-5/7/23 Start of Week
--Week 7/Flower 1
-5/9/23 (Day 52/Flower 3)
--Observations: large quaintly of three-point leaves, some nutrient burn
--Changes: stopped giving Miracle-Gro nutrients, stared spraying with filtered water
--Comments: the LST being use may be more stressful that originally thought, evident in the formation of several three-point shade leaves. some nutrient burn has started killing the tips of some shade leaves, stopped giving nutrients and stared spraying with filtered water. lemon balm is still small and not growing very fast, lemon basil is getting burst of growth and has a light lemon sent.
-5/13/23 (Day 56/Flower 7)
--Observations: starting to get clustered with leaves again, still not much stigma growth
--Comments: can only see a few spots that were damaged by the nutrient burn now because of how clustered the shade leaves are getting. stigma have started forming but are not in abundance, also it is still hard to see the ones that did form. expecting growth of branches and stigma to boost within the next two weeks, still not going to remove anything until the end of week three flower. will start giving low doses of Build-a-Soil's Build-a-Bloom as a foliar spray sometime next week, may also give some in watering as well.
-5/13/23 End of Week
-Post Note: noticed that the amount of nutrients being given was not accurate, thought it was in tbs and not in tsb. amount of nutrient per gallon has been updated for this week and prior weeks and will be added correctly in future weeks.