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Meine Mutter wollte schon immer eine Cannabis Pflanze haben. Jetzt wo es hier legal ist (Juhu) hat sie eine von mir bekommen. Die Peanutbutter cookies von Pure Intenso war bis jetzt eine, die am besten wachsene Pflanze bei mir deswegen habe ich mich für diese Sorte entschieden , und weil meine Mum auch sehr gerne Kekse backt... 😁 Mal hoffen das es Ihre Tomaten überleben.. Natürlich bekommt Ihr freund auch noch eine verpasst... Ich bekomme wöchentliche Bilder von Ihr damit Ich das dann hier rein stelle.. Normale Erde für die Wachstumsphase mit Perlite und Würmer Humus
Week 15 - Growth Diary for G.M.O. As we reflect on the journey of G.M.O. #1 and G.M.O. #2, it's evident that these ladies have showcased an inspiring tale of resilience. Despite a missed check-in at week 14, they've fully bounced back, manifesting the vigor and vitality intrinsic to their nature. G.M.O. #1: This particular beauty stands tall with a robust central cola, adorned with dense, resinous flowers that exude a pungent aroma. The foliage, a rich green canvas, contrasts the milky trichomes sprinkled liberally across the buds. The fan leaves display a healthy expansion, capturing every ounce of light, their serrated edges pointing outwards like nature's intricate design. There's a notable uniformity in the bud sites, each one poised for an abundant final push as the flowering phase approaches its zenith. G.M.O. #2: In juxtaposition, G.M.O. #2 exhibits a slightly more varied structure. Its topmost cola is a majestic tower, surrounded by a constellation of budding satellites, each striving toward the light. The gradient of green hues on the leaves tells a story of light absorption and nutrient distribution, from the paler new growth to the darker, established leaves. This plant's lateral branches are weighed down by the burgeoning buds, suggesting a plentiful harvest. Unique to this specimen is the slight curvature in the stems, adding character and a touch of wildness to its form. Together, these ladies present a garden of sheer potential, with distinctive features that make each stand out—a testament to their individual genetics and the nurturing environment provided. Their journey to full flower is a sight to behold, promising an eventual yield of high-quality produce, rich in both flavor and potency. The final weeks are all that remain between these plants and their full glory, a period where watchful eyes and steady hands will ensure the culmination of their growth cycle in a grand finale.
📅 Tag 21: Alle Pflanzen weiter abgebunden/nachgesteckt nachdem die Triebe länger wurden. DARK DEVIL: Sieht aus als hätte sie trotz des Plagron - Terra Growmixes defizite :( Jetzt stellt sich mir nur die frage ob das nicht vielleicht doch einfach nur Lightburns durch die hohe RLF an dem einen Abend sind? Leider kommt mein Cal/Mag von Plagron erst in ein paar Tagen an. 📅 Tag 23: Alle Pflanzen weiter abgebunden/nachgesteckt nachdem die Triebe länger wurden. DARK DEVIL: Topping zeigt seine Wirkung - Untere Seitentriebe so wie 2 Tops wachsen GELATO: FIMing bei der Gelato scheint wirklich verkackt an Tag 19 angekündigt? GG#4: FIMing scheint auch hier verkackt? Ich schau's mir hier die Tage nochmal an, wenns danach wirklich verkackt ist wird die kleine nach etwas Ruhezeit getoppt. 📅 Tag 26: Alle Pflanzen weiter abgebunden/nachgesteckt & Entlaubt. DARK DEVIL: Topping verlief ohne Probleme, ca 1-1,5 Wochen noch bis zur Auto-Blüte. Seitentriebe kommen auch Super. GELATO: FIMing Bei der Gelato lief solala, in verbindung mit frühem LST wärs wohl besser gekommen - aber ich versuch nun das beste draus zu machen. GG#4: FIMing Lief hier "etwas besser" (?) Da LST sogut wie sofort mitgemacht wurde. Seitentriebe Wachsen wunderbar. PH Wert Wasser: 6,45
Hi Growmies, Apologies for the interlude in our regular entries. This week's gaze falls upon the Caramel ensemble, each individual a paragon of horticultural elegance, now in the full throes of flowering. The first boasts a towering central cola, an emblematic feature of her thriving form. Leaves radiate good health, deep green with well-defined serrations, and the buds are glistening with trichomes, sticky and aromatic. Another displays her indica lineage with aplomb, dense and bushy with colas that are compact and frosted over. Her structure speaks to the grower's skill in light distribution and air circulation, ensuring each bud flourishes. The last spreads her limbs wide, maximizing every inch of her allotted space. With a multitude of flowering sites, her growth pattern is a testament to strategic plant training, enhancing light exposure and maximizing yield potential. Resilience and exuberance have defined this stage of the Caramel group's journey, highlighting the garden's capacity for bounty and the grower's commitment to excellence. As they move into full bloom, their distinctive features shine, forecasting a harvest that promises diversity and abundance. Stay lifted, Salokin
