Day 57. I ran out of space and have no other way just to overblast girls, some have already 2 top nods leaves going yellowish a bit, but I can't stop it and I don't care ;)))
My last grow had most ugly girl and she made to 240 g ;))) so f@ck esthetics !!! ;))) Can't reach dimmers so all photos are under too intense light too aka shitty ;)))
Heavy feed, water , heavy feed - plans for this week.
Smell is pure joy, but I think LSD is killing the tent, not Seedsman yet by smell ...
Update : Green Crack is pure joy for nose too !!!
Day 60. Pure CalMag feed, 265 ppm, 0.42 EC. Should be last help in restoring that burn ... Some colas are like 3 cm away from light ... ;))))
Crazy grow !
Happy Growing !!!