The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Hanno iniziato la quinta settimana di vegetativa...penso che ancora poco e la passerò in fioritura 😂💪💪💪
How is it growing, my fun(k) loving friends? ***INFO*** For more on my setup, why it was monster cropped, and how I made the canopy, see Germination page and subsequent weeks. They had 48 hrs of darkness, and the time has come to say goodbye to my friends. I thanked them again, spend some time with them, and under the sound of Amazonian shaman's harvest and healing songs (will post link), asked for their gifts, and apologized for taking their lives. I do this while in contact with the plants, touching, smelling them, observing every detail, no thoughts, just in the present moment. I feel emotional as I do this and remember how they were a companion, a source of distraction in a time of worry, sadness, and loss. How they already comforted me and kept me company in a time of painful insights about honesty, commitment, and staying true to myself. I thank them again for their wisdom and gifts, viva Santa Maria, viva Planta Maestra, may the mother of all beings give us healing and protection. And I proceed with the harvest as I visualize my intentions with every cut. Branch by bud laden branch is tenderly untangled from the scrog net, taken with a clean-cut and immediately hung upside down in the grow tent, which will now double as a curing and drying room. A couple more weeks and we will have the final cured and dried weight. More photos and movies will follow, this is where we are so far!! Thank you for checking in on our journey, all the love, support, and compliments were a true motivation, a very needed distraction, and guidance for me and for Sunshine. Big hug, lots of love and take care! ***UPDATE*** The final weigh-in is ready. I hadn't seen them in a week, because of my vacation. The humidifier I set up, had failed. So the grow had dried in 7 days, what I wanted to be 14 at least. Thankfully, its Sativa ancestry shines through, the smoke isn't harsh, the buds a sticky and smelly, no hay smell at all. We ended up at 246 grams, excluding a shitload of larf and popcorn bud, totaling at 310 grams all in, a first at a gram per watt for me, but for the Zambeza seed competition, I stated we would only weigh the quality bud. Overall I'm very happy!! Guessed weights in the competition: - @hashy : 0 grams - @MrHyde : 198 grams - @JamMAKEcan : 224 grams - @TrickOrTrip : 260 grams - @Greeneysgrow: 312.5 grams - @Ohey_fu_kyu: 350 grams - @Puffs4Pipes: 385 grams - @Hempkid : 605 grams - @DoDrugs420 : 621 grams TrickorTrip was closest!! Congratulations!!! I will be contacting you to get the seeds with you!! Thanks for playing to all the others and better luck next time, I will give away some seeds again!! Summary: Cost of setup: 850 euro Cost of nutrients and soil: 125 euro Cost of seeds: None they were cloned Cost of power: 150 euros in the power bill Total cost: 1125,-- for setup and this run. I smoke for medical reasons and it's used for ritual and healing purposes, never to be sold, as it loses its magical properties. Should I have to buy Gelato of this quality at the dispensary that I frequent, it would cost me at least € 15,-- per gram. 246 x 15 = 3690 euros. also, 49 car rides of 25 miles there and back, 250 euros in gas saved. Overall conclusion: I think we can call this a succes. Made back my investment, my cost per grow and we saved the environment. Thanks for all the love, tips and support! Couldnt have done this on my first indoor LED grow, without you!! Wish you were here to smoke a fat one, some good conversation about our hobby and now... I'm hungry.... See you on the next one!! Hugs Bud!!! PS. Should you be interested in Shamanism or Teacherplants by anything I mentioned. Pls watch the following documentaries or read these books: - The Last Shaman on Netflix - Fantastic Funghi on Netflix - Food of the Gods, by Terrence McKenna - The Herbal Jedi / Yarrow Willard on Youtube - The Tao of Physics - DMT: The Spirit Molecule on Youtube - The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley - Plants of the Gods by Richard Evans Schultes and Albert Hoffman - What the bleep do we know - Down the rabbithole (although vague and some theories mentioned here, could not be replicated, like the water by Emoto) - The Secret on Netflix- if you like enlightenment in bitesize, tellsell format The link to Santo Daime hinarios for the Santa Maria cura, healing ceremony: If you want to learn more about permaculture / homesteading, see the following links: - Pete Kanaris, Green Dreams TV, visits many permaculture farms in tropical area's, he is great!! - Supersoil recipe by Learn Organic gardening, take your ADD meds first, dont watch if prone to epilepsy... they like to talk... - Mr Canuck, indoor organic cannabis growing master on Youtube: - People creating food forests all over the world: Happy travels and enjoy! Final update: Very happy to announce that this dairy had won the sixth place best diary of August 2021. My prize came in yesterday and I'm very happy!! Thank you Growdiaries!! Thank you Fastbuds!!! Thank you all my grow buddies here for the love and support!! Hope to see you all, maybe at a future Growdiaries Meet and Greet? Wouldn't that be a lovely idea, per country and a yearly one on a different continent every year? The Growdiaries Conference. Would be a great Hemp growers fair... I'll keep dreaming and light another one... Big hug BioBuds
First week of the flowering phase and things are already looking promising. Pistils appearing already as you can see in the photos, and all 5 plants stretching out nicely. I’ve now defoliated all of the fan leaves that were on the main stem, they were huge and had done their job of providing energy to the side branches and were now probably just taking up too much water and nutrients and were too low to absorb much light. So now all growth is concentrated on the side branches, all of which are nice and uniform and giving several tops on each plant. I’ve moved the light to 18inches/45cm away from the tops for the flowering phase. Temperatures have been a lot more ideal this week. Applied the BioBloom powder as a top dressing, using the lower dose of 3g per litre of substrate, so 36g top dressed onto each pot. Love how easy these nutrients are to use. Very simple to weigh and top dress rather than mixing up liquid nutes into water every time. Much less effort and much less time consuming. And the plants look the some of healthiest I’ve ever grown. No sign of any deficiencies so far!