Week 15 - Grow Report for Bruce Banner x White Russian As we mark week 15 of our grow cycle, our two phenotypes of Bruce Banner x White Russian have shown tremendous resilience and are flourishing beautifully. **Bruce Banner x White Russian #1** has bounced back robustly, showcasing dense, resinous flowers that glisten under our grow lights. The foliage is a vibrant green, and the plant stands with a sturdy structure, supporting the weight of its blossoms. This lady stretches upwards with vigor, her colas reaching for the sky, exhibiting a tapestry of pistils that hint at the rich genetic heritage she carries. **Bruce Banner x White Russian #2** is not to be overshadowed, presenting an equally impressive stature. Her leaves are broad and healthy, indicating efficient photosynthesis and nutrient uptake. The buds are compact and heavily frosted, emitting a pungent aroma that fills the grow space. Each bud site is a testament to the plant's potential, filled with trichomes that promise potency and flavor. The temperature and humidity levels have been carefully managed to provide an optimal environment, resembling the conditions of a soft, late summer's day, easing our plants into a stress-free flowering period. It is evident that these ladies have not only recovered from previous challenges but have thrived, turning potential adversity into an advantage for a bountiful harvest. As we missed documenting week 14, it's gratifying to observe such progress, seeing the transformation from the last report. These plants are now well into full flower, and we anticipate that the coming weeks will only heighten the sensory experience they offer. The recovery and current condition underscore the resilience of cannabis plants and the dynamic art of growing. Stay tuned as we continue to nurture these beauties and head towards the harvest, where the fruits of our labor will finally be realized.
Eccoci ragazzi, scusate il ritardo ma purtroppo sono molto impegnato in questo periodo, è faccio fatica a stare dietro ai diari.. Apparte questo questa blue dream sta crescendo davvero molto imforma e vigorosamente! Ha già sfumature bluastre ed un odore speziato molto particolare! Ho tolto un po di rami inferiori che non prendevano abbastanza luce, ed ho provato a fare qualche clone, se questa ragazza si rileva come sembra un ottima genetica potente, in questo modo avrò delle sorelle identiche in forza e vigore che mi daranno un erba eccezionale nei prossimi cicli? Speriamo che attecchiscano! Per il resto tutto ok, sto seguendo la scheda di Terra Aquatica e si stanno rivelando degli ottimi nutrienti! Grazie a tutti voi che mi seguite, spero vi piacciono le mie ragazze quanto piacciono a me! P. S come potete vedere dalle foto è in corso una massiccia infestazione di tripidi, e nonostante le molteplici trappole che ho messo dappertutto, non riesco a liberarmene, anzi stanno sempre riproducendo di più e sinceramente sono un po' preoccupato, spero che il raccolto non ne risenta troppo.. Ho pensato di mettere qualche coccinella come predatore naturale ma per ora non è il periodo e ne ho trovata solo una che nn risolve di certo la situazione.. Grazie ancora buone fumate a tutti! 420 🍀🙏💪😸🌱🌿🥦🧑‍🌾
Tag 21- Beginn der 4 Woche. Die ersten einzelnen Stigmen sind sichtbar, die Vorblüte erscheint. Im laufe dieser Woche werde ich den Dünger auf Blüte umstellen. An Tag 16 der letzten Woche wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Der Basis Dünger Sensi Grow von Advanced Nutriens wurde dabei um 0,5ml erhöht. Nährstofflösung: 1 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - Voodoo Juice Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part A 1 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Grow Part B
*****DIVINE SEEDS ***** *****FRACTAL***** SPONSORED GROW Week 3 Germination April 6. Week 1 water only Week 2 water only Week 3 added recharge and TPS1 increasing ppm to 570. This week 21-27 consisted of plain ph 6.4-6.7 water with recharge and TPS1. 4/24 updated my AC Infinity app and started using the advanced programming settings for early vegetation. This is keeping humidity in 70% with temps in 80 and my ladies are loving it. They are lush and green. They are however remaining quite short. 4/26 I did some LST and defoliation. Before and after pics above. Until the plants are big enough to go outside, I will be using my AC Infinity tent and equipment. Once outside, I will be watering with well water and recharge and any additional fertilizers or amendments will be determined at that time. Thank you @DivineSeeds As always, thank you friends and followers for stopping by, for your likes and comments. I truly appreciate all the plant love💚from you! Have fun & love what you grow 💚 Sending love and light 💫 💫Natrona 💫 ***FRACTAL*** Fractal is an especially psychedelic strain that Divine Seeds developed for esoteric and mystical experiences, meditation and creativity. A potent and vivid landrace variety from Southern India was crossed with a sticky leaning Indica (mostly Afghani), then Skunk #1 joined this company. Their progeny underwent multiple selection experiments, until its massive built, resin concentration and hypnotizing powers reached an ultimate level. The result is now known as Fractal – resinous, spicy and productive. Best choice for commercial growing: a compromise between bigger yields and fast ripening! A great source of hashish that has something incense-like to its musky smell. Indoors expect 170 сm height, out of doors plants grow up to 200 сm. Fractal fits for all types of growing environment: grow boxes, hydroponic or aeroponic setups, outdoor plantations, balconies, terraces and green houses. For more weight it is recommended to train Fractal plants