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Día 17/11 se hace el cambio del fotoperiodo a 12 horas de luz Este día también regué con EC de 2.0 y pH ajustado a 5.8 en esta oportunidad agrege un poco de Pro Silocate de grotek que tenis guardado. Se mantiene el uso de cloro a razón de 0.2 ml x 4 litros de agua. Baje la luz a 60 cm de la planta más alta del cultivo y se mantiene a 100% de potencia 23/11/24: Realicé defoliacion, mantengo el foco a 60 centímetros. EC se mantiene en 2.0 - pH 5.8
summer has arrived in germany. the little one likes it very much. she is reaching out for the sun's rays to grow. she is doing well so far and i am confident that she will really step on the gas in the next few weeks.😍💪🙌
summer has arrived in germany. the little one likes it very much. she is reaching out for the sun's rays to grow. she is doing well so far and i am confident that she will really step on the gas in the next few weeks.
summer is slowly coming to germany. this beautiful plant is growing tall and bushy. at the beginning of the week she showed her sex. harvest is planned for the end of october or mid november. so there is still plenty of time for it to grow. it is vigorous and healthy.😋✊
summer is slowly coming to germany. this beautiful plant is growing tall and bushy. at the beginning of the week she showed her sex. harvest is planned for the end of october or mid november. so there is still plenty of time for it to grow. it is vigorous and healthy.😋✊
summer is slowly coming to germany. this beautiful plant is growing tall and bushy. unfortunately, it is not yet showing any signs of flowering. harvest is planned for the end of october or mid november. so there is still plenty of time for her to grow. she is vigorous and healthy.💪😋
150-200PPFD 20/4 Mein Grow Stuff Messen : + Messgerät - X-Sense WLAN Hygrometer 1 Basis SBS50 + 4 Sensoren + + Basis + + 4x WLAN Sensoren RH und Temp + Amtra Digital PH Tester + Amtra Digital TDC&EC Tester + Photone App (android Samsung S21 5G werkscallibriert (geprüft mit lichtreferenz)) + GEHE ph-Wert 500 Testkit + + Testflüssigkeit + + Pimpette + + Probenröhrchen + + Propfen + Pimpette 10ml Zelt : + Keimung und Vegetative Phase + + Growbox - DiamondBox Silver Line SL60 (60x60x160cm) (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) + Blütenphase + + Spider Farmer 70x140x200cm Indoor Grow Tent Licht : + SpiderFarmer SF1000 (100Watt) Dim (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) (Vegetativ) + Sanlight EVO 1.5 3-60 mit Bluethoot Dimmer (niedrige luftfeuchtigkeit) (Blüte) Abluft / Filter / Rohr: + 2x Abluftset - PrimaKlima PKEC-125-TC Set + + PKEC-125-TC Abluft + + PrimaKlima Aktivkohlefilter K2601 Flat (bis 70%rH) + Staubschutz + + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr (Ummantelt), 3 Meter, ø 127mm + + Verbindungschelle 50mm (Metall mit Schaumstoff mit Aufhängemöglichkeit) + + 1x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm Samen : + 3x Royal Dwarf Automatic (RQS) (buy from Zamnesia Seeds) Töpfe : + Nothers GZjiyu 6 Stk Pflanzsack Pack 2 Galonen = 8 Liter Stofftöpfe Medium : + BioBiz LightMix + + Urgeisteinsmehl für Ergänzungsstoffe + Vulkangranulat (Aquabedarf , drenage) Ventilator : + pro Zelt + + 2x Ventilator - Spider Farmer Grow Ventilator (EC 10Watt) PH Korrektur: + 500ml Plagron PH- + 1000ml Canna PH+ Dünger : + Dünger - Canna Terra Kit + + 1000 ml Terra Vega + + 1000 ml Terra Flores + + 500 ml Rhizotonic + + 500 ml PK13/14 (wird nicht genutzt , da unnötig) + + 1000 ml Cal-Mag Agent (fals ich den mal brauche) Entfeuchter : + Entfeuchter - MeacoDry ABC 10Liter Zubehör : + 1L Nanoprotect Isopropanol 99,9% (Reinigungsmittel) + 1x Topfuntersetzer 30x30cm + Grießkanne 5 Liter + Pflanzendrath 1mm x 5m + Sprüflasche 0.7L + Drucksprühflasche 2L + Messbecher + + 1L + + 0.5L + + 0.25L + Eimer 10L + Gartengießkanne + + 5L + + 10L + Plastikabdeckung mit löchern fürs Sämlingstadium (ehemals Kuchenabdeckung) + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr, 3 Meter, ø 127mm + GrowPRO Schere Curved + Gardo Gartenschere GDGSB 180 + GrowPRO Pflanzendraht für Low Stress Training, 5 mm, 4,9 Meter + Dosierspritze, 5ml + 2x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm + LIMITADA 15 Stücke Pflanzenbieger Verstellbar + 6er Steckdose + 2x Zeitschaltuhr (mechanisch) + Müllsack (umbau zur Trockenkammer) + Pappe + 2 x Gafa-Tape (Rolle) + Klettband 3m + Airpump Kit + + Air-Pump + + Luftschlauch silicon + + Air-Stone Trychome analyse : + Samsung S21 5G optical Zoom + DIGIMICRO Mobil + + x300 optical zoom + + HD Video + + 12MP photo + GrowPRO Mikroskop 40x mit LED CureBox : + CASO VacuBoxx E-Set Vakuumbehälter-Set aus Borosilikatglas mit Tritan Deckel + + 145x60x105 + + 170x65x125 + + 200x80x150 + + 220x80x165 (about 40-50g dry buds space) + + manual vacuumpumpe + + adapter für automatische vaccumpumpen VideoSystem: + GoPro Hero3+ Black + + Zeitraffer : 1 Bild pro Minute , gerendert in H.265 60fps . + + 12MP Bilder + + 1 Sekunde Film entspricht 1 Stunde Real . + + Ohne Dunkelzeiten. + Bild/Videoprogramme + + Photoshop (Bildsequenze render Video, Ausschnitt und Beschriftung) + + XMedia Recode (H.265 Neucodierung)
150-200PPFD 20/4 Mein Grow Stuff Messen : + Messgerät - X-Sense WLAN Hygrometer 1 Basis SBS50 + 4 Sensoren + + Basis + + 4x WLAN Sensoren RH und Temp + Amtra Digital PH Tester + Amtra Digital TDC&EC Tester + Photone App (android Samsung S21 5G werkscallibriert (geprüft mit lichtreferenz)) + GEHE ph-Wert 500 Testkit + + Testflüssigkeit + + Pimpette + + Probenröhrchen + + Propfen + Pimpette 10ml Zelt : + Keimung und Vegetative Phase + + Growbox - DiamondBox Silver Line SL60 (60x60x160cm) (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) + Blütenphase + + Spider Farmer 70x140x200cm Indoor Grow Tent Licht : + SpiderFarmer SF1000 (100Watt) Dim (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) (Vegetativ) + Sanlight EVO 1.5 3-60 mit Bluethoot Dimmer (niedrige luftfeuchtigkeit) (Blüte) Abluft / Filter / Rohr: + 2x Abluftset - PrimaKlima PKEC-125-TC Set + + PKEC-125-TC Abluft + + PrimaKlima Aktivkohlefilter K2601 Flat (bis 70%rH) + Staubschutz + + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr (Ummantelt), 3 Meter, ø 127mm + + Verbindungschelle 50mm (Metall mit Schaumstoff mit Aufhängemöglichkeit) + + 1x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm Samen : + 3x Royal Dwarf Automatic (RQS) (buy from Zamnesia Seeds) Töpfe : + Nothers GZjiyu 6 Stk Pflanzsack Pack 2 Galonen = 8 Liter Stofftöpfe Medium : + BioBiz LightMix + + Urgeisteinsmehl für Ergänzungsstoffe + Vulkangranulat (Aquabedarf , drenage) Ventilator : + pro Zelt + + 2x Ventilator - Spider Farmer Grow Ventilator (EC 10Watt) PH Korrektur: + 500ml Plagron PH- + 1000ml Canna PH+ Dünger : + Dünger - Canna Terra Kit + + 1000 ml Terra Vega + + 1000 ml Terra Flores + + 500 ml Rhizotonic + + 500 ml PK13/14 (wird nicht