They been doing good this past week some I cut off some water leafs and they started booming the 3 cuts are good one seems like it rooted roots caught on to the cube already hoping they get better waiting for funds to get the fish shit start using that as soon as possible
They been doing good this past week some I cut off some water leafs and they started booming the 3 cuts are good one seems like it rooted roots caught on to the cube already hoping they get better waiting for funds to get the fish shit start using that as soon as possible
Ciao ragazzi e bentornati qui, in una nuova pagina di questo diario.😉 Le sorelle Mimorange 🍊 sono diventate sicuramente le mie preferite nella tenda.😍 Sia per per l odore che per l aspetto dei buds, si stanno ingrassando parecchio e i peli spessi sono diventati gialli. Mentre l odore è dolce di mandarino.🔝 La crescita si è fermata e ora sta dedicando tutto alle cole! Intanto continuo ad aprire i rami per arieggiare le zone e illuminarle meglio.👍 Eh niente ragazzi! È rimasto ben poco da dire, aspettiamo che i fiori si maturano per bene😋 Grazie a tutti per aver guardato e restate sintonizzati per nuovi aggiornamenti!🙏 Buona settimana e felice crescita 🌱 🌱🌱
Ciao ragazzi e bentornati qui, in una nuova pagina di questo diario.😉 Le sorelle Mimorange 🍊 sono diventate sicuramente le mie preferite nella tenda.😍 Sia per per l odore che per l aspetto dei buds, si stanno ingrassando parecchio e i peli spessi sono diventati gialli. Mentre l odore è dolce di mandarino.🔝 La crescita si è fermata e ora sta dedicando tutto alle cole! Intanto continuo ad aprire i rami per arieggiare le zone e illuminarle meglio.👍 Eh niente ragazzi! È rimasto ben poco da dire, aspettiamo che i fiori si maturano per bene😋 Grazie a tutti per aver guardato e restate sintonizzati per nuovi aggiornamenti!🙏 Buona settimana e felice crescita 🌱 🌱🌱
All round the grow went well first time grow the forbidden runtz and I'm pretty happy about it.
All round the grow went well first time grow the forbidden runtz and I'm pretty happy about it.
I didn't do a lot on this one, but he goes on his own like a big boy!!
Hey everyone First week of flowering here Plant is doing great Removed some starting popcornbuds and took away some mint and Lemon Balm. Was getting bushy down there 😂 Gave a last feeding with Alga Grow, next I will start up flowering nutrients. PH around 5,8. Will water in a bit higher next time. Sprayed her with Vita Race for one of the last times. Neem Oil doing his job too, no bugs to see 🙏 Weather is not that great. Not that much sun and cold nights. Lots of rain this week too and upcoming week no difference 😒... What a great summer huh haha So far so good See you guys next week Happy growing 😉🙏
Day 22 - her takeoff has begun a. the lady is doing well, growing all over, no signs of any damage or light stress b. i have to keep reminding myself that this Indica plant is only 22 days old c. the pool is hanging at 5.9/6.0 PH all the time. d. I will not be topping, fimming or high stress training this plant as the breeder recommends e. lowered the light is at 45cm away from the seedling f. added reflector tape to the top of the DWC, my main DWC has it, and its plants always do amazing, so why the hell not reflector tape this one Day 23 - Growth Explosion a. she is really taking off, like a rocket! b. she is becoming more and more bushy, smells too, really good c. the reflective tape on top of the DWC changes my photos, lol, it allows for a-lot of light reflection and eye pain Day 24 - performed light defoliation a. opened up the lower parts of the plant for light b. only removed 8 leaves, will remove more in a few days to allow for no runt branches c. also removed some of the original stabilizer rocks... when she was a tiny baby she was very leggy and needed support, she has thick stem now! d. airflow is opened up and the fan is blowing more direct on the gorilla e. gradually stepping up the ppm, at 550. only have to increase FloraMicro and FloraGro Day 25 - growth observed all over a. lower limbs that were hidden by leaves are perking up, and heading outward b. airflow around the plant is great, the CO2 production is very high, as the tent smells of banana liquor c. ventilation is turned off to preserve humidity and CO2 Day 26 - growth a. smooth and steady, she is drinking alot from the DWC, about 1/2 litre a day b. removed 2 large fan leaves, the lower limbs need to see light Day 27 - lower growth occurring now a. the lower foliage and branches are growing more since they see more light b. performed the last defoliation for a while, encouraging the side branches to take dominance over the main without topping this plant Day 28 - ending the week on a high note! a. she grew nearly 2x over night, opening her up to the light was a huge help b. with these smaller LED lights im guessing light penetration through thick indica leaves is very low, leaftucking helps c. will begin ponytailing LST next week to encourage more lateral branch growth d. today though, she is just chillin out in the 28 degrees and 60% humidity, ventilation is running, and she is smelling very nice
I’m happy with this auto tbh It’s been really easy to grow it did start to show a slight bit of calmag deficiency but sorted it right away and it’s starting to get the bud smell already a really sweet scent going to start slowly getting it on flower a+b by doing a small ratio of both till full recommended is what I found what works best for me and that’s what it’s all about finding (WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU) happy growing peeps
Freunde der Sonne :) KURZE INFO DER LETZTE EINTRAG HIER IST IMMER DER AKTUELLLSTE NACH DATUM NACH UNTEN SOLLTEN UNTEN SCROLLEN UM ZU VORHIERIGEN EINTR'GE ZU GELANGEN : <3 WEEED wollte dir ein text drücken :) hab mich vertippt... aö ich bin heute eine Bewustseinsstufe beim Grown aufgestiegen ! Endlich kann man jetzt Täglich meine Real Talk oder Reaktion ViD/PIC anschauen. Absofort werde ich meinen GARTEN anderts wahr nehme wer rein schaut kann Exklusive Tipps für seinen Garten gebrauchen. Gerne bin ich für Fragen offen und ich helfe wenn ich kann fals nicht findet sich in der Gruppe immer jemand. DER GRUND IST DAMIT ICH NACHVOLLZIEHEN KANN WAS ICH