Day 1 of Veg!: Both plants have shed their seeds and are turning towards the light. I was a little concerned with how they looked at first, very white, but I didn’t notice they broke ground for about 24hrs and the lights were off. They’ve got lots of color now!
Day 3:These 2 are coming along awesome! Almost have the blumat system perfectly, soil is staying perfectly moist and the girls are loving it. Added a air stone to the reservoir of the Blumat System to ad oxygen and move the water around.
Day 5: Plants are doing great. Steady growth right now. Still adjusting the blumat watering system to get it just right, but I’m almost there! It’s getting a little hotter during the day. In the high 70’s, but I’m okay with that for now. Lights are now at 75%
Day 7: So my other seed never germinated. Put a new one in paper towel to see if it will go. Only problem is it will be 2 weeks behind by the time it comes up. I was really hoping to get a flat canopy all the way across the room, but who knows, may still be possible! Plants are loving the Gaia Green Living Soil mix, and today I just moved the blumat sensors to get a bit closer to the rootball.