to broaden their structure and limit their vertical growth. For that purpose use ScroG or SoG, LST, FIM or topping, supercropping or mainlining – there are no limitations for the strain itself, but certainly low-stress methods are recommended to smaller samples. Fractal has an inherent immunity to molds and insect pests, but since its colas are thick, protect your plants from stale air. Also, during rainy weeks your plantation may need to be covered. Ready for outdoor harvesting in October. Big and dense buds the color of olive, hunter green heavily coated with crystals. Whole Fractal buds smell hashy and earthy, while cedar and fruity hints are noticeable on breaking. Measure your portion carefully: the potency is above average! With Fractal you experience an overall stoning that either keeps you put or slows your motion down, also vertigo is possible. However, in moderate dosage the impact is described as a pleasant sensation of well-being and placidity. Perfect for spending a night by a bonfire without talking, therefore is more often enjoyed as a solo smoke. Efficiently relieves muscle spasms and seizures, inflammations, combats insomnia and increases your appetite. Up to 3 hours of altered state of mind can be expected. Best consumed at nighttime. Pots: 5gallon Air pots Soil Fox Farm Happy Frog Amended with worm castings, dolomite lime and mychorihiza Seeds provided by Divine Seeds Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Fractal Feminized Seeds Fractal - Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Fractal Auto Seeds Auto Fractal - Divine Seeds breeding company ================================= Equipment: AC Infinity CLOUDLAB 844 – Advance Grow Tent 48”x48”x80” CONTROLLER 69 PRO – Grow Tent Controller CLOUDLINE LITE 6 - Inline Fan 6" IONBOARD S44 – LED Grow Light Board 400W CLOUDRAY S6 – Oscillating Circulation Clip Fan Carbon Filter 6” Nutrients: Total Plant Solution TPS1 Canopy Signal
! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Don't forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - still lack of nutrients, which got worst - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 26: as you can see its the only plant out of 9 in this run and I really can't catch up with her that well. Giving my best over the next week. - Bud sight development accordingly slow Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ Wedding CheeseCake by Fast Buds --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
Hello Growmies, The first Purple Lemonade FF, a marvel of cultivation, has rebounded with vigor, her foliage a rich tapestry of dark and vibrant greens. The buds have swelled considerably, forming dense clusters along her branches. A sticky blanket of trichomes covers each bud, a sure sign of her potency and the sweet, citrusy aroma she's beginning to emit—a preview of the zesty delight she's destined to become. The second Purple Lemonade FF carries herself with an elegance that's hard to overlook. Despite a previous setback, her resilience is evident in the abundance of budding sites that have come to life. These sites are forming a constellation of lime green stars against the backdrop of her darker leaves, each one promising a bounty of fruity goodness. The air around her whispers hints of grape and berry, intertwining seamlessly with that signature lemonade zest. Both ladies have shown admirable recovery, their canopies spreading out under the lights, ready to soak in all the energy they need for the crucial flowering stage ahead. It's as if they're aware of their grower's efforts and are reaching up to meet those expectations. The garden's atmosphere is thick with anticipation, as the ladies are well on their way to full flower, their own distinctive features more pronounced with each passing day. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, stay lifted! Salokin
! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Don't forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - still lack of nutrients, which got worst - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 26: as you can see its the only plant out of 9 in this run and I really can't catch up with her that well. Giving my best over the next week. - Bud sight development accordingly slow Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ Wedding CheeseCake by Fast Buds --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 28: bud development is super beautiful on each pheno #1 and #2 Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ P.C.R. by Art Genetix --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 28: bud development is super beautiful on each pheno #1 and #2 Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ P.C.R. by Art Genetix --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 28: bud development is super beautiful on each pheno #1 and #2 Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ P.C.R. by Art Genetix --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 28: bud development is super beautiful on each pheno #1 and #2 Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ P.C.R. by Art Genetix --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 28: bud development is super beautiful and praying up Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ Stardawg by MSNL --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique