The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
Germination was pretty good, we lost one of each strain. We soaked for 24hr then wet paper towel for 24hr then in a tray and dome for 2 days under a sun blaster 50 watt light for the first week or so
Germination was pretty good, we lost one of each strain. We soaked for 24hr then wet paper towel for 24hr then in a tray and dome for 2 days under a sun blaster 50 watt light for the first week or so
11/22 Week 14 One has fallen five remain FFT-11-1 is in dry Rate of harvest as much weather driven as anything dont want a lot exposed at once. Planning every 2-3 days FFT-10 is in full bud building mode still so keeping the pedal down on them with a 10/10 finishing feed till we see some closure on those buds. FFT-9 is really showing great color purple so deep almost black water only FFT-11-2 is waiting her turn water only 11/23 pics Harvest FFT-11-2 in the morning 11/24 Yield on FFt-11-1 : 189 grams dry FFt-11-2 in dry (1100 grams wet) 11/25 Unless the weather turns on us will harvest both FFt-9s tomorrow FFt-11-2 still in dry be finished tomorrow 11/27 The FFT-10 stands alone , showing signs of ending, putting them on a finishing feed and reduce as the buds close 11/28 Welp those signs of ending backed off and she making buds heavy again. Go girls go not reducing feed till this goes as far as it will zero pressure to harvest. Lights on pics Built a better jute cage for FFT-10-2 she is very wide and there was a danger of branches breaking from weight of buds. Increased Bloom and Peak PK hitting them a bit harder as dont want noticeable def beginning until I want them as much as practical. Buds still spikey and hairs strong though seem a few less its not much. Seems every time we switch up our PK for them it triggers another round of production. See what what when they begin to slow again. This is fun dont get to do this... ever... no space pressure finally although thats due to problems in germ more than my design going forward I think. Plants are at max par being under their individual ts-2000s so I killed the side lights not doing a lot anyway with the tent near empty 11/30 At lights on the buds seem to be slowing, reducing the Bloom nuets and PK after a single hard hit to see if they pick up
11/22 Week 14 One has fallen five remain FFT-11-1 is in dry Rate of harvest as much weather driven as anything dont want a lot exposed at once. Planning every 2-3 days FFT-10 is in full bud building mode still so keeping the pedal down on them with a 10/10 finishing feed till we see some closure on those buds. FFT-9 is really showing great color purple so deep almost black water only FFT-11-2 is waiting her turn water only 11/23 pics Harvest FFT-11-2 in the morning 11/24 Yield on FFt-11-1 : 189 grams dry FFt-11-2 in dry (1100 grams wet) 11/25 Unless the weather turns on us will harvest both FFt-9s tomorrow FFt-11-2 still in dry be finished tomorrow 11/27 The FFT-10 stands alone , showing signs of ending, putting them on a finishing feed and reduce as the buds close 11/28 Welp those signs of ending backed off and she making buds heavy again. Go girls go not reducing feed till this goes as far as it will zero pressure to harvest. Lights on pics Built a better jute cage for FFT-10-2 she is very wide and there was a danger of branches breaking from weight of buds. Increased Bloom and Peak PK hitting them a bit harder as dont want noticeable def beginning until I want them as much as practical. Buds still spikey and hairs strong though seem a few less its not much. Seems every time we switch up our PK for them it triggers another round of production. See what what when they begin to slow again. This is fun dont get to do this... ever... no space pressure finally although thats due to problems in germ more than my design going forward I think. Plants are at max par being under their individual ts-2000s so I killed the side lights not doing a lot anyway with the tent near empty 11/30 At lights on the buds seem to be slowing, reducing the Bloom nuets and PK after a single hard hit to see if they pick up
Way bigger than expected. The buds got very large by the end of flowering. The smell is strong and delicious, the buds looks dense and are heavy. Will update when dry. Update 1 : I put 1/3 of the harvest into a water curing cycle. Five days changing water every day. First time I tried, the water was clearly taking something out of the plant not sure what by now. Made it dry yesterday all the water is gone already and now its about being really dry before storing it.
