🏆 Last chance to vote!
Weeks has been good. its really week 5.5 half way though but wanted to do the update today. The one THCv plant is having some issues flipping back to veg after the mix up. Its really getting weird AF. and I think next week is when I will be flipping them to bloom so IDK how that one is going to react. I have more seeds of that one so if it fails its ok I can grow it again. the CBG's are the strongest in the tent. Added their first feeding of the Acadie fertilizer, low amount. 5ml/1gal its recommended rate is 30ml per 1L seems crazy high but that's what the label suggests. Herbs also doing well, gave them a feeding too and last week I added in some Nematodes as I saw a gnat, but have not seen any other ones since applying. so that's a bonus. Again a bit to much N in the mix, I did not think I added that much but guess I did. Looks ok on all the other nutrients. Also a nice little shoutout to IZI, they sent over a strain to try with some cool stickers and a leaflet of all their strains. I got the Lemonade Kush, This was stuck in the mail for a month or so, I think they sent it out just before the strike in Nov and it arrived in early/mid Jan. https://izi.farm/seeds/lemonade-krush-genetics-fem-izi-2 Other then that nothing much to report.
Hey folks, Into week 11 and mid week I decide to defoiliate, top, lst and hst the plants. They are very bushy. 2 weeks of veg and I stripped more than I did the first time! It's hard to keep her under control if I don't get to work on them everyday. Again, mother nature has been watering our plants. Only had 1 chance to water the usual 50mL of moalass to 5 gal of water to support the microbes. Plants bounced back pretty quick. Hope you enjoy and we will see you on the next update.
Week 9! We're reaching the home stretch! I defoliated "J", heavily and super cropped her taller tops. She also is the only one to receive nutrients. The crop is still pretty hefty, so we'll water them 🌞 tomorrow. "J" is happy in her space and is content staying in Veg, indefinitely. I don't have the requirements to flip her into Flower and won't for quite some time, growing Photoperiods was not in the setup or budget. There is still no smell to speak of, except when you manipulate her, she gives off a citrus, pine aroma. This grow has been fairly easy going so far, no real issues to report. I'd like to thank 🙇‍♀️🏾 @WeedSeedsExpress and I look forward to growing their many different strains. Finally, let me apologize for the quality of my 📸 camera, or lack thereof. July 29, 2021, Thursday. I watered the crop thoroughly and rotated them. The girls (other than "J") are watered with pH'd tap water, that fluctuates between 6.2 & 6.4. July 30, 2021, Friday. Girls are chillin'. I'm really having a BLAST! I knew I was going to love cannabis cultivation, but this is something else. I've taken to it, like a 🦆 duck to water. I can't wait to see what more knowledge and experience will reveal. Anyone that's been on the fence about whether to grow or not, do it. Just go ahead and do it. Only thing I regret, is not being able to afford more 💡 lights and fans. Or if you want to grow vicariously, you can always sponsor me. July 31, 2021, Saturday. Everything is peachy. August 1, 2021, Sunday. I watered the girls today. I moved "J" into the "Veg Desk" and she seems to be adapting to her new environment quite nicely. Freeman's birthday is just days away! Freeman the person, not the plant. As I mentioned earlier in the diary, this grow has been in secret and is a surprise birthday present. I tell Freeman everything that happens in my life, so keeping this secret was a bit fun. I look forward to August 5, for the big reveal to Freeman! Stay tuned! August 2, 2021, Monday. Nothing to report. August 3, 2021, Tuesday. Watered the ladies thoroughly.
Really coming on now. Some buds might have light damage :( really putting on weight now though. Pepe is very uniform but getting smooshed into door. For later. Watching trics now but all looks on schedule. Starting to get excited now. Thanks for looking ☮️
Close up of pistil hairs And only 2 plants for space and what not Check out YouTube video SuperSmoker for more!
Close up of pistil hairs And only 2 plants for space and what not Check out YouTube video SuperSmoker for more!