genutzt , da unnötig) + + 1000 ml Cal-Mag Agent (fals ich den mal brauche) Entfeuchter : + Entfeuchter - MeacoDry ABC 10Liter Zubehör : + 1L Nanoprotect Isopropanol 99,9% (Reinigungsmittel) + 1x Topfuntersetzer 30x30cm + Grießkanne 5 Liter + Pflanzendrath 1mm x 5m + Sprüflasche 0.7L + Drucksprühflasche 2L + Messbecher + + 1L + + 0.5L + + 0.25L + Eimer 10L + Gartengießkanne + + 5L + + 10L + Plastikabdeckung mit löchern fürs Sämlingstadium (ehemals Kuchenabdeckung) + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr, 3 Meter, ø 127mm + GrowPRO Schere Curved + Gardo Gartenschere GDGSB 180 + GrowPRO Pflanzendraht für Low Stress Training, 5 mm, 4,9 Meter + Dosierspritze, 5ml + 2x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm + LIMITADA 15 Stücke Pflanzenbieger Verstellbar + 6er Steckdose + 2x Zeitschaltuhr (mechanisch) + Müllsack (umbau zur Trockenkammer) + Pappe + 2 x Gafa-Tape (Rolle) + Klettband 3m + Airpump Kit + + Air-Pump + + Luftschlauch silicon + + Air-Stone Trychome analyse : + Samsung S21 5G optical Zoom + DIGIMICRO Mobil + + x300 optical zoom + + HD Video + + 12MP photo + GrowPRO Mikroskop 40x mit LED CureBox : + CASO VacuBoxx E-Set Vakuumbehälter-Set aus Borosilikatglas mit Tritan Deckel + + 145x60x105 + + 170x65x125 + + 200x80x150 + + 220x80x165 (about 40-50g dry buds space) + + manual vacuumpumpe + + adapter für automatische vaccumpumpen VideoSystem: + GoPro Hero3+ Black + + Zeitraffer : 1 Bild pro Minute , gerendert in H.265 60fps . + + 12MP Bilder + + 1 Sekunde Film entspricht 1 Stunde Real . + + Ohne Dunkelzeiten. + Bild/Videoprogramme + + Photoshop (Bildsequenze render Video, Ausschnitt und Beschriftung) + + XMedia Recode (H.265 Neucodierung)
150-200PPFD 20/4 Mein Grow Stuff Messen : + Messgerät - X-Sense WLAN Hygrometer 1 Basis SBS50 + 4 Sensoren + + Basis + + 4x WLAN Sensoren RH und Temp + Amtra Digital PH Tester + Amtra Digital TDC&EC Tester + Photone App (android Samsung S21 5G werkscallibriert (geprüft mit lichtreferenz)) + GEHE ph-Wert 500 Testkit + + Testflüssigkeit + + Pimpette + + Probenröhrchen + + Propfen + Pimpette 10ml Zelt : + Keimung und Vegetative Phase + + Growbox - DiamondBox Silver Line SL60 (60x60x160cm) (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) + Blütenphase + + Spider Farmer 70x140x200cm Indoor Grow Tent Licht : + SpiderFarmer SF1000 (100Watt) Dim (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) (Vegetativ) + Sanlight EVO 1.5 3-60 mit Bluethoot Dimmer (niedrige luftfeuchtigkeit) (Blüte) Abluft / Filter / Rohr: + 2x Abluftset - PrimaKlima PKEC-125-TC Set + + PKEC-125-TC Abluft + + PrimaKlima Aktivkohlefilter K2601 Flat (bis 70%rH) + Staubschutz + + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr (Ummantelt), 3 Meter, ø 127mm + + Verbindungschelle 50mm (Metall mit Schaumstoff mit Aufhängemöglichkeit) + + 1x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm Samen : + 3x Royal Dwarf Automatic (RQS) (buy from Zamnesia Seeds) Töpfe : + Nothers GZjiyu 6 Stk Pflanzsack Pack 2 Galonen = 8 Liter Stofftöpfe Medium : + BioBiz LightMix + + Urgeisteinsmehl für Ergänzungsstoffe + Vulkangranulat (Aquabedarf , drenage) Ventilator : + pro Zelt + + 2x Ventilator - Spider Farmer Grow Ventilator (EC 10Watt) PH Korrektur: + 500ml Plagron PH- + 1000ml Canna PH+ Dünger : + Dünger - Canna Terra Kit + + 1000 ml Terra Vega + + 1000 ml Terra Flores + + 500 ml Rhizotonic + + 500 ml PK13/14 (wird nicht genutzt , da unnötig) + + 1000 ml Cal-Mag