The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Con 43 dias de vida iniciamos la séptima semana cambiando el fotoperiodo a 12/12h.
Make sure to head over to Mars Hydro for all your tent's & lights. Use our affiliate link & help support Legacy Market Farm! Grow along with us, With the same seeds, Same gear! GROW TENTS,LIGHTS,EQUIPMENT - SEEDS - Need nutrients ? Grab some Green Planet & Grow along just like Legacy Market Farm ! Use our coupon code for 10% off! COUPON : legacymarketfarm10 This was the state of the plants & Grow when I was hired to take over as onsite manager & Assistant master grower, This was our first week on site. NOTE : This is only partial information regarding our nutrient recipe. We use a very guarded feed that was taught to us by the master grower of this facility that apprenticed me. Stay tuned to our youtube channel coming soon for lots of videos & tutorials to grow like a pro. Check out videos of this crop & our tutorial series on our youtube channel make sure to subscribe!
This is really the day when I am cutting the plants down. I don't want to fill out the harvest section until I have all the info needed to do it. I find the way it is set up on here to be kind of silly... Today is day 95 since these girls popped and stuck their heads out of the soil. I'm blown away with the size of these plants considering their age. I'm going to contribute the majority of this success to the CO2 gas I use. I filled out my tank 4 times for a total of 100 dollars .. the 4th tank I bought is still full and I'll be able to use it on my next grow. These buds and colas are extremely dense and packed with resin. They are giving off a really deep and complex smell. Kind of like a fruity earth mixed with skunk. I plan on drying at temperatures between 62 and 68 deg. fahrenheit with humidity about 55%. Once the smaller branches snap completely and the buds don't come off 'stringy' then I will move on to the next step of curing. For this I use Grove bags and boveda humidity packs (62% RH). I'm expecting at least 8 oz off of each plant and I do intend to press some with my resin press
This is really the day when I am cutting the plants down. I don't want to fill out the harvest section until I have all the info needed to do it. I find the way it is set up on here to be kind of silly... Today is day 95 since these girls popped and stuck their heads out of the soil. I'm blown away with the size of these plants considering their age. I'm going to contribute the majority of this success to the CO2 gas I use. I filled out my tank 4 times for a total of 100 dollars .. the 4th tank I bought is still full and I'll be able to use it on my next grow. These buds and colas are extremely dense and packed with resin. They are giving off a really deep and complex smell. Kind of like a fruity earth mixed with skunk. I plan on drying at temperatures between 62 and 68 deg. fahrenheit with humidity about 55%. Once the smaller branches snap completely and the buds don't come off 'stringy' then I will move on to the next step of curing. For this I use Grove bags and boveda humidity packs (62% RH). I'm expecting at least 8 oz off of each plant and I do intend to press some with my resin press
Pollenated for three days, took a funny photo shoot of the donor plant and tossed it. Let the plants marinate for a day, gutted the bloom room, scrubbed every inch of it down and moved the photos over there to finish, they were getting to tall for my 4x4. Put the Auto ultimates in their new home and they seem to be loving the spider farmer. From the video: ( Sour watermelon - Photo - tall plant ) ( Mac BX4 - Photo - Shorty ) ( Auto ultimate x2 - Auto - 4x4 Tent )
3/27 Been fighting the warmth of the lights and the rising temps lately. Amnesia is still sacrificing leaves, but much more slowly now, letting me pick out about 5-10 per day. I really don't know what caused it all, but at least this could make trimming easier. I'm trying to make sure I pull off all the browning and crispy leaves so that they don't get absorbed by growing bud. Trainwreck is getting much more purple, but is also browning in some spots. Trainwreck doesn't let go of any leaves, as the base of them is still green, which makes it more difficult to sift through the brown leaves and pull them out. Fed at the end of last week, may have been Friday. 3/29 Feeding 3/4 nutrients today! 3/31 Fed 1/2 strength nutrients and lowering lights to 50% before going away for the weekend. 4/1 They survived my time away. 4/2 Some crispy leaves needed to be plucked from Trainwreck to open up other budsites. Trichomes are still not amber.
