Things are getting frosty around here! Critical Cures are at the top of the class. Critical Mass is in second. Charlotte's Angels are in third. Durga Mata is in fourth, with Blue Shark rounding out the pack as far as blooms are concerned, and how far along they are.
This week I used the last of my "Tiger Bloom" and "Big Bloom" and I didn't feel like buying more, so I started making compost tea! It comes from my pile that consists of kitchen scraps, horse, chicken and sheep manure. They seem to be liking it. I also gave them a little nitrogen foliar spray this morning. I've had to spray insecticidal soap twice this week. Smells so fragrant out there, it's attracting a lot of bugs.
I sent a pic of one of the Critical Cure's to a friend of mine saying "Not long now!" (As in like 3-4 weeks on this particular plant) to which he replied: "You've still got 6-7 weeks!" No, just no. Same guy also told me my plants would be 8 ft high. Ha! Silly boys.