10/13/2024 Reduced light to 85%, which has dropped tent temperatures a few degrees. Daytime air temp high is around 82 again with leaf/bud temperatures around 78. Seasonal changes have dropped outdoor temperatures and therefore indoor temperatures as well. Night temperatures are getting down around 69F. Lung room humidity is bouncing between 45-50%. The plant is looking strong with some definite signs of fade setting in around the canopy. Trichome development is great, a lot of white showing up and starting to look frosty! For the last few days I have not pruned many leaves to allow the plant to pull nutrients if needed. Mainly because I still have not done a full water change in the system. I have continued to water with a reduced strength nutrient solution with the same ratio to maintain the 600 - 650 PPM window. 10/18/2024 It has been a pretty stress-free week. Humidity has dropped a bit lower than I would like so I have had to use the humidifier to keep VPD in check with daytime temperatures in the low 80s. I have spotted a few seeds developing around the plant (maybe a handful). From what I can tell it does not look pollinated and I cannot see any nanners. Either pollen from the second plant was mature enough and stuck around after culling, it pollinated itself, or parthenogenesis is at play here. Regardless, going to finish the plant as planned. Trichomes are about 95% white at this point, by inspection with 30x loupe. 10/19/2024 Started the water change to reduce reservoir PPM to about 450 by pumping some off and replacing the water with pH-adjusted water. About 5 gallons cycled. Reduced lights to 80%. The fade is really taking hold and looking quite nice. Plant is still very healthy and the smells are amazing! Trichomes are about 98% white by 30x loupe.
GT 48"x48"x80" · Vivosun
Royal Gorilla · Royal Queen Seeds
custom ·
A200SE · Vivosun
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Silicablast ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
GH - Calimagic ·
Southern AG - Garden Friendly Fungicide ·
GH - FloraGrow ·
GH - FloraMicro ·
GH - FloraBloom ·
GH - Diamond Nectar ·
A planta está reagindo bem ao treinamento, continuando a crescer de forma saudável. Durante o processo, acabei danificando algumas folhas, mas nada preocupante até o dia 23. Esta semana, reduzi a quantidade de nutrientes e reguei mais com água. Minha lâmpada de 240W está em 60%. Devo aumentar? Dia 24 apareceram os primeiros pistilos. 🌱
Week 11 - 23.09.2024 - 29.09.2024 Well. Been a week, but I got a second larger grow tent (long story, but ran out of room in the 60*60 :/) so big one now in a 100*100, small one still in 60*60. Lots more room and tested the Light with Photone+Diffusor (tested against a 400Euro Light meter and they were the same +-1%.) plus the smaller plant is now at least 10cm smaller and was getting around half the PPFD, so gave them both seperate suns. So. here is the kicker: My wife informed / reminded me, that I decided to start 3 seeds and only 2 made it. " 2*kalini and one SOMETHING ELSE..... Just proves the point my last grow was good :D If anyone can identify the 2, I'd be grateful. I think it was OG or critical Kush.. but could have been anything really..
