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Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana a la sexta semana de floración de esta cepa de dominancia sativa y actualmente "La Reina de mi jardín de la alegría"... God save the Queen!! 😍 Otra semana de fácil y satisfactorio cultivo, la planta a parado el crecimiento vegetativo y se esfuerza en la creación de flores, las mismas flores que aparecen a lo largo de todas las ramas y que avanzan una gran cosecha con largas y gruesas colas. Las marcas de carencia de Magnesio que aparecieron la semana pasada son historia después de la aplicación en superficie de Dolomita y sal de epsom y la recuperación, para riegos, del Ormus (Ca, Mg). Durante toda esta semana han habido niveles de humedad relativa muy bajos, alrededor del 30%, y temperaturas altas, he rociado varias veces, las plantas con agua para aumentar la humedad en los armarios, también he activado dos pequeños humificadores y sobre todo he mantenido las plantas muy hidratadas, afortunadamente ayer cambió el clima y ha comenzado a llover con bajada de temperaturas. Como hubo una aparición de arañas en otro cultivo rocié esta planta, también, con jabón potásico. El consumo de agua de este cultivo es muy alto, y en los días secos aumento todavía más, he mantenido y mantengo el sustrato muy hidratado para favorecer la circulación de líquidos, cuidando a la vez la salud de las raíces. Esta semana riegos alternos con nutrientes y otros con agua pura de manantial, preparando las raíces para aumentar las dosis de nutrientes conforme avance la floración. DECODIFICANDO EL CULTIVO 😛 - Día 93. Riego multicomponentes, con Microorganismos de Montaña Activados de forma líquida con minerales y nutrientes NPK al 2,6%, Humato potásico de leonardita que añade ácidos húmicos y fúlvicos, materia orgánica y extra de potasio al 1,5% y melaza para dar energía a los Microorganismos. PH: 6.40, EC: 1.70. 1000ml. - Día 95. Para ayudar a la disolución del riego anterior: Agua de manantial. PH: 6.7, EC: 0.50. 1000ml. - Día 97. Riego para fortalecer el cultivo. Agua de montaña y garbanzos (EC: 0.44), MMA con calabaza, zanahoria y Quitosano al 3,5% y Ormus (Ca, Mg...+PH) al 0,5%. PH: 6.80 EC: 1.54. 1100ml - Día 98. Agua de montaña y alubias. PH: 6.62 EC: 0.50. 250ml. • ORGANIC TIP 😋 Activación de Microorganismos de Montaña con Calabaza, zanahoria, minerales y quitosano para fortalecer las defensas de la planta contra patógenos. Después de 45 días de fermentación anaeróbica he abierto, lo que espero que sea un gran fertilizante para usar desde la etapa de crecimiento vegetativo hasta la preflora y primeras semanas de floración. La calabaza y la zanahoria contienen multitud de minerales y vitaminas que ayudan a fortalecer el cultivo y ayudan a la expansión de las raíces. Este preparado es comparable, funcionalmente, con los extractos de algas, aunque mucho más completo. Esta hortaliza es rica en antioxidantes. Destaca su contenido en carotenos, que son los responsables del color característico de la calabaza. ¿Será que esto puede influir en los colores de las cepas?... en observación!! Gracias a la fermentación anaeróbica con Microorganismos de Montaña, los nutrientes, vitaminas y minerales son quelados por la acción de los MM, consiguiendo así un caldo nutritivo de primer orden que las plantas asimilan de inmediato. INGREDIENTES: Agua de manantial alcalino: 2,5L Suero de leche: 1L Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos (varias cepas): 400g Melaza orgánica: 120g. Levadura de cerveza y fresca: 10g. Calabaza y zanahoria fresca: 475g. Cáscara de camarón deshidratado y molido (Quitosano): 6.5g • Minerales: 10g de Roca fosfórica: P 7g de Azomite: Ca, Fu, Fe, K, Si, B y trazas de el resto de minerales de la tabla periódica. 