Well it’s time to harvest 299 gram total wet weight with stems very happy with the outcome on these to say I messed up with nutrients at the most important stage bounced back and gave some very sticky buds with a hint of strawberry will update on dry weight in time thanks for viewing
La semana empezó poniendo tutores para ir sujetando las ramas. pasados 44 dias de vida aun siguen sin mostrar ningún pistilo. 22 dias bajo led en maceta de 2,5L + 22 dias exterior en maceta de 40L. final de semana 49 dias parecen mostrar algún símptoma de una pronta floración.
04.12.24 BT#53 Mahlzeit zusammen 🙂 So die Mendocino Skunk geht langsam den Endspurt entgegen, ihr geht es wunderbar. Auch sie hat nur PH angeglichenen Wasser bekommen damit Sie die nächsten Tage gut versorgt ist. In 3 Tagen bekommt Sie das letzte mal Futter dann nur noch Wasser zum Spülen. Paradise Seeds hat da eine sehr feine Gentik an den Tag gezaubert. Komplett resistent gegen alles , wendet bei Ihr Training an somit fühlt sie sich am wohlsten. Sie wird es euch am Ende doppelt zurück geben, aber auch ohne Training muss sie sich nicht verstecken. Ihre extremen seitentriebe wollen hoch hinaus. Freue mich auf nächste Woche dann gibt es wieder ein Update, bleibt anständig stay High. Mögen all eure Ladys Gesund und prächtig wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 🔥🤘 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 04.12.24 BT#53 Meal together 🙂 So the Mendocino Skunk is slowly approaching the final spurt, she is doing wonderfully. She has also only been given PH-adjusted water so that she is well supplied for the next few days. In 3 days she will get her last feed and then only water for rinsing. Paradise Seeds has conjured up some very fine genetics. Completely resistant to everything, she uses training to make her feel most comfortable. In the end she will give you back twice as much, but even without training she has nothing to hide. Her extreme side shoots are aiming high. Looking forward to another update next week, stay high. May all your ladies grow healthy and splendid and provide you with tasty stuff 🔥🤘
12/2/2024 - Starting this post a little early since it doesn't start until tomorrow. That said, two of the three plants are in flower while the Mystery Seed remains in Veg. I would expect it to transition and stretch over the next day or two. The other two plants (Granite Runtz & Frosted Cherry O's) are growing/stretching rapidly easily putting on 1-3 inches of growth per day. I have decided to top dress throughout flower with Gaia Green Power Bloom. I'm just a little leary of the Grow Dots fizzling out towards the end so I'm going to use a slow release organic to top dress with high in Phosphorous. These plants couldn't look any better and now my focus will turn to caring for all the bud sites and making sure each nug gets plump and dense and as big as it can get. I'm banking on a 1lb crop total from these three plants. 12/3/2024 - Ok we're into week 6 now and two of the plants are well into flower and the Mystery Seed is showing pre-flower now and is stretching out. I expect it to catch up with the other two in the next few days. Everything is going extremely well and I couldn't be happier. This morning I fed all three plants with Recharge and Silica along with 2 liters of water PH'd to 6.5. I think watering is going to increase a bit still from here but I'm paying very close attention to moisture in the soil. I've got PPFD readings up near 850-900 across the canopy and with the addition of side lights I'm hoping that I can get some deeper penetration to some of the lower branches. I continue to build out my toolkit for future grows. 12/4/2024 - Probably my last post for this week unless something spectacular happens. Everything is going very well though I found a few rust spots on one leaf which I removed from the Frosted Cherry O's...nothing I'm too concerned about at this point. Overall things are going extremely well and the plants are growing beyond my expectations. Looking forward to the coming weeks as the buds start to develop.
From the 15th day I start adding half the norm of Hesi TNT Complex 2ml/L, we test with 210 ppm so as not to burn the roots.