Agent (fals ich den mal brauche) Entfeuchter : + Entfeuchter - MeacoDry ABC 10Liter Zubehör : + 1L Nanoprotect Isopropanol 99,9% (Reinigungsmittel) + 1x Topfuntersetzer 30x30cm + Grießkanne 5 Liter + Pflanzendrath 1mm x 5m + Sprüflasche 0.7L + Drucksprühflasche 2L + Messbecher + + 1L + + 0.5L + + 0.25L + Eimer 10L + Gartengießkanne + + 5L + + 10L + Plastikabdeckung mit löchern fürs Sämlingstadium (ehemals Kuchenabdeckung) + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr, 3 Meter, ø 127mm + GrowPRO Schere Curved + Gardo Gartenschere GDGSB 180 + GrowPRO Pflanzendraht für Low Stress Training, 5 mm, 4,9 Meter + Dosierspritze, 5ml + 2x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm + LIMITADA 15 Stücke Pflanzenbieger Verstellbar + 6er Steckdose + 2x Zeitschaltuhr (mechanisch) + Müllsack (umbau zur Trockenkammer) + Pappe + 2 x Gafa-Tape (Rolle) + Klettband 3m + Airpump Kit + + Air-Pump + + Luftschlauch silicon + + Air-Stone Trychome analyse : + Samsung S21 5G optical Zoom + DIGIMICRO Mobil + + x300 optical zoom + + HD Video + + 12MP photo + GrowPRO Mikroskop 40x mit LED CureBox : + CASO VacuBoxx E-Set Vakuumbehälter-Set aus Borosilikatglas mit Tritan Deckel + + 145x60x105 + + 170x65x125 + + 200x80x150 + + 220x80x165 (about 40-50g dry buds space) + + manual vacuumpumpe + + adapter für automatische vaccumpumpen VideoSystem: + GoPro Hero3+ Black + + Zeitraffer : 1 Bild pro Minute , gerendert in H.265 60fps . + + 12MP Bilder + + 1 Sekunde Film entspricht 1 Stunde Real . + + Ohne Dunkelzeiten. + Bild/Videoprogramme + + Photoshop (Bildsequenze render Video, Ausschnitt und Beschriftung) + + XMedia Recode (H.265 Neucodierung)
150-200PPFD 20/4 Mein Grow Stuff Messen : + Messgerät - X-Sense WLAN Hygrometer 1 Basis SBS50 + 4 Sensoren + + Basis + + 4x WLAN Sensoren RH und Temp + Amtra Digital PH Tester + Amtra Digital TDC&EC Tester + Photone App (android Samsung S21 5G werkscallibriert (geprüft mit lichtreferenz)) + GEHE ph-Wert 500 Testkit + + Testflüssigkeit + + Pimpette + + Probenröhrchen + + Propfen + Pimpette 10ml Zelt : + Keimung und Vegetative Phase + + Growbox - DiamondBox Silver Line SL60 (60x60x160cm) (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) + Blütenphase + + Spider Farmer 70x140x200cm Indoor Grow Tent Licht : + SpiderFarmer SF1000 (100Watt) Dim (hohe luftfeuchtigkeit) (Vegetativ) + Sanlight EVO 1.5 3-60 mit Bluethoot Dimmer (niedrige luftfeuchtigkeit) (Blüte) Abluft / Filter / Rohr: + 2x Abluftset - PrimaKlima PKEC-125-TC Set + + PKEC-125-TC Abluft + + PrimaKlima Aktivkohlefilter K2601 Flat (bis 70%rH) + Staubschutz + + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr (Ummantelt), 3 Meter, ø 127mm + + Verbindungschelle 50mm (Metall mit Schaumstoff mit Aufhängemöglichkeit) + + 1x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm Samen : + 3x Royal Dwarf Automatic (RQS) (buy from Zamnesia Seeds) Töpfe : + Nothers GZjiyu 6 Stk Pflanzsack Pack 2 Galonen = 8 Liter Stofftöpfe Medium : + BioBiz LightMix + + Urgeisteinsmehl für Ergänzungsstoffe + Vulkangranulat (Aquabedarf , drenage) Ventilator : + pro Zelt + + 2x Ventilator - Spider Farmer Grow Ventilator (EC 10Watt) PH Korrektur: + 500ml Plagron PH- + 1000ml Canna PH+ Dünger : + Dünger - Canna Terra Kit + + 1000 ml Terra Vega + + 1000 ml Terra Flores + + 500 ml Rhizotonic + + 500 ml PK13/14 (wird nicht genutzt , da unnötig) + + 1000 ml Cal-Mag Agent (fals ich den mal brauche) Entfeuchter : + Entfeuchter - MeacoDry