8g de Ceniza de palmera: Ca y K. 5g de Piedra Pómez: Si, Al, Fe, Ca, K. 8g de caolin con Illita: Fe, Si. 5g de Sal de Epsom: Mg. • Elementos contenidos en la calabaza y zanahoria: Aminoácidos: alanina, arginina, cucurbitina, cistina, glicina, histidina, isoleucina, lisina. Ácidos: linoleico, aspártico, oleico, palmítico salicílico y fólico. Vitaminas: Vitaminas A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, A, C, K Minerales: calcio, cobalto, boro, magnesio, zinc, potasio, hierro. Azúcares: sacarosa PROCEDIMIENTO En este bio preparado he hecho una pre-hidrólisis de la calabaza y zanahoria, cociéndolas durante una hora con melaza para mejorar luego, en la fermentación, la disolución de todos sus elementos. También he hecho una pre-hidrólisis con la cáscara de camarón, esta vez he hecho una hidrólisis alcalina con KOH, que luego de dos horas añado a la mezcla final y además una disolución en agua, con mucha agitación, de los minerales. Disuelvo todos los elementos y añado levadura de cerveza y fresca para dar comienzo a la fermentación. Coloco en una bolsa de malla los Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos de mis dos semilleros, donde reúno los Microorganismos (Bacterias de la familia de los Actinomicetos, Levaduras y Hongos (Micorrizas), Microalgas y Protozoarios) de seis bosque vírgenes de mi zona. Cierro el bidón herméticamente con válvula de escape de gases, como estamos en Enero y hace frío he puesto una cinta de calor alrededor del bidón para mantener una temperatura constante de aproximadamente 36°C, de esta manera el preparado puede estar listo en tan sólo 30 días, si fuera el caso de dejarlo a temperatura ambiente el preparado demoraría 2 meses más en estar disponible para uso. La fermentación comenzó a los 60 minutos y se ha alargado durante 25 días sin interrupción. He abierto el bidón a los 45 días, el olor ha fermentado es muy agradable, el color fantástico, algunos Microorganismos se ven prosperando en la superficie, separo medio litro para ir usándolo y cierro el bidón otra vez. Tengo varios cultivos incipientes donde voy a aplicar este fertilizante y observar sus efectos. SALUDOS, SALUD Y GRANDES COSECHAS A TODOS!! 😁 =========================================== • CONOCE MIS TÉCNICAS DE CULTIVO Y FERTILIZANTES ORGÁNICOS AVANZADOS.... HACER ES COMPRENDER!! 😉 - ORGANIC GROWING TIPS!! 👇 3M • PURPLE BUD SEMANA 17: Activación de Microorganismos Sólidos (MMA) y biol de frutas con minerales. SEMANA 20: Agua de montaña y estructurada. SEMANA 21: Abono sólido y mulch. 3M • Anubis y Auto Magnum SEMANA 1: Super sustrato y aireación de macetas 3M • Frodo's & OG Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de auxinas. SEMANA 10: Humato potásico de leonardita enriquecido con minerales. 3M • Diesel bastard. SEMANA 11: Sólidos y Mulch SEMANA 13: Aireación forzada del sustrato. SEMANA 14: Elaboración de un Lacto fermento de auxinas, nutrientes y minerales. 3M • Sweet Zkittlez SEMANA 2: Agua estructurada, agua viva. SEMANA 3: Ormus y agua de coco. SEMANA 5: Compactación con luces Cool White. SEMANA 6: Cicatrizante y protector de cortes o podas apicales. 3M • Sweet Clementine SEMANA 5: Elaboración de Lacto fermento multi frutas y minerales. 3M • Fresh Candy auto SEMANA 4: Recuperación de esporas de Microorganismos y Micorrizas. 3M • Tropicanna Poison SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un semillero de Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos (MMS) SEMANA 10: Extracción de HBO con el método QWISO 3M • Black Domina SEMANA 6: Reutilización de residuos: Mulch de palos secos. 3M • Monster Bud Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un Bocashi de Pasto ensilado enriquecido con nutrientes y minerales. 3M • San Fernando Lemon Kush SEMANA 5: Reutilización de sustrato orgánico. SEMANA 16: GD TIP: ¿Lente u objetivo? 3M • Magnum Auto SEMANA 5: Aprovechamiento de residuos caseros. Cáscaras de frutas. Deshidratación y almacenaje. 3M • Quick Sherbet SEMANA 12: Crema tópica de karite y HBO. SEMANA 24: Como el agua -Like a water 3M • Purple Shot SEMANA 18: Tierra a la tierra.😎 3M • Gorilla Glue SEMANA 4: Fibra de coco con Microorganismos de Montaña Activados (MMA) para mezclas de sustratos. SEMANA 7: Activación de Microorganismos de Montaña en modo líquido (MMA) 3M • Diesel S1 SEMANA 17. Humato PK. Hidrolizado potásico de leonardita con fósforo. 3M • Kalini Asia SEMANA 17. Jabón potásico para control de plagas de insectos y ácaros. 3M • Sage n' Sour SEMANA 13. Activación de Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos con Calabaza, Zanahoria, Minerales y Quitosano. SALUDOS, SALUD Y GRANDES COSECHAS!! 😵
