The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
I loved growing this strain from @Sweet_Seeds! I’ll definitely try their genetics again. She’s beautiful and vigorous and smells amazing with pine and citrus notes that remind me of my time in Colorado. My best grow yet.
Day 5 - MC1 need large amount not defoliation and LST MC2 light defoliation and leave LST tilnext week
🚨 Durbin Thai/Cinderella 99 week 12 update 🚨 🚨 week 12 of veg!! 88 days old!! 🚨 So this is a clone I received on Jan 31st. She has been transplanted from a solo cup 2 a 5 gal pot. She had 2 be topped in her second week of rooting do 2 the top frying from to much light in young clone stage. Since the topping this lady has come 2 life!! She has been defoliated 4 times! Most recent defoliation 3/24! She spent her first month feeding just off nutrients in fox farm soil. On 3/2/22 I gave her her first Gaia Green trio feeding!! She has exploded with growth since!! She was defoliated on 3/27 again. She was given her second feeding of @gaiagreenorganics on 4/02. This lady was defoliated on 4/10 and 4/19. This is what she looks like today!! 1 week till light flip!! My wife finished the Alice pot this week and she is now in Wackyland!! 💡 Grow Sponsor💡 @marshydroled__amazon @marsnier #marshydro #TSW2000 Marshydro equipment-- Marshydro- 4x4 grow tent Marshydro- Tsw2000 Marshydro- 6" inline exhaust fan with digital temp and humidity sensor Marshydro- 6" carbon filter Marshydro- 6" Black duct line Other companies in this grow- @foxfarmsoilandfertilizer - 100% ffof @gaiagreenorganics @inkbirdofficial - WiFi temp control @madmanplant- 6" Tent shelves Thanks 4 checking out my grow!! Till next week!!! Best of luck and Happy growing!!!
Day 5 - MC1 need large amount not defoliation and LST MC2 light defoliation and leave LST tilnext week
Mucha humedad vía foliar primer riego con fertilizante día 8 dosificación muy leve 👍🏻
Giorno 50 - la carenza di Fosforo e Potassio é sempre più evidente sulle foglie di “Caramel” che ha una crescita rallentata dei fiori; al contrario “Cream” sta crescendo bene e i fiori sono decisamente più grossi, non mostra carenze per il momento Giorno 51 - niente da segnalare, procede bene Giorno 52 - la resina inizia a vedersi bene sulle foglie, i fiori stanno gonfiando Giorno 53 - ho fertilizzato solo “CREAM” perché “CARAMEL” ha carenze ed é inutile mettere ancora fertilizzante, ho dato solo acqua. Invece a “CREAM” ho dato 1 litro di fert (1ml bio grow, 1,5 bio bloom e 1,5 top max mischiati in 1,5L d’acqua. L’altro mezzo litro rimasto l’ho buttato perché era troppa) Giorno 54 - sembra abbia reagito bene alla fertilizzazione “CREAM”, invece “CARAMEL” continua ad avere le foglie sempre più gialle, ma prosegue bene Giorno 55 - nulla da segnalare, l’odore é molto forte, si percepisce anche fuori dalla grow box Giorno 56 - i fiori si stanno gonfiando bene, ho dato circa 750ml di acqua a testa e defogliato la parte bassa dove c’erano tante foglie morte e secche. Ho iniziato il flush delle radici, spero di tagliare tra una quindicina di giorni
Buenas, las plantas ya pasaron la fase de pre-floración, justo a los 21 días le hice la última defoliación. He intentado dejarle solo un par de nudos o tres, por arriba, estilo lollipopping, está técnica de poda agresiva, está mas vista en América, no tanto por aquí, por España. Estaremos atento a ver como le va esta poda a este cultivo🙌 Le aumenté la base de fertilizante, ya que en esta fase, la planta necesita más alimento, para cambiar su metabolismo, para florecer en óptimas condiciones. Ahora comienza el engorde de la flor, espero veros de nuevo la semana que viene por aquí😊 Un saludo y buenos humos!
d68 Llevamos todo el mes de abril con lluvias y las plantas no reciben las horas de sol que quieren, por desgracia, la planta de LST ha sacado unos pistilos y para que no continúe con la floración le tendré que hacer una poda apical. El resto de plantas parece estar bien respecto a esto, pero voy a estar observando a Mimosa Evo, puede que le pase lo mismo que a la LSD. d69 Le he hecho la poda apical por la mañana a la LSD. He realizado poda apical a Mimosa Evo. He regado con 8L de agua a estas 4 plantas y 2 más, he utilizado la mezcla de arriba. d71 Parece que crecen bien, todavía estoy dudoso porque LSD parrce que quiere sacar flores, la dejare una semana a ver como progresa, Meganuska necesita agua, esta muy liviana la maceta será la única que se riege hasta la proxima semana. Estan empezando a llegar los insectos, la semana que viene empezare con los preventivos.
Mucha humedad vía foliar primer riego con fertilizante día 8 dosificación muy leve 👍🏻
This past week nothing strange happend, she has a new home the marshydro 100x100x180 and new light from vipar the p2000 and she really loved the new gear so happy days !! She is going strong so lets continue like this 💪💪
Hi there fam! I was busy the last 2 weeks so I could find the time in week 8 to update the diary, sorry for that. The ladies are doing great, really pleased with their growth and the GSC out grew the Runtz and the Monster Zkittlez. I think she is more of a sativa plant due to the way she branches but we'll see. Also after a few weeks I can say for sure that Great White is going to stay in my feeding regime as well as the Ful-Hum mix. Both products made my plants recovered from the stresses they had after I applied these products. Next grow they will be added from the beginning of the grow cycle. After the last topping to get 16 main colas from each lady, I just let them go to strenghten and this week I trained them with LST-clips to even out the canopy as you can see in the video. Very pleased with the progress so far and with a little luck I can switch them to flower somewhere next week. Stay tuned growmies and have a good week👍
Wow these girls have fatten up nicely over the last week. I am giving them at least 10 more days. They have some golden hairs and they are starting to get milky. I can't wait to try this strain out. 4/28 they each have grown an inch in a day and a half. Lightly defoliated a few large fan leaves to get light to the smaller buds underneath. This grow has been so easy. They have loved the coco and clay 50/50 mix and my nutes. I haven't increased anything in a few weeks. They have only had a few spots that may have been sun burns from a few light leaks that I noticed and covered with black crayon to fill the spaces, mainly around the zipper seam. Next grow I will increase from 6" pots to 8" self watering pots. They work like hydroponic without the bubbles. Watering twice daily keeps the buildup flushed out and with fresh nute water in the bottom of the pots, I have huge root balls under the inner pot. One or two weeks to go. Pink seems like she will be done first, followed by blue and purple. Green is huge so far but hasn't started to turn golden at all. 5/1 Had a friend stop by who actually works at a grow center and she told me that my babies were ripe and ready to pick. I'm not sure how everyone does it but she told me to pluck as many leaves as I could get to before turning the light off for 24 hours and then chop. She also said to hang the whole plant since they are small autos so I didn't harm the buds in the trimming and drying process. She said once they are dry to trim the remaining leaves for butter and oil for edibles then collect the buds from the stems. Pics will be added tomorrow of the drying setup. Last grow until September because we will be traveling for summer!!
Germination day. Here is a lil introduction to planting autos video for you guys. Feels nice being back on the Fastbuds team.