Freunde der Sonne :) KURZE INFO DER LETZTE EINTRAG HIER IST IMMER DER AKTUELLLSTE NACH DATUM NACH UNTEN SOLLTEN UNTEN SCROLLEN UM ZU VORHIERIGEN EINTR'GE ZU GELANGEN : <3 WEEED wollte dir ein text drücken :) hab mich vertippt... aö ich bin heute eine Bewustseinsstufe beim Grown aufgestiegen ! Endlich kann man jetzt Täglich meine Real Talk oder Reaktion ViD/PIC anschauen. Absofort werde ich meinen GARTEN anderts wahr nehme wer rein schaut kann Exklusive Tipps für seinen Garten gebrauchen. Gerne bin ich für Fragen offen und ich helfe wenn ich kann fals nicht findet sich in der Gruppe immer jemand. DER GRUND IST DAMIT ICH NACHVOLLZIEHEN KANN WAS ICH FALSCH GEMACHT HABE BZW UM WISSEN ZU MANIFESTIRE UND GEWISSE GEDANKENVERBINDUNGEN GESACHFFEN SIND. IM GRUNDE MEIN GROWTAGBUCH ICH TEILE MEINE GEDANKEN MIT EUCH GLEICHGESINNTEN UND WÜNSCHE ALLEN EINE ERFOLGREICHEN GROW brO cRypto666 2 minutes ago cRypto666 <LIEBE> BRUDER ICH LADE DIE VIDEOS UND BILDER NOCH HOCH UND ICH BIN MIR EIGENTLICH SICHER ES KÖNNTE DIR GEFALLEN VIEL SPAß AUF QEEN SEED GIBTS WIRKLICH GUTE BLOGS MIT TOURTORIALS FÜR NEULINGE/ANFÄNGER . Konnte mir so mein Verständnis und Grundlage die fürs grown wichtig ist gut lernen und Aneignen ! WIRKLICH VIELE UND GUTE INFOS !! https://www.royalqueenseeds.de/blog-cannabis-anbau-c3 https://www.royalqueenseeds.de/blog-die-10-grossten-fehler-von-cannabiszuchtern-n86 es ist soweit heute beginnt Woche 1 ... BEVOR WIR STARTEN, WICHTIG WASCH DIR GRÜNDLICH DIE HÄNDE UND BENUTZE GUMMIHANDSCHUE BEIM ARBEITEN! SEHR WICHTIG! Ich freue mich das ich heute wieder das Gärtnern begonnen habe und eine Hällfte der Samen in der Erde sind. Kennt ihr das Gefühl der Vollkomenheit wenn man sich im Garten beschäftigt ? Für mich ist das Therapie und für euch? Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken anstatt Samen zu growen mir einfach eine Mutterpflanze Anschaffe um mir meine Stecklinge zu ziehen ! Dafür brauch ich aber noch ein anderes Zelt und eine Lampe. Die Mütterpflanze kann dann erst mal wachsen und ich kann nebenbei noch mal ein Durchgang mit Autos schaffen bevor die Steckis fertig sind. Wenn es soweit ist gebe ich euch bescheid wenn ich Samen und Setup bei mir stehen. So jetzt aufs eigentliche zurück. Ich habe heute erst mal mein Setup geprüft und so gut wie möglich desinfiziert. Es ist verdammt wichtig das nach jedem Durchgang sauber gemacht wird also zb Zeltwände, Boden, Topfe, Boxen, Wasserbehälter. Habe ich gemacht und habe