Sage 'n' Sour · T.H.Seeds
Fission 300W · Custom
Mars Hydro TS1000 · Mars Hydro
GT 70x70x160cm(2.3'x2.3'x5.2') · Mars Hydro
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Lacto auxinas NPK ·
Biol de calabaza MMA ·
Humato NPK ·
Biol de frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Biol de frutas EM ·
Aminoácidos ·
Miel ·
MMA Plus ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Bio harinas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Bio harinas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Bio harinas EM ·
Lacto auxinas NPK ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Lacto minerales EM ·
Agua de alubias ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
Aminoácidos ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Lacto minerales EM ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
Cola de caballo ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
Bio guanos EM ·
Lacto auxinas ·
Bio algas EM ·
Agua de alubias ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
MMA Basic ·
Bio Calabaza MMA ·
Agua de alubias ·
Agua de garbanzos ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
Melaza ·
Lacto frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Lacto mineral NPK ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Agua de alubias ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
Agua de alubias ·
Agua de lluvia ·
MMA Plus ·
MMA Basic ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Bio guanos EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
Agua de lluvia ·
MMA Basic ·
Calabaza MMA ·
MMA Mineral ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
Agua de lluvia ·
MMA Basic ·
MMA Mineral ·
Lacto mineral PK ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Bio frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
4 algas enzimáticas ·
MMA Plus ·
Lacto mineral PK ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ya esta esta Zkittlez produciendo resina! Me esta gustado mucho como va avanzando, espero que se pongan grandes esas flores. Empezare a aplicrle Silick Rock de plagron a ver como va! Seguro que genial conociendo la calidad de sus productos.
The beginning of her tenth week! Wow, this has been a long one, but we figured that we want to get the best yield that we can from this plant and for grow scheduling, we don't mind letting this one veg out a little longer anyways. We really wanted to see what we could do with this plant and if we could in any way, reverse the stunted growth, but it seems to be a mixture of stress/genetics. We aren't fussing though, it has definitely been an interesting learning experience as we have gone along. Much earlier in the plants life, after topping, one of the nodes had been accidentally broken off and the plant seemed stressed out by that, as well as a transplant to a larger pot, only to find out it was too large for what we wanted to grow. At the end of the day though it has all been a fun learning experience and this is definitely a seed we would like to try and grow again. We have another Ice Wreck plant currently vegging (about two weeks) and if we like the pheno, we plan to keep it as a mother plant. Feb 26 - Ice wreck has shown some decent growth over the last few days so we figure that its time to stop vegging this one out, after 10 long weeks, and this sunday, at the beginning of her 11th week, we will be throwing her in the flower tent, to start the next part of her journey. We can't wait to watch this plant stretch during flower and see just what she is fully capable of. We expect a decent amount of growth, but nothing too crazy as she is a small plant to begin with.