3/27 Been fighting the warmth of the lights and the rising temps lately. Amnesia is still sacrificing leaves, but much more slowly now, letting me pick out about 5-10 per day. I really don't know what caused it all, but at least this could make trimming easier. I'm trying to make sure I pull off all the browning and crispy leaves so that they don't get absorbed by growing bud. Trainwreck is getting much more purple, but is also browning in some spots. Trainwreck doesn't let go of any leaves, as the base of them is still green, which makes it more difficult to sift through the brown leaves and pull them out. Fed at the end of last week, may have been Friday. 3/29 Feeding 3/4 nutrients today! 3/31 Fed 1/2 strength nutrients and lowering lights to 50% before going away for the weekend. 4/1 They survived my time away. 4/2 Some crispy leaves needed to be plucked from Trainwreck to open up other budsites. Trichomes are still not amber.
The Sin di Anesia era una di quelle piante che vorresti avere sempre nel tuo box! Non ho avuto particolare attenzione per queste ragazze e vedo che sono cresciute bene e sopratutto belle piene! Ho iniziato a sciacquare con acqua 🚿 fredda ben 2 settimane prima per fare un test e per vedere se effettivamente aumenta la produzione di resina come si legge in giro in qualche articolo, beh non farlo se non vuoi stressare inutilmente le tue piante, dal mio di punto di vista non è cambiato nulla se non fate ingiallire prima tutte le foglie, stessa cosa le 48h di buio…il sole non si è ancora spento tutto questo tempo! Seguire invece un certo ritmo di luce e cambiare lo spettro delle tue luci, questo sì che può fare la differenza, meno luce rossa negli giorni e più luce UV metterà le tue piante nelle condizioni di difendersi da quella luce ultravioletta facendo produrre tricomi per questo motivo! Dovrebbe essere quello che si avvicina di più allo spettro solare autunnale 🏵️
Temperatures this whole week: MAX - 25.8ºC MIN - 18.5º C MAX HUMIDITY - 90% MIN HUMIDITY: 44% Aprox Plants Height Sunday 26: Persian Pie 1 - 23cm Persian Pie 2 - 18cm Persian Pie 3 - 21,5cm Persian Pie 4 - 20,5cm All Gas OG - 14cm Irrigation: 21/3 - 2L (400ml each) of alkaline tap water (6.9 Ph, 127ppm) with 0.1 ml/L of silic boost, 1ml/L of Terra Leaves and 1ml/L of Atazyme. 24/3 - 2L (400ml each) of alkaline tap water (6.72Ph, 117ppm) with 0.1ml/L of silic boost and 0.2ml/L of Rootbastic. (last alkaline irrigation, last dose of rootbastic) -The stains seems to be drops of water from the humidificator, probably they're falling there when i move the deposit to refill it. Next week i should put the light closer, make apical pruning and pull in the tent a scrog web to put a limit to the plants height because they're starting to grow willowy and the tent is only 1.80m tall. I should also make an abundant irrigation to check earth's Ph and PPM again and get the A/C ready to be plugged to the tent because temperatures are rising up exponentially outside and some local growers are starting to have issueswith that. Cheers guys, have a great week and good luck with the outdoor season. Good luck with the harvest to those on the other side of the equator 🙌🙌
This Freak Le Chick is just great, she is growing amazing , packing great on them fruits with a smell thats start to became stronger each day, i see some floral fresh notes o far but still very early for that <3 <3 <3 canopy is pretty full and ok to my taste, i still see a few spaces that i could a have fill but she looks great and this is me always trying to go for the full room view hihihi this one is a rooter and keeps trowing roots to the air like they wold go anywhere hihihi she is very strong to pest, so far haven't seen any trips or what so ever on her, i know i under water and that helps with the fungus nets and it all, but i do the same in the other tents and girls and they all got trips and fungus nets with me IPM all over them place, here not so much hehhehe PPFD numbers with an averaged of 1000 µMol/m2/S and i think she stop growing tal and will stay here , my CO2 Levels are always the same and going about 900Ppms and wen i am in the room it goes up to 1500 and sometimes 3500 ppmsand more lol Oh almost forgot, started adding extra K to my water mix <3 <3 <3 and this is it, for this week this is what happen , i will defoliate her around day 21 or so a full defoliation and not just some clones and leafs like before heheheheheh she is defenatly on the way of needing that and hard hehehe and this is it for this week on La Madame Freak Le Chick <3 <3 <3 wishing you all a great day, a great week, a great year and a great life <3 <3 <3 As always thank you all for stopping by , for the love and for it all, i fell blessed to have you all with me for one more love journey, and a different one form the rest i did so far <3 <3 <3 Thank you Thank you Thank you , you guys are great and have been amazing , thank you for everything <3<3<3 #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #dogdoctorofficial #growerslove