----------------------- Update start week 4: ----------------------- We entered the first week of bloom for MBAP. Have had a perfect run-up and you notice that. She is ready to bloom abundantly. Besides the usual leaftucking, I also did some defoliation of the lower leaves and shoots. I have reduced the humidity in the room and we are now around 60%. New update later this week! -------------- End week 4 : -------------- End of the first week of flowering behind us. Everything is going well, good growth and budsites continue to develop. I further removed the lower shoots and did some leaftucking where necessary. She has developed into a beautiful, large and open plant. Ideal for her future bud development. On to the 2nd week of flowering. Until next week everyone!
Questa settimana ho montato la lampada hps e l'ho spostata nella zona in cui le piante mi sembrano più pronte, i fiori stanno ingrossando sempre di più e dai filamenti arancioni sembrerebbe che stiano maturando, guardando con il microscopio i terpeni sono ancora trasparenti. Aggiornamento 27 novembre, ho controllato i terpeni della black cream al microscopio e sembrano quasi pronti prossima settimana tolgo qualche cima delle 2 black cream che sono quasi pronte e lasciando i rami più bassi per che risultano ancora meno pronti rispetto ad alcuni. Aggiornamento 28 Novembre : Le piante continuano a crescere costantemente le black cream sembrano sempre più pronte per il raccolto. Aggiornamento 30 Novembre : Oggi ho deciso di raccogliere alcune cime di 2 black cream che erano belle pronte.
Yo yo yo what's poppin It's day 2 in week 7 some more pics incoming this week Triple G and Wedding Gelato is fire. North Thunderfuck has the most weight and doing also great Hulk Berry is a sativa and will need a little bit longer. It smells already gasoline diesel berry like. The smell of Triple G is the best I've ever smelled. It's so fruity and has trichomes everywhere Day 46 today and I started feeding water only. I guess 14 to 16 days and they are ready to harvest. All plants do really good. Day 49 every plant got flushed today. 30 Liter clear water for every plant.
Bin soweit zufrieden werde die Tage mal die Äste leicht an schrägen durch anbinden am scrog netz mehr licht und luftstrom für die buds einrichten die erste Sapphire scout wächst echt dicht die brauch das unbedingt bin aber sonnst ganz zufrieden mit meinem Ergebnis bis jetzt falls einer von den Profis Anregungen oder Verbesserungs vorschläge hat würde ich mich freuen eure Meinung und Rat zu hören bilder und videos folgen jetzt in regelmäßigen Abständen ab jetzt wird ja erst interessant bis die Tage ihr grow Götter
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Jour 15 le pot est lourd car les bonnes conditions associées à un substrat de qualité et une bonne hygrométrie avec une température parfaite limite grandement les besoins en eau inutile d'arroser pour l'instant Jour 17 pinçage de l'apex pour que les branches inférieure soient plus fortes et prolifique (voir video Day17) Avec le temps et l'expérience je pense que le pinçage d'apex associé au lst sont les techniques qui offrent le meilleur rendement pour les autofloraisons
I’m surprised they weren’t affected by the power outages since I kept them in 48 hrs of darkness before returning to the regular light cycle. Had a small thrips disturbance as these were clones and I believe that was the original source *THEY JUST KEEP COMING BACK GRRR* Next go around seedlings only, low baked soil and proper sanitization of my tent. But as it stands I’m quite curious as to how much these buds will pack on since the light I have is “rated @1000w” but the power draw is considerably lower than that. Looking very good so I’m excited either way!!! Until next week growers
The plant has been doing great with all the tent for herself she seems to be more comfortable obviously and is giving back huge flowers A interesting thing about her is that she is very thirsty she requires water at least every two or three days and she will take approximately 7 gallons I also didn’t knew how the plant was going to react to have the other route in a little bit of the stem still on the planter I was not sure if she was going to react adverse to it but this plant seems to be a very resilient and strong plant that gives out big flower my only thing that I don’t like about her if I could complain about some thing is the The fact that she does not have too much of a smell in fact is ideal for stealth growth because you cannot smell her unless she is in your face