Also two 7 litre waterings this week. Day 129 watering 800 ppm runoff 1000 Day 132: defoliation to expose buds Day 133 watering 740 ppm runoff 1600, ph fluctuating between 6.4 - 6,6 feed and runoff
VEG WEEK 10 My Base Nutrient Inputs: See VEG WEEK 6 for details of stock solutions A & B. My grow weeks run from Monday to Sunday. This week the goal was to let the girls grow, space the tops around the trellis, and attach each stem to the outside of this structure. Tuesday - Watering Day - 1 gallon each as described above. Friday - Watering Day - The pots are very light. Laverne is quite thirsty in pic # 10 - 2 gallons each as described above. Friday - Pruning Day - Pinched out all the new grow at each fan leaf. The goal is a single stalk with no side branching. Also removed some lower Fan leaves and a few select others. Unfortunately, Laverne lost a top. Not sure how, but I snapped it😡, and it dangled by a little of the outer stem tissue. I quickly reached for some tape to administer first-aid, which has worked for me in the past. Sadly, a few days later, it was evident (pic # 16), she wasn't going to make it. Sunday - Training and Trim Day - Laverne is now down to 11 tops and my plants symmetry is shattered. I pushed the broken limb aside, to make room to realign the neighboring branches. I'm leaving this broken branch on the plant for now (pic #17), in an attempt to keep the other branch, on the same main stalk from dominating the plant. The remaining branch (pic #18&19) is already growing much faster and needed some serious twisting to bring it to the level of the rest of the plant. I managed to get Laverne symmetrical again, and leveled out the tops with some wire work. Shirley was also wired down to a symmetrical, level canopy, without any drama. Laverne is now 10 inches tall, and Shirley is 12 inches. It seems I named them backwards, lol. Laverne received a 2 inch booster seat under her pot to bring her canopy level with her buddy. Their canopy tops are 30 inches from the Electric Sky ES 300 V1 light. Shirley has shown herself to be a female (pic #24), while Laverne has not shown sex (no concern, as these seeds I made should be feminized). I see some tip burn, and need to dial back my nutrients a tad. I also am working on eliminating the purple on the top side of the petioles (not too worried about it as the plant is growing and appears healthy otherwise). My base nutrients contain calcium and magnesium, plus I add Cal-Mag +, so not sure why. It is funny that the purple is only on the top side of the petioles, and makes me wonder if this is caused somehow by LED lighting. If anyone knows, please share😀. I plan on another week, maybe two, of vegetative growth. The mother(s), that I made these seeds from only stretched about 12-14 inches. I'll flip to 12/12 light schedule when the stems reach the height of the top of the trellis. With the stems supported, and some luck, these girls, will be set-up for smooth flowering. The video was taken Sunday morning, before training and trimming. Thanks for Viewing, Peace, DeaneR😎
This lady growing monstrously. Growing at 10 nodes the plant is absolutely covered with growth. Due to late LST this lady has gotten some length and has grown firm.
Day 63: Hi all , a productive week it has been this week. The #2 has been taken out for her 48hr dark period before trimming and drying. She jas so much frost onher dark purple and red buds now too. she will be trimmed later tonight so will post a few pics later. Gorilla girls #1 is so close to finishing now too. Her colours are starting really come through now she is maturing and her smell is so sweet and clearly pineapples too. Her yield should be ok bit being kept lower may have been a factor in her overall size. perfect for a low , cupboard grow. #3 is very close to #1 in terms of a finish, if only a few days behind . Shebis so much smaller but her finalnpushbjas bought her on par for the amount of decent sized buds that smell so sweet and are starting to brown off on the tops mainly. I won't rush her but she is close. #4 is still my sneaky favourite for appearance without doubt. She is so beautiful as a plant it will be a shame to cut her down. She is so covered in trichs now that she looks silver and red. At least another week I thinks to get the best from this lady. A brilliant example of genetics. Sweet cheese is also very close to her finish but at least a week jumping by the fresh looking pistils poking out all over her thick main. She stinks of fuel now too. I will be interested to see how much she yields compared to trained ladies. Well hopefully the next update will be to say they are all hanging to dry amd maybe 1 actually harvested. Until then . be safe and sane Growmies UPDATE. the #2 is now trimmed and drying....