ABC 10Liter Zubehör : + 1L Nanoprotect Isopropanol 99,9% (Reinigungsmittel) + 1x Topfuntersetzer 30x30cm + Grießkanne 5 Liter + Pflanzendrath 1mm x 5m + Sprüflasche 0.7L + Drucksprühflasche 2L + Messbecher + + 1L + + 0.5L + + 0.25L + Eimer 10L + Gartengießkanne + + 5L + + 10L + Plastikabdeckung mit löchern fürs Sämlingstadium (ehemals Kuchenabdeckung) + Luftschlauch Aluflexrohr, 3 Meter, ø 127mm + GrowPRO Schere Curved + Gardo Gartenschere GDGSB 180 + GrowPRO Pflanzendraht für Low Stress Training, 5 mm, 4,9 Meter + Dosierspritze, 5ml + 2x Universal-Schlauchschelle, 60-165mm + LIMITADA 15 Stücke Pflanzenbieger Verstellbar + 6er Steckdose + 2x Zeitschaltuhr (mechanisch) + Müllsack (umbau zur Trockenkammer) + Pappe + 2 x Gafa-Tape (Rolle) + Klettband 3m + Airpump Kit + + Air-Pump + + Luftschlauch silicon + + Air-Stone Trychome analyse : + Samsung S21 5G optical Zoom + DIGIMICRO Mobil + + x300 optical zoom + + HD Video + + 12MP photo + GrowPRO Mikroskop 40x mit LED CureBox : + CASO VacuBoxx E-Set Vakuumbehälter-Set aus Borosilikatglas mit Tritan Deckel + + 145x60x105 + + 170x65x125 + + 200x80x150 + + 220x80x165 (about 40-50g dry buds space) + + manual vacuumpumpe + + adapter für automatische vaccumpumpen VideoSystem: + GoPro Hero3+ Black + + Zeitraffer : 1 Bild pro Minute , gerendert in H.265 60fps . + + 12MP Bilder + + 1 Sekunde Film entspricht 1 Stunde Real . + + Ohne Dunkelzeiten. + Bild/Videoprogramme + + Photoshop (Bildsequenze render Video, Ausschnitt und Beschriftung) + + XMedia Recode (H.265 Neucodierung)
Wir schreiben die 9. Woche. Die Blüten sind auf jeden Fall gut gewachsen. Was mich wundert, dass die Pflanze kaum riecht. Ich habe 2 Bluematics, die Eine von denen hat schon in der Vegi Phase leicht gerochen und ihr könnt euch sicher vorstellen wie sie jetzt riecht. Die Bluematic 2 riecht so krass stark, aber ist nicht mal annähernd so weit wie diese Bluematic hier, also von den Blüten her. Vom Geruch her kann ich echt sagen, was mich wirklich beeindruckt hat, dass die 2. von meinen Bluematics leicht etwas beeriges hat, also wenn man an der riecht denkt man schon so an saure frische aus dem Wald gepflückte Blaubeeren. Viel Erfolg an jeden anderen, der das hier liest ✌️
È stata bella ed abbastanza semplice da pulire! Solo un paio di buds sono stati colpiti da un pochino di marciume... Aspettiamo che questi bei fiori di 💜SUPER SATIVA SEED CLUB 💜 si secchino al punto giusto 👏🏻 GRAZIE SSSD💜
She has been Chopped 20/07/24 Saturday Buds wet weight 937g Wet trim and larf 167g Over all 1104g That's over a kilo from a auto 😁👌💚 Very pleased!!! The buds have been wet trimmed and I have updated picture. I have now hung all buds in the dark dry tent for 7-10 days. I do not weigh the base what's the point. But here is are buds hanging, and the chopped base pic- with root zone 😍 Check back for cure and smoke review in a few weeks. So disappointed my other 3 terp seeds failed. I will try this breeder one last time and hope the photos come strong and germinate 🤞 Thanks to everyone who has followed my journey with this one, it's been fun. Keep growing and smoking you legends ✌️💚
summer summer summertime. yes, summer has finally arrived in germany. the fat whale is happy and goes into full bloom. it's already starting to smell. my LST training only serves to get the side shoots into the sun, which they gratefully accept. she has really stepped on the gas in the last week. she is healthy and strong.