Unknown 1 has come to it’s end going a total wet weight of 288.44g with stems see what the end result is same as the other had a haircut then will tidy up once dry want to dry a slow as possible thanks for viewing.
Week 4 update! 🌱 Week 3 is done, and the ladies are now three weeks into their flowering phase. So far, everything has gone really well. However, one bud and the plants in the front showed slight signs of potassium overfertilization, which likely caused a calcium uptake issue and led to minor necrosis. No worries, though – today I completely flushed the entire system and replaced it with a fresh solution. With this reset, everything should be back on track 💪💧. On top of that, I decided to bring out an old Cree& Osram LED lamp as a booster. This will provide the two smaller front plants with more light intensity so they can metabolize the higher nutrient levels more effectively 💡🌿. Everything is looking great so far! Stay tuned, follow along, and let’s see how this journey continues 🌺📸. Woche 4-Update! 🌱 Woche 3 ist geschafft, und die Ladies sind jetzt drei Wochen in der Blütephase. Bis jetzt lief alles super. Eine Bud und die Pflanzen vorne zeigten jedoch leichte Anzeichen von Kalium-Überdüngung, was wahrscheinlich zu einer Kalzium-Aufnahmehemmung geführt und leichte Nekrosen verursacht hat. Kein Grund zur Sorge – heute habe ich das komplette System gründlich durchgespült und die Lösung durch eine frische ersetzt. Mit diesem Reset sollte jetzt wieder alles reibungslos laufen 💪💧. Außerdem habe ich beschlossen, eine alte Cree& Osram LED-Lampe als Booster herauszuholen. Damit bekommen die beiden kleineren Pflanzen vorne eine stärkere Lichtintensität, damit sie die höheren Nährstoffwerte besser verstoffwechseln können 💡🌿. Es sieht alles richtig gut aus! Bleibt dran, folgt mir, und lasst uns schauen, wie sich die Reise weiterentwickelt 🌺📸.
She gets bushy quick, led me to tying down some branches, caused me to snap a branch. I tied it back with a good fit and 2 days in its still alive, going to monitor and prune it off if necessary...just starting to get open amd see some decent growth but might have to up the nitrogen
The buds are fat, making the branches lose strength, they have considerable resin. It smells like tropical mango with a stench in the background. It is a long-lasting sativa but I stopped providing magnesium and other nutrients before so as not to affect the flavor after harvesting, it could last a few more weeks, but I believe it will be harvested soon. If it gets weak, I will do some extraction. I stoeppd feeding at all now. For a pot of just 3.7 liters (1 gal), it is very well evolved and grown.
Very fragrant. The buds are fat and beautiful, the colors are beautiful and the resin is making everything whiter and whiter. A few more weeks for her and then she will be harvested. The development is very good for a 3.7 liter pot (1 gal).
day 15 of flowering (day 62): the stretch continues!! the plants are beautiful... I can't even frame them in the photo anymore!! the pictures you see are after the defo.. i completely forgot to take one before!!! Sorry I did a defoliation and moved my pots afterwards, so it's not the same arrangement as the previous week!! I tried to put the small ones behind, and the big ones in front! my cherry gar see clone is reborn from its ashes!! it almost seems like it was with the others from the beginning! I'm impatiently waiting for the smells day 17: trichomes are slowly appearing!! still no signs of deficiency!! truly my best run since I started I will launch my flowering TCO day 17 and I will apply it day 18 in my flowering TCO, I put: - kelp hydrolysate - epsom salt - bat guano - mealworm guana - castor bean shell ash - palm ash - vermicompost - blackstrap molasses - elycitor -Yeasts Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Bottom right: LA Vanilla Cake #2 Bottom middle: Code Red #2 Bottom left: Code Red #1 middle right: B45 middle: cherry gar see ya #4 clone middle left: Papaya bang bang #1 Top right: Papaya bang bang #2 Top middle: White runtz x Hollywood Top left: LA Vanilla Cake #1