D89 (18/02/2021): Copy paste of last week... I think max one week and she is done 😁 I gave around 2L of tap water. Glue Gelato is dry and in jar since one week. I did not move back Banana Kush in the tent since I was sure it was her last week. At this point I should have move her back in the tent. I think being in the closet might have slow her down since there is no reflective wall but at least the environment conditions are good. - temp in the closet: 18-21C - water: 2L of tap water - RH in the closet: 33-35% D90 (19/02/2021): I can definitely see more resin gland forming on buds and can also tell that the calyx are swelling nicely. - temp in the closet: 18-21C - no water - RH in the closet: 33-35% D91 (20/02/2021): I gave 1.75L of tap water. - temp in the closet: 18-21C - water: 1.75L, PH7.5 - RH in the closet: 33-35% D92 (21/02/2021): I checked the trichomes and they are more abundant. It's beautiful to see the buds becoming frostier day by day 😍 - temp in the closet: 18-21C - no water - RH in the closet: 33-35% D93 (22/02/2021): She is starting to show some amber trichomes but not enough. I will let her some days to ripen but she is close to harvest! - temp in the closet: 18-21C - no water - RH in the closet: 33-35% D94 (23/02/2021): I gave 3L of tap water. - temp in the closet: 18-21C - water: 3L, PH7.5, 130PPM - RH in the closet: 33-35% D95 (24/02/2021): Trichomes are all cloudy with some ambers. Due to a timing issue, I will need to chop her this weekend in two or three days. Yesterday I did reduce light intensity to 50% power. She will pass 2 days with this light intensity and then 2 days in complete darkness. - temp in the closet: 18-21C - no water - RH in the closet: 33-35% D96 (25/02/2021): I will not change for week 14 since she is going into darkness tonight for two more days. Trichomes are not exactly where I would like. More ambers would be better but at least they are all milky white with some amber. She's at her peek in term of THC potency. - temp in the closet: 18-21C - no water - RH in the closet: 33-35% D97 (26/02/2021): 24h into complete darkness is done - temp in the closet: 18-21C - no water - RH in the closet: 35-40%
(Monday) Trichomes are milky so flush week will commence. I’ll do a week of Florakleen only to get rid of any salts and nutrients in the root base and then just pure ph’d water for final week. Not rushing this as I wasn’t super happy with my last grow of Zkittlez because of my cure. (Thursday) Posted a pic of the first “dark and curly” as I like to call the amber trichomes. Smell has really shifted to a sweet, berry scent. The first time I’ve smelt weed like that.
I was still seeing strange things happen in the leaves but runoff pH was staying at around 6.5. One plant toppled over and started growing up from a bent stalk like an herb. I started looking for a new reflector so that I could mount my light horizontally instead of vertically to save space and ideally find a way to get the plants closer to the light without burning them. I started looking into MH bulbs as well as I figured at this point I clearly hadn't provided the light they needed. If I wanted them to thrive I needed to set them up properly for the last few weeks of veg. I transplanted this week into slightly bigger coco pots but in retrospect I feel I should have gone up to 3 gallon pots at this point.
Zdravím všechny pěstitele marijánky🌍🌞 Minulý týden sklizen BCN critilal xxl - tato rostlina měla od začátku problémy pak se spravila a nakonec vypadá celkem solidně. Víc se dozvíte ve sklizni🌱🌱🙏 Nemůžu se dočkat dalšího růstu🌞🤗 Tento týden půjde pod kosu poslední automat (sleep) Zbydou tam 3 celoroční odrůdy, ty vypadají nejlíp... ty ještě potřebují 2 až 3 týdny Den 99. Hnojení Celoročky - ph 6,3 ec 2,5 Den 100.🌱 holky vypadají úžasně😍 Dnes proběhla defoliace (focus)(franco lemon cheese) Den 101. Sekera🤟 (sleep) zbyly 3 celoroční odrůdy 2× focus , 1× franco lemon cheese Proplach 8 - 10 dní Den 102. Kontrola trichomů - focus = 10 % jantarových vrchů 🌱🤗 Franco lemon cheese = mléčné trichomy Den 103. Kontrola - Teplota,vlhkost,co2 v pořádku🤜 Den 104. Kontrola trichomu 15 procent jantar ( focus )👏 Den 105.proplach Ph - 6,3 ec - 0,43
Starting out week 7 the Auto Ultimate is really getting thick, I dont have a lot to compare it to but her buds are so much thicker and harder than the White Monster's The White Monster and Auto Ultimate both showed some problems on some of their leaves, mainly brown spots and yellowing. I checked the run off EC and pH and both seem fine and within range, my led lights were getting a bit close and most of the yellowing is on the areas closest to the light, so for now I assume light burn, I raised the light as high as possible and turned it down juuuuuust a bit. I will keep monitoring the plants as they progress through this week