With the new netting up, I switched on the red lights along with the blues to help the plants stretch a bit to reach through the screen. It looks like it is taking effect, so late in the week (Friday) I trimmed some of the lower branches.
Last week I FIMmed Zoe and Grace to give River a chance to catch up, and I expected 1 of 2 results: 1) FiMming will encourage growth in the cut plants causing them to grow taler than River, or 2) Things will stabilize and River will be on par with her siblings. But instead, I discovered a 3rd result: River is continuing to grow bigger and thicker each day and is even taller and fuller than her sisters. In addition though, the trimmed plants are developing nice, strong, sizable leaves, and most of the new growth is coming from down below, rather than near the top.
Oh, and this week I added a new camera (Wyze) to the time lapses so I can take my pro camera out.