Time to ripen in the cold.
Added excess blues back to spectrum for last week.
The electrical conductivity (EC) range of soil varies depending on the type of plant being grown and other factors:
Optimal EC for plant growth
The optimal EC for plant growth is usually between 0.8–1.8, and should not exceed 2.56.
EC for different crops
Different crops have different EC needs:
Most field crops and vegetables: 0–4 dS/m
Salt-sensitive crops like beans and strawberries: 1 dS/m
Salt tolerant crops like cotton, dates: Up to 8 dS/m
EC and soil composition
The conductivity of soil is highly dependent on its composition and moisture.
EC and temperature
Temperature can influence EC by affecting the mobility of ions in a solution and the availability of water in the soil. As temperature increases, so does EC.
EC and nutrient deficiencies
Very low readings below 0.2 dS/m could indicate nutrient deficiencies
The expression of chlorophyll-degrading enzymes is mediated by various transcription factors and influenced by light conditions, stress and plant hormones. Chlorophyll degradation is differently regulated in different organs and developmental stages of plants. The initiation of chlorophyll degradation induces the further expression of chlorophyll-degrading enzymes, resulting in the acceleration of chlorophyll degradation. Chlorophyll degradation was initially considered the last reaction in senescence; however, chlorophyll degradation plays crucial roles in enhancing senescence, degrading chlorophyll–protein complexes, forming photosystem II and maintaining seed quality. Therefore, controlling chlorophyll degradation has important agricultural applications.
1O2-induced chloroplast degradation and chlorophagy appear to be superficially similar (selective chloroplast degradation after abiotic stress), but evidence suggests they represent different pathways in the cell. First, 1O2-induced chloroplast degradation in fc2 mutants occurs rapidly within 2 hours of stress [19], while chlorophagy is induced 1 or 3 days after EL and UV-B stress, respectively [24,25]. Second, 1O2-damaged chloroplasts are usually in an advanced state of degradation and lack
Both chloroplast H2O2 and 1O2 can promote cellular degradation [44,45]. For instance, chloroplast H2O2 can travel through stromules to the nucleus to initiate cell death during pathogen attack [46]. However, 1O2 is most generally correlated to cellular degradation and cell death in photosynthetic tissue [5,47]. 1O2 has an extremely short half-life of ~0.5–1.0 μs, restricting movement to ~200 nm in water [48]. Therefore, the bulk of 1O2 is expected to stay within the chloroplast in which it was
Cellulose biosynthesis is a complex biochemical process, which includes various enzymes, such as CESA, Kor, and SuSy. Uridine diphosphate-glucose (UDP-glucose) is regarded as the immediate substrate for cellulose polymerization in higher plants. Photosynthetically fixed CO2 is the ultimate source of C for the synthesis of nucleotide sugars, such as UDP-glucose, which are the building blocks for synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides (Nakai et al., 1999). UDP-glucose can be derived from the cleavage of sucrose catalyzed by SuSy yielding UDP-glucose and fructose, demonstrating that SuSy had tight association with cellulose synthesis and the availability of sucrose in the cell would affect the rate of cellulose synthesis (Coleman et al., 2009).
Flavonoids, including flavone, flavonol, flavanone, isoflavone, and anthocyanin, constitute an important group of plant secondary metabolite, which can enable plants to adjust to environmental pressures (Kovinich et al., 2014). Recent researches showed that these compounds have physiological functions such as antioxidant, bacteriostatic, and anti-inflammatory, which are beneficial to human health. Especially isoflavonoid is predominantly synthesized in legumes plants. Anthocyanin, a class of flavonoids, localized in vacuoles, provided a wide range of colors ranging from orange/red to violet/blue. The content and variety of anthocyanins are the primary determinants of color in many fruit peel and flesh or flowers; the family of MYB and WD40 transcription factors and DFR and CHS had significant regulatory function on anthocyanin synthesis (Wang et al., 2019; Zhuang et al., 2019).