The end of last week and the beginning of this week we had very good weather (Indian summer) 😊, but the temperatures started to drop at the second half of this week with lots of rain and humidity. 😡 First signs of budrot accured and I had to install 2 ventilators to move the air. 👿👿👿 With small scissors I cut away the entire top that has bud rot 👻 Now that I have harvested the last pepper plants, I have been able to give the cannabis plants more space. This will also hopefully result in a lower humidity level. Temperatures in the greenhouse this week : min temp 11.1°C - max temp 35.9°C Heighest plant (Cookies Gelato) = 155cm Smallest plant (Liberty Haze) = 135cm
Week 4 - It’s Friday again, and that means it's update day! Another week has passed, and as usual, there's plenty to report. A lot has happened, and once again, I’m bringing you along on my journey as a total beginner in the world of growing. Every week is a new learning experience, and I’m excited to share what’s been going on in the tent as my Amnesia Zkittlez and Gorilla Cookies continue to grow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Growing Parameters -Humidity: 43-55% -VPD: Max 1.4 -Airflow: Always active at level 1, auto-adjusts when needed -Day Temperature: 25-26°C -Night Temperature: 22°C -Light Cycle: 20 hours light / 4 hours dark -Lamp: IONBOARD S24 from AC Infinity (240W) Watering Schedule: -Day 24: 1 liter -Day 26: 1 liter -Nutrients are applied with every watering Light Adjustments: -Light distance now at 50 cm -Intensity increased to level 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growth Update The most noticeable change this week has been the incredible growth of the plants. I’ve uploaded some new photos for everyone to see, and it’s amazing how much they’ve shot up compared to last week. The differences in growth behavior between the Amnesia Zkittlez and Gorilla Cookies are becoming even more pronounced. The Amnesia Zkittlez has more than doubled in height since last week, shooting up and stretching outward. Meanwhile, the Gorilla Cookies hasn’t grown as much in height, but it has become noticeably rounder and bushier, almost like a pufferfish. It's fascinating to watch these plants develop in such different ways. While the Zkittlez focuses on vertical growth, the Gorilla Cookies is spreading out horizontally, forming a dense, compact structure. All around the plant, small flower sites are emerging, extending from within the plant and beginning to take shape. This difference in growth styles really highlights the unique characteristics of each strain, and I’m excited to see how they continue to evolve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Training: LST and Defoliation This week, I’ve also focused heavily on training the plants using Low-Stress Training (LST) and some selective defoliation to optimize light exposure and encourage better growth. I applied LST more aggressively over the past few days, using clips to gently bend the stems of individual branches outward, almost to a 90-degree angle. This technique has helped the plants spread out horizontally, allowing more light to reach the inner and lower branches. I’ve been adjusting the clips nearly every day to refine the structure and ensure that the light penetrates deeper into the canopy. The goal is to encourage outward growth and create more space for the lower branches to thrive. In addition to LST, I began selectively removing leaves. I started with the first set of fan leaves, followed by leaves growing inward toward the plant’s center. These were either shading promising bud sites or simply not contributing to the plant’s energy needs. I’ve also removed the lower bud sites, which likely wouldn’t have developed into anything substantial. This way, the plants can focus their energy on the more promising, higher-up buds that are receiving better light. Throughout the defoliation process, I’ve been careful not to remove too many leaves at once. I’ve only taken off leaves that were either blocking key bud sites or were small and shaded, ensuring that the plant still has enough foliage to continue its healthy growth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nutrients and Watering Routine There haven't been any changes in my nutrient schedule or the way I water the plants this week. I’m still using the same BioBizz nutrients at the recommended dosages with each watering, and the watering process itself remains unchanged. Each plant receives a consistent 1 liter of water every couple of days, and so far, the plants are responding well. However, based on some recommendations I’ve received, I’m planning to introduce CalMag from BioBizz into my watering routine over the course of the next week. This will help ensure that the plants have enough calcium and magnesium, which are essential for strong cell structure and nutrient uptake, especially as we move further into the flowering phase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Reflections and Lessons Learned As I progress through this grow, I’m realizing how much more there is to learn, especially when it comes to managing light exposure and training techniques. It’s been rewarding to see how the plants respond to LST and defoliation, but I’m still figuring out the perfect balance. Every small change seems to make a big difference, and I’m constantly amazed by how quickly these plants adapt. Being a beginner, this process has been both challenging and exciting, and I can’t wait to see how the flowering stage develops. This journey has been a humbling experience, reminding me that growing plants isn’t just about following steps, but also about observing and learning from the plants themselves. Every day brings new insights and challenges, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see these changes reflected in the health and growth of the plants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking Ahead In the next week, I’ll continue to monitor the pre-flowering phase closely. I expect the water and nutrient demands to increase even more as the plants transition into full flowering, so I’m preparing to increase the watering amount to 1.2 liters per plant soon. I’ll also be keeping an eye on the structure of the plants, especially the differences between the Gorilla Cookies and Amnesia Zkittlez. I may begin defoliating some of the lower leaves to give the plants more room to breathe and allow light to penetrate deeper into the canopy. There’s a lot of excitement ahead as the flowering phase approaches, and I’m eager to see how the plants respond to these new stages of growth. Stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to drop any advice or questions in the comments—this journey is all about learning together!