FALSCH GEMACHT HABE BZW UM WISSEN ZU MANIFESTIRE UND GEWISSE GEDANKENVERBINDUNGEN GESACHFFEN SIND. IM GRUNDE MEIN GROWTAGBUCH ICH TEILE MEINE GEDANKEN MIT EUCH GLEICHGESINNTEN UND WÜNSCHE ALLEN EINE ERFOLGREICHEN GROW brO cRypto666 2 minutes ago cRypto666 <LIEBE> BRUDER ICH LADE DIE VIDEOS UND BILDER NOCH HOCH UND ICH BIN MIR EIGENTLICH SICHER ES KÖNNTE DIR GEFALLEN VIEL SPAß AUF QEEN SEED GIBTS WIRKLICH GUTE BLOGS MIT TOURTORIALS FÜR NEULINGE/ANFÄNGER . Konnte mir so mein Verständnis und Grundlage die fürs grown wichtig ist gut lernen und Aneignen ! WIRKLICH VIELE UND GUTE INFOS !! es ist soweit heute beginnt Woche 1 ... BEVOR WIR STARTEN, WICHTIG WASCH DIR GRÜNDLICH DIE HÄNDE UND BENUTZE GUMMIHANDSCHUE BEIM ARBEITEN! SEHR WICHTIG! Ich freue mich das ich heute wieder das Gärtnern begonnen habe und eine Hällfte der Samen in der Erde sind. Kennt ihr das Gefühl der Vollkomenheit wenn man sich im Garten beschäftigt ? Für mich ist das Therapie und für euch? Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken anstatt Samen zu growen mir einfach eine Mutterpflanze Anschaffe um mir meine Stecklinge zu ziehen ! Dafür brauch ich aber noch ein anderes Zelt und eine Lampe. Die Mütterpflanze kann dann erst mal wachsen und ich kann nebenbei noch mal ein Durchgang mit Autos schaffen bevor die Steckis fertig sind. Wenn es soweit ist gebe ich euch bescheid wenn ich Samen und Setup bei mir stehen. So jetzt aufs eigentliche zurück. Ich habe heute erst mal mein Setup geprüft und so gut wie möglich desinfiziert. Es ist verdammt wichtig das nach jedem Durchgang sauber gemacht wird also zb Zeltwände, Boden, Topfe, Boxen, Wasserbehälter. Habe ich gemacht und habe meine ersten Samen in Anzucht Erde gesetzt, befeuchtet, markieren und in die Box. Wände und Deckel mit zersteuber befeuchten und ab unter die Lampe. WICHTIG MACH DIE ERDE NICHT SO NASS ! DAS GEFÄLLT IHNEN NICHT SONDERN HALTE SIE AM BESTEN FEUCHT IN DEM DU ABEND / MORGEN EIN BISCHEN WÄSSERST! ICH STELLE DIE LAMPE AUF CA 40 cm zum Boden ein bzw der Box. Ein gewisser abstand muss sein um die Fläche komplett zu Beleuchten. Da meine Lampe dimmbar ist muss sie nicht ganz oben hängeng sondern Kann näher an die Pflanzen ran und Stelle den Dimmer auf 20 %. Das reicht anfangs in dem Stadium völlig aus, muss aber dann später angepasst bzw hoch geschraubt werden! Lüfter I läuft 24/7 und sorgt für optimale Bedinungen! WICHTIG LAMPE 20/4 HELL/DUNKEL (REGLER STEHT AUF 20 % LICHTLEISTUNG) DANN HABEN WIR ES EIGENTLICH SCHON GESCHAFFT UND ALLES RICHTIG GEMACHT! Ich versuche schon so viel wie möglich von meiem Wissen an euch weiter zugeben bzw auf Papier zubringen, ist aber NICHT IMMER ZU 100% Möglich, da es einfach zu viele Informationen sind ! Bei fragen einfach fragen und die Comiunity hilft sicher !!! KOMMT ZEIT KOMMT RAT ... ich hab 2 Monate Infos eingeholt und Produkte verglichen ! Auf Queen Royal Seeds gibt es gute Anfänger Tipps sogar teilweise mit Video. Mir hat das sehr geholfen mein Grundwissen aufzubauen. BEVOR IHR DAS GÄRTNERN ANFANGEN KÖNNTE MACHT DIR GEDANKEN WO DEINEN GARTEN STEHEN KANN. #1 AM BESTEN IHR HABT EIN GARTENZIMMER DER NUR ZUM GÄRTNERN BENUTZT WIRD IST DIE BESTE LÖSUNG DA DU DEINE UMGEBUNG VIEL LEICHTER SAUBERHALTEN KANNST #2 DU KANNST DEIN GARTEN AUCH INS WOHN. BZW SCHLAFZIMMER STELLEN WENN DU KEINE MÖGLICHKEIT HAST EIN GARTENZIMMER ZU MACHEN. DAS IST NICHT DIE PERFEKTE UMGEBUNG ABER WENN DU ABLUFT RAUSLEITEN KANNST DANN MACH ES ! DU KANNST ES AUCH IN DEN RAUM STRÖMEN LASSEN MUSST DIR ABER BEWUST SEIN DAS ES EVTL DAS SCHIMMELN IM RAUM ANFÄNGT! IST MIR SCHON PASSIERT ! LEITE SIE WENN MÖGLICH AM BESTEN RAUS ! ACHTE DAS DARUF DAS DEINE LUFTFEUCHTIGKEIT UND TEMP KONSTANT BLEIBEN UND ES NICHT EINMAL ZU WARM UND EINEMAL ZU KALT... IHR WISST SCHON SORGE FÜR EINEN KONSTANTE UMGEBUNG IN DEINEM GARTEN. DIE WAHL DER SAMEN IST AUCH WICHTIG DA ES SORTEN GIBT DIE EINE WARME UMGEBUNG EINE KONSTANTE ODER EINE EHER KALTE UMGEBUNG. AM BESTEN IHR PASST EURE SAMEN EURER UMGEBUNG AN HEIST DU WOHNST IN EINEN LAND WO ES EHER WARM IST ALSO 25-30 ° C dann WÄHLE AUCH EINE PASSENDE SORTE AUS! MEHR GIBTS ERST MAL NICHT ! BIS ZUM NÄCHSTEN MAL!