meine ersten Samen in Anzucht Erde gesetzt, befeuchtet, markieren und in die Box. Wände und Deckel mit zersteuber befeuchten und ab unter die Lampe. WICHTIG MACH DIE ERDE NICHT SO NASS ! DAS GEFÄLLT IHNEN NICHT SONDERN HALTE SIE AM BESTEN FEUCHT IN DEM DU ABEND / MORGEN EIN BISCHEN WÄSSERST! ICH STELLE DIE LAMPE AUF CA 40 cm zum Boden ein bzw der Box. Ein gewisser abstand muss sein um die Fläche komplett zu Beleuchten. Da meine Lampe dimmbar ist muss sie nicht ganz oben hängeng sondern Kann näher an die Pflanzen ran und Stelle den Dimmer auf 20 %. Das reicht anfangs in dem Stadium völlig aus, muss aber dann später angepasst bzw hoch geschraubt werden! Lüfter I läuft 24/7 und sorgt für optimale Bedinungen! WICHTIG LAMPE 20/4 HELL/DUNKEL (REGLER STEHT AUF 20 % LICHTLEISTUNG) DANN HABEN WIR ES EIGENTLICH SCHON GESCHAFFT UND ALLES RICHTIG GEMACHT! Ich versuche schon so viel wie möglich von meiem Wissen an euch weiter zugeben bzw auf Papier zubringen, ist aber NICHT IMMER ZU 100% Möglich, da es einfach zu viele Informationen sind ! Bei fragen einfach fragen und die Comiunity hilft sicher !!! KOMMT ZEIT KOMMT RAT ... ich hab 2 Monate Infos eingeholt und Produkte verglichen ! Auf Queen Royal Seeds gibt es gute Anfänger Tipps sogar teilweise mit Video. Mir hat das sehr geholfen mein Grundwissen aufzubauen. BEVOR IHR DAS GÄRTNERN ANFANGEN KÖNNTE MACHT DIR GEDANKEN WO DEINEN GARTEN STEHEN KANN. #1 AM BESTEN IHR HABT EIN GARTENZIMMER DER NUR ZUM GÄRTNERN BENUTZT WIRD IST DIE BESTE LÖSUNG DA DU DEINE UMGEBUNG VIEL LEICHTER SAUBERHALTEN KANNST #2 DU KANNST DEIN GARTEN AUCH INS WOHN. BZW SCHLAFZIMMER STELLEN WENN DU KEINE MÖGLICHKEIT HAST EIN GARTENZIMMER ZU MACHEN. DAS IST NICHT DIE PERFEKTE UMGEBUNG ABER WENN DU ABLUFT RAUSLEITEN KANNST DANN MACH ES ! DU KANNST ES AUCH IN DEN RAUM STRÖMEN LASSEN MUSST DIR ABER BEWUST SEIN DAS ES EVTL DAS SCHIMMELN IM RAUM ANFÄNGT! IST MIR SCHON PASSIERT ! LEITE SIE WENN MÖGLICH AM BESTEN RAUS ! ACHTE DAS DARUF DAS DEINE LUFTFEUCHTIGKEIT UND TEMP KONSTANT BLEIBEN UND ES NICHT EINMAL ZU WARM UND EINEMAL ZU KALT... IHR WISST SCHON SORGE FÜR EINEN KONSTANTE UMGEBUNG IN DEINEM GARTEN. DIE WAHL DER SAMEN IST AUCH WICHTIG DA ES SORTEN GIBT DIE EINE WARME UMGEBUNG EINE KONSTANTE ODER EINE EHER KALTE UMGEBUNG. AM BESTEN IHR PASST EURE SAMEN EURER UMGEBUNG AN HEIST DU WOHNST IN EINEN LAND WO ES EHER WARM IST ALSO 25-30 ° C dann WÄHLE AUCH EINE PASSENDE SORTE AUS! MEHR GIBTS ERST MAL NICHT ! BIS ZUM NÄCHSTEN MAL!