Zamnesia spaceship here, it's your Space Sailor Bread_n_Buds speaking to you, we've reached the middle of the third week, exactly day 24 and they are my beautiful space ladies. Here we go again in the great hopes of color. We expect these two girls to turn black, of course in the medium-advanced flowering phase. We are making good progress, plants in excellent health that are growing at a good pace. --- Chosen technique - These plants also have low internodes, I think there is no better technique for this type of plant than letting them go with the right control over the food and the lower parts to be cleaned constantly. --- Feeding Program - The fertilizers are always Plagron and I am following the table that I generated on the site depending on the substrate chosen. Create your card and follow it, never be presumptuous my friend as I have been in the past, follow the card and look at the plants, not all need the same amount of fertilizer. ---- - Power Roots - 1ml/l - Alga Grow - 4 ml/l - Pure Zym - 1 ml/l - Sugar Royal - 1ml/l - Vita Race - 0.5 ml/l --- The 100% Organic pack by Plagron can be found on Zamnesia at the link: gron-easy-pack-natural.html --- We are still giving a lot of humidity with a humidifier and we oscillate between 60% and 65%. // Strain Description // It is said that the orchid symbolizes love, refinement and beauty. Well, we can confirm that the Black Orchid Automatic contains all these attributes and many more. This autoflowering variety has a lot to offer: a particular but very pleasant aromatic profile, and a relaxing and carefree high. Furthermore, this plant is very productive when grown in optimal conditions. - Get a seed of this fantastic strain --- - Soil and Fertilizers entirely organic --- buy on - Growbox and air sistem --- - Light — P2000 - - Music and sound --- I made my girls listen to 432hz frequencies and music from - Z --- You can find these seeds, much more from the world of cannabis, mushrooms and an incredible series of accessories and gadgets on the reference site not only mine but of many growers ----
Hi there, As we approach the fourth week of veg, our expectations for the jungle tour continues to grow. This phase of the grow season is very exciting because at this time it’s decided how well we can lay the foundation for the subsequent successful flowering period. Our goal was to stop apical growth and teach the gals to focus on growing lateral branches. At first glance, I think we will be fine in this regard, but the following weeks will give us the answer. So we used tying wires and tent hooks to keep the branches down and open the canopy for better light penetration for the lower part of the plants. 🌞 A good defoliation has been done as well. Watered only once this week with 3 litres of PH-ed, de-chlorinated water and some Silica.💦 600 PPFD was a bit too much for them as I saw signs of light stress so we dimmed back the lamp to 520-540.🌞 Wish everyone a lovely weekend and see you next week!💨👊
This is it for these killer kushes! Different phenos, one was ready in 8 weeks, one in 9 and this last one in 10! The quality is definitely here, it’s just the speed that ain’t 🤣! Overall I’m happy with them even though every single one hermied on me (100% my fault)! No seeds in the end though, as I kept plucking balls and nanners every day for a couple of weeks!
This weeks nutrients were identical to last minus the CalMag. The smaller of the two plants continued to stretch until the end of week three of flower. The larger plant already started to bulk. Trichome development is ramping up.
Woche sieben beginnt ganz wunderbar mit Wunderschönen roten Blüten und einem hervorragenden Duft. Sehr beerig, süß nach Kaugummi. Ich liebe diesen Strain jetzt schon❤️
Bubba cheese #2 very different smell to the first one. The first one has that cheesy blues smell to it where as this one has a cheesy but fruit at the same time
Bubba cheese #2 very different smell to the first one. The first one has that cheesy blues smell to it where as this one has a cheesy but fruit at the same time
The first line from the right main cola is the banana punch second line with the left main cola is the dos si dos they have a very strong smell looking forward to tasting these no quick drying here so no early testers for me lol.
22 - 28 septiembre En mitad de la 7ta semana de floración olor crítico delicioso El banco recomienda de 7 a 8 semanas esperaremos a observar su mejor punto sin pasarnos