I wanted to start these auto seeds directly in soil like I had the Sp Queen 1 to avoid any stunting or hold ups, but in doing so I shockingly somehow lost my 1st Ogreberry king band seed in an 18 GAL pot lol. I accidently nudged the markers I used to indicate where the seed had been sewed. I searched for it for about an hr, gave up, stewed in my bewildered dismay—came back a little later for another 20 mins and had all but given up when I somehow found it and transported all 3 seeds to a wet paper towel.
Now that all 3 have popped there's much less chance for the seed to rot or fall too deep in the soil and fail, so they are going directly into their final pots.
In the future, when growing auto's (if I ever grow autos again) I will avoid this by using this paper towl method or by using starting pucks that can be placed directly into the soil.
The next morning I checked if they had shucked their seed casing yet and all 3 were still stuck so I released them from their prisons and planted them again. I think this is the 3rd time I've planted these seeds—lets hope they take off in their 7gal, 7 gal, and 18 gal homes.
Feb 20th
Woke to a stagnant ogreberry, popping another. The seed is simply failing to start— I should have done this 3 days ago when I noticed the stunted tail.
The second ogreberry seed has the same stunted tail issue and translucent cotyledon that the 1st seed had. Im starting my 3rd and final seed in the pack Feb 22nd—hopefully she takes today as the ogreberry is a slower grower thn the whiskey zulus.
Feb 23rd: the final Ogreberry has failed in the same way as the 1st two seeds. The whole pack died due to some weird genetic issue that stunted the tap roots and made the top cotyledon discolored. 0/3 seeds is not how I wanted this pack to go—I was really looking forward to Ogreberry, what an absolute shame.
I emailed them explaining the problem with the pack and they responded very quickly (good) saying they are happy the seeds popped (lol) and that I may have killed the seeds by "dampening off" which I was completely unfamiliar with and had to look up.
I guess they meant "damping off"
If that were the problem the whiskey zulu freebies and RQS special queen 1 (with far inferior genetics) would have perished as well. I've used the same propagation method and soil with all of these plants. Additionally, I've inoculated my soil with microbe complete by Rootwise which takes care of any fungal or microbial issues.