----------------------------------------------------- ~SWEET SEEDS JACK 47 STRAIN DESCRIPTION~ ----------------------------------------------------- A 3rd generation Autoflowering strain, this hybrid is the result of a cross between an Autoflowering Jack Herer from the Sweet Seeds®️ R&D Department and our elite clone of AK 47. Probably the most potent Autoflowering strain available in the market. This is a very productive Autoflowering plant with abundant, compact and very resinous buds. The aromas and tastes of this strain are sweet, fresh, lemony and with hints of incense. Variety: Sweet Seeds Jack 47 Auto #SWS31 Indica: 20% Sativa: 76.9% Ruderalis: 3.1% THC: 18-21% CBD: 1.1% Indoor Yield: 450-600 g/m² Outdoor Yield: 50-200 g/plant Harvest Indoor / Outdoor: 9 weeks from germination Height: 50-120 cm Effects: Creativity, Psychoactive, Stimulating Taste: Citrus, Lemon, Incense, Cool, Sweet ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE SETUP: ~Planted into Jiffy Peat Pellets that were hydrated with de-chlorinated water with SuperThrive added then ph'd to 6.0 @ 80℉ ~Grown 100% organic in 10g fabric pots with Mother Earth 70/30 Coco/Perlite medium amended with 2tbs/g of Down To Earth 4-4-4 / 2 cups/g of Earthworm Castings / 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Flower Girl 3-9-4, 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Bat Guano, 3/4 cup of Down To Earth Azomite and 1 tsp/g Down To Earth Fish Bone Meal. ~24hr light cycle during Germination / 19/5 light cycle for Vegetation and 12/12 for Flower ~Straight water ph'd @ 6.2-6.8 when needed and weekly Compost Tea's. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY UPDATES: 7/26- Here we go into her fourth week and man oh man is she looking F I N E ! 😍 She's got great color and abundant new growth and I'm tucking shade leaves to get good light penetration through her canopy. This girl's shaping up to be one epic autoflower with the size, growth and overall health & vigor to back it up! I have both UnitFarm LED's fired up now (560w at the wall total) and have them hung @ 30" above canopy and she appears to be loving it! 😍💚 I went ahead and top dressed her today with 2 tbsp/g of Dr. Earth Premium Gold 4-4-4 and Dr. Earth Flower Girl 3-9-4 in a 40/60 ratio respectively. I'll also add 2 tbsp each of Down to Earth Bat Guano and Bio-Fish, topping it all off with 1 cup of worm castings, after which I'll water it in with straight de-chlorinated water ph'd to 6.2-6.5 @ 74℉. 7/28- Her growth and excellent health continue. She has great color and some really tight node spacing. I'm guessing that she's not going to be the tallest girl but, from past experience, there's no doubt she'll look phenomenal when all is said and done....We'll have to wait and see! I'm watering her from the bottom, pouring her water into her drip tray under her 4g pot, allowing her to draw the water up into the medium. I like this method for a couple of reasons... First, it keeps shit simple and second, it keeps the top 1/2" of medium dry which just about eliminates any worries of Fungus Gnats (I can't stand those little bastardo's). She recieved 0.5g of de-chlorinated water with 5ml/g of Botanicare CalMag+ added then ph'd to 6.2 @ 74℉ which I then poured into her drip pan. Within 5 minutes the 0.5 was all absorbed...perfect! 7/30- This JACK47XL from Sweet Seeds is on a roll! She's got abundant growth, albeit not the tallest plant, great color and is looking like she's starting to stretch out now. Curious to see how long she goes before starting to flower as that will determine how big she actually gets. She's getting watered every other day now with 0.5g of straight de-chlorinated water ph'd to 6.2 @ 72℉. I'm alternating the way I water, between pouring it into her drip pan and letting her draw it up into her pot, and from the top with the goal being to keep her medium moist but not wet. This will provide the ideal environment for all the beneficial mycorrhiza and bacteria which are feeding her! 8/1- Well Week Five is in the rear view mirror and it looks like my girl may be starting to flower! Her color remains fantastic along with her health! I'm continuing to water her daily with 0.5g of de-chlorinated water that is ph'd to 6.3-6.5 @ 74℉ I'm also looking her over throughout the day, tucking shade leaves out of the way of flower sites to ensure that they get plenty of light. I have refrained from removing any shade leaves or topping her to avoid causing any undue stress to her. The only training she's recieved is some LST which continues as well. Today I went ahead and gave her some Compost Tea that I began brewing 72hrs. ago to give the microbial colony a 'Happy Hour' on the house! ~Thanks for stopping in! Things should be getting a lot more interesting in the coming weeks...Stay lifted and be Blessed! 😎🙏~
This week i topped the plant at the 4-5th node Check out YouTube video SuperSmoker for more!
This week i topped the plant at the 4-5th node Check out YouTube video SuperSmoker for more!
I'm going to try and get some better angles. My screen is smashed on my phone and shows different colours. First week of flower, let's see what Barry does with what he's been given eh?