer to the conclusion of this fantastic cycle..
I have not encountered obvious problems so far, we hope to continue on this path..
This strain is really interesting and it is surprising me more and more
I hope that you too can enjoy the best of the floral show, the photos do not do justice to the beautiful colors that I am seeing 📸🌸💮🏵️
Maybe it will be much clearer when I bring the flowers back once everything is done 😎
For now, this is it
Stay tuned if you don't want to miss the show
And thank you all for the support you have given me to date 🙏🙏
See you in week n°13 😄
Ciao ✌️