Gestern Abend habe ich ein DIY CO2 System installiert, konnte aber kaum CO2 messen. Ich bin mir sicher das Gas austritt und auch im Umlauf in der Box ist, doch die gewünschte Dosierung von über 1200ppm scheint für mich unerreichbar :D Tag 17: Ich vermute, auch wegen den Messwerten, das das nichts mit dem Hinzufügen von CO2 zu tun haben kann, aber Heute konnte ich erheblichen Zuwachs im vergleich zu Gestern feststellen. Aktuell wachsen die Pflanzen Horizontal. Bisher habe ich jeden 3. Tag begossen, heute wäre eigentlich wieder Zeit zum Gießen aber da die Erde, nach Messen, reichlich Feuchtigkeit enthält, werde ich dies Heute auslassen und auf Morgen verschieben. Ich denke das die Zeit des Trainierens sich gezeigt hat und mache mich derzeit via Videos Schlau. Was denkt Ihr, wann und welche Methode(n) sollte ich anwenden? Für die hilfreichen Kommentare bedanke ich mich im voraus.
After the shock of all gelatos showing male signs, we got our shit together and removed all balls !! Zkittlez is getting out of tent for her black period tomorrow, giving our bigger gelato more space !! We still have one week and a half before Zki2 leave the tent and let the girls ride !! The final 4-5 weeks will go mad !! Need to clean our hps bulb and cooltube.. Tangie will go to their space, cuz she didnt show balls, so less maintance.. cheers and dont give up on hermies.. maybe it was just a bad day !! Temp dropped with a polar mass coming to our town, and water was freezing !! Light leaks were considered too, overwatering/feeding were disconsidered LST and rearrengement will be done as soon as Zkittlez mature..
She's showing the first pistils already, she looks veery small for 28 days old, can't believe it, I was very excited about this strain and looks like she's not gonna be very productive,but let's see how big she get with the stretch. Peace and love everybody 💚✌️
Flowering week 6 ---> Indoor plant: This is the last week of flowering. The flowers are ready to be harvest.💪 I watering the plant only with 4lt of water (pH 6.5). I removed the yellowing leaves. I will wait after all the soil il totaly dry before harvesting. Temperature grow box---> 22-26 °C Umidity grow box ---> 45 - 55 % Outdoor plants: They are in full bloom ready for the harvest😍. This week I watering the plants only with water.
Male plants have no place in the garden, as I have no need for reg pollen. You got fem pollen, hit me up looking at you @greenmachine. I am saddened by the sudden loss of this cultivar, but I will press on, never bitter, never looking back. I kill these plants off camera to keep it PG. Thanks for following the diary. And hey, thanks to @416fireman for starting and monitoring this contest. May not be here anymore, but I hope he checks in. Catch him on insta @416firemang
This was one of my first grows back when I was using cheap red & blue LEDs and it still turned out okay, I was'nt going to put this grow on Grow Diaries because of the purple photos but I decided to anyway just incase anyone was interested to see, I would like to grow this strain again under better conditions.
Giving her banana peel tea everyday 100mls with a 200ml of water. Hairs are turning orange and now just waiting for them to fatten up.
I shouldn't have started the lst training on her because she started flower very fast and early so she ended uo being very small, which I hate because It has a very skunk citric aroma very powerful, I had a little harvest of 10g counting the little flowers which I used to make cannabutter to make some edibles.I wish I could have a huge harvest of this amazing strain, looking forward to grow her again. 🤞💚🌱💎
Despite a broken stem at the start of growth and a lack of time to take care of it properly, this strain still showed its strength 👌 Pretty buds covered in resin, this strain is still on top of current genetics 👍
37 grams and this bud is just covered in crystals, pictures don't do it justice. I smoked some early on but it wasn't the best dry/cure so I will update once I've cured for a couple weeks. Overall I'm super stoked how this grow went, looking forward to growing more fastbuds trees!!
Semana 13 de los esquejes y su segunda semana de floración, en realidad llevan 16 días de flora. Hago los riegos 1/1, uno solo con agua(EC: 0.4) y el otro con los fertilizantes. En los riegos estoy utilizando Sensi cal-mag para llegar a una EC base de 0.4 y luego aplicar los fertilizantes. Regulo el PH con los reguladores de BioBizz. Durante esta semana se hizo la tercera y ultima aplicación de Delta9 la cual se hizo vía riego. Esta se hizo el décimo día de floración, es decir, el día 14/08. Por lo demás todo va bastante bien, las dos plantas van con buen aspecto y sin posibles carencias, espero que todo siga así. Seguimos con todo la flora!! Cualquier recomendación será bien recibida!!