summer summer summertime. yes, summer has finally arrived in germany. the fat whale is happy and goes into full bloom. it's already starting to smell. my LST training only serves to get the side shoots into the sun, which they gratefully accept. she has really stepped on the gas in the last week. she is healthy and strong.
She has been Chopped 20/07/24 Saturday Buds wet weight 937g Wet trim and larf 167g Over all 1104g That's over a kilo from a auto 😁👌💚 Very pleased!!! The buds have been wet trimmed and I have updated picture. I have now hung all buds in the dark dry tent for 7-10 days. I do not weigh the base what's the point. But here is are buds hanging, and the chopped base pic- with root zone 😍 Check back for cure and smoke review in a few weeks. So disappointed my other 3 terp seeds failed. I will try this breeder one last time and hope the photos come strong and germinate 🤞 Thanks to everyone who has followed my journey with this one, it's been fun. Keep growing and smoking you legends ✌️💚
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Day 1 we had plenty of rain this morning with partly to mostly cloudy skies. The high temperature was 86°F Day 2 we had a high temperature of 91°F. Skies were clear but it was super humid. I defolated some more today. I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 94° with partly cloudy to clear skies. It was super hot and humid. I watered 3-4 gallons from the well. I'm defoliating a few leaves here and there and opening these girls up. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 94 with average humidity of 94. Skies were cloudy and we had thunderstorms that produced high winds and heavy rainfall. Several of my 7 gallon pots that hadn't rooted into the ground were blown over. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 83°F. It was super humid today and we had a very heavy fog this morning. I watered about 4 gallons of well water. Day 6 we had cooler weather today with a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were partly cloudy and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. Day 7 we had cooler weather again oday with a high temperature of 79°F. Skies were mostly sunny and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. Overall this week was a success. Unfortunately all three plants have powdery mildew. They are being treated with a bio fungicide. I'm removing leaves a little at a time. I'm going to be more aggressive next week in trying to get this under control. This weather has not helped. We have had one of the wettest, most humid summer since I've been here. Powdery mildew is on several of the native plants along our tree line and yard. It's been an issue and typically fastbuds have had a lot of resistance. This weather has been brutal and I'll be doing what I can to keep this under control. I didn't feed any this week as the plants are showing signs of excess phosphorus and the feather meal breaks down to feed slowly.
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Day 1 we had plenty of rain this morning with partly to mostly cloudy skies. The high temperature was 86°F Day 2 we had a high temperature of 91°F. Skies were clear but it was super humid. I defolated some more today. I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 94° with partly cloudy to clear skies. It was super hot and humid. I watered 3-4 gallons from the well. I'm defoliating a few leaves here and there and opening these girls up. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 94 with average humidity of 94. Skies were cloudy and we had thunderstorms that produced high winds and heavy rainfall. Several of my 7 gallon pots that hadn't rooted into the ground were blown over. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 83°F. It was super humid today and we had a very heavy fog this morning. I watered about 4 gallons of well water. Day 6 we had cooler weather today with a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were partly cloudy and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. Day 7 we had cooler weather again oday with a high temperature of 79°F. Skies were mostly sunny and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. Overall this week was a success. Unfortunately all three plants have powdery mildew. They are being treated with a bio fungicide. I'm removing leaves a little at a time. I'm going to be more aggressive next week in trying to get this under control. This weather has not helped. We have had one of the wettest, most humid summer since I've been here. Powdery mildew is on several of the native plants along our tree line and yard. It's been an issue and typically fastbuds have had a lot of resistance. This weather has been brutal and I'll be doing what I can to keep this under control. I didn't feed any this week as the plants are showing signs of excess phosphorus and the feather meal breaks down to feed slowly.