 With true love comes happiness , Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3
Temperatures this whole week: MAX - 25.8ºC MIN - 18.5º C MAX HUMIDITY - 90% MIN HUMIDITY: 44% Aprox Plants Height Sunday 26: Persian Pie 1 - 23cm Persian Pie 2 - 18cm Persian Pie 3 - 21,5cm Persian Pie 4 - 20,5cm All Gas OG - 14cm Irrigation: 21/3 - 2L (400ml each) of alkaline tap water (6.9 Ph, 127ppm) with 0.1 ml/L of silic boost, 1ml/L of Terra Leaves and 1ml/L of Atazyme. 24/3 - 2L (400ml each) of alkaline tap water (6.72Ph, 117ppm) with 0.1ml/L of silic boost and 0.2ml/L of Rootbastic. (last alkaline irrigation, last dose of rootbastic) -The stains seems to be drops of water from the humidificator, probably they're falling there when i move the deposit to refill it. Next week i should put the light closer, make apical pruning and pull in the tent a scrog web to put a limit to the plants height because they're starting to grow willowy and the tent is only 1.80m tall. I should also make an abundant irrigation to check earth's Ph and PPM again and get the A/C ready to be plugged to the tent because temperatures are rising up exponentially outside and some local growers are starting to have issueswith that. Cheers guys, have a great week and good luck with the outdoor season. Good luck with the harvest to those on the other side of the equator 🙌🙌
Day 21: So we are currently in day 21, I finished all my work for my growroom. They where pushed into flowering 5 days ago. They always need to settle first before even turning into that stage. So my gues that in the end of the next week we will start to see the first indicators. I still gave them veg nutrients this week since they are still in growing stage. I did notice that many plants have weak stems and where sloppy underneeth. Didn't liked that, so in order to have thicker stems and branches I decided to top all the plants ( not showing in these picutues, i did that after making the pictures) Topping your plants will create stronger thick stems and branches! Also removed the first 1-2 internodes on each branch. I kept 5 or 7 branches each plant. I can't remember the ''science'' behind it but I have been told that many years ago by fellow OG Dutch growers and Family members. Anyway It is importend to have uneven branches. So 5, 7 or even 9 but never 6 or 8. Normaly I would have loved a huge main cola and it is known by many amnesia growers to not top the plants because they make beautifull thick main colas. On the other hand, when having this much plants on each m2, it will create weak stems and branches. I rather have strong plants with thick stems and branches to transport all nutrients properly and not breaking when having buds on them or having to mayor support them. The leafs, stems and branches look fine to me. No stress or deficiencies. 1/3 of them like to drink thought which is a good thing but it really enjoying. Now I have to weigh by lifting the pots which one needs more or less feedings lol. Instead of giving them all like 5 seconds of water. Might show you guys my feeding ''barrel'' next week. It is a 250L one. Untill next week.
Day 21: So we are currently in day 21, I finished all my work for my growroom. They where pushed into flowering 5 days ago. They always need to settle first before even turning into that stage. So my gues that in the end of the next week we will start to see the first indicators. I still gave them veg nutrients this week since they are still in growing stage. I did notice that many plants have weak stems and where sloppy underneeth. Didn't liked that, so in order to have thicker stems and branches I decided to top all the plants ( not showing in these picutues, i did that after making the pictures) Topping your plants will create stronger thick stems and branches! Also removed the first 1-2 internodes on each branch. I kept 5 or 7 branches each plant. I can't remember the ''science'' behind it but I have been told that many years ago by fellow OG Dutch growers and Family members. Anyway It is importend to have uneven branches. So 5, 7 or even 9 but never 6 or 8. Normaly I would have loved a huge main cola and it is known by many amnesia growers to not top the plants because they make beautifull thick main colas. On the other hand, when having this much plants on each m2, it will create weak stems and branches. I rather have strong plants with thick stems and branches to transport all nutrients properly and not breaking when having buds on them or having to mayor support them. The leafs, stems and branches look fine to me. No stress or deficiencies. 1/3 of them like to drink thought which is a good thing but it really enjoying. Now I have to weigh by lifting the pots which one needs more or less feedings lol. Instead of giving them all like 5 seconds of water. Might show you guys my feeding ''barrel'' next week. It is a 250L one. Untill next week.
Buenas buenas! Acá arrancando semana, ya lavando estos cocos para cortar próximamente... Las primeras fancy ya las corte y están secas, en proceso de curado