Amnesia has some yellowing of the leaves that appeared around about 12 hours before my usual every-3-day feedings and after I started to defoliating some of the previous yellow leaves from the previous accidental lack of water. I'm not sure if it is progressing, or it's just because I'm dialing in the watering schedule and she's using the nutrients in the extra, fatter, lower leaves. I've increased Amnesia's light distance to 16 inches and am lowering the humidity to stick between 60-70% RH with the automatic fan set to remove excess humidity near the higher end of that range. Fresh air fan blowing around the tent and into the 2 lower vents. Smells like a fresh garden outside of the tent, however smells green when the tent is opened. Not a strong green smell, but mildy recognizable.
Welp, it's worsened, and has shown itself in both plants now. Since they share the same environment and nutrients, I suspect this to be a nutrient issue. Trainwreck was known for potentially having excess Nitrogen as shown by the extremely bushy growth, dark green leaves, and downward curling leaf-tips. However, Trainwreck is now no longer exhibiting those symptoms, and has lightened up and is stretching. But! Trainwreck is showing signs of potassium deficiency, with brown spots appearing on upper leaves. The same goes for Amnesia, brown spots have migrated their way to upper leaves. I'm thinking a banana tea will be good for them, so I've got a couple large banana peels steeping in the pump sprayer for this evenings watering.
My conclusions:
1. Nutrient burn hitting Amnesia hard, but Trainwreck is riding it out from its stored excesses.
2. Both are lacking some potassium now that they're beefing up in flowering stage.
Edit: I've decided to add a quarter-strength nutrient to this banana tea so as to not completely flush out the remaining nutrients. I believe that would leave her starved in between her next feeding, in 3-4 days from now.
Welp! That made it worse! Time to test the PH of my soil. If the PH is too far in one direction or the other, certain nutrients will be locked out. I've ordered a PH meter instead of these PH testing drops. I didn't know that the difference between 6.0 and 6.5 would be so drastic, but with that said, I need to be more precise about my PH levels if I want to maximize these nutrients. Until the PH meter gets delivered tomorrow I may, if my research says that I should, flush with plain water ph'd water to try to flush out salts and try to get the PH back to 6.5 where it needs to be.
Edit: I do not believe this to be overfeeding, as I would expect nutrient burn on the tips of all leaves, but there are colas that are completely unaffected by the recent feedings. However, if the PH is off, and I suspect it is, individual deficiencies will pop up and affect the leaves differently. The other plant, trainwreck, which was planted later, may have contained less Ocean Forest nutrients from the top of the bag, and also more Happy Frog; so it's riding out these issues just fine.
The discoloring on Amnesia has not spread to any other leaves. I've done a little bit of defoliating on the yellow and crispy leaves. Looks like they're already being replaced.
I've got my ph meter now, and doing a slurry test came out 6.4 on the top inch of soil, the only soil I could get to without ripping up the roots. Either way, I'm doing to be certain to PH tonight's feeding (half strength) perfectly to 6.5, as opposed to trying my best using PH testing drops, which is almost impossible! Trainwreck is getting some spots on her leaves, so she'll be ready for her feeding tomorrow.