The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Hallo liebe Grow-Community! Ich freue mich, euch heute an meinem neuen Grow-Projekt teilhaben zu lassen! Nach einiger Vorbereitung und mit viel Vorfreude habe ich mich entschieden, meine Reise mit GreenHouse Seeds NL5xHAZExKALIMIST zu dokumentieren. Dabei möchte ich nicht nur meine Fortschritte festhalten, sondern auch von eurer Erfahrung und euren Tipps profitieren. Es ist meine 1. Erfahrung, welche ich im hydropoischen Anbau sammeln darf. In diesem Report werde ich regelmäßig über die Entwicklung meiner Pflanzen berichten, angefangen bei der Keimung über die vegetative Phase bis hin zur Blüte. Ich bin gespannt, wie sich alles entwickeln wird, und hoffe, dass wir gemeinsam viel lernen und uns austauschen können. Über Feedback, Ratschläge und konstruktive Anregungen freue ich mich immer – schließlich macht das gemeinsame Growen noch mehr Spaß! Also, lasst uns starten und gemeinsam in diese spannende Reise eintauchen. Vielen Dank schon mal für eure Unterstützung und viel Spaß beim Lesen 🌱 In deiner ersten Woche der Cannabis-Keimlingsphase habe ich die Samen in Steinwolle gekeimt, die mit pH-reguliertem Wasser vorbereitet wurde. 1. Vorbereitung der Steinwolle: Die Steinwolle wurde vor dem Einpflanzen der Samen mit Wasser getränkt, dessen pH-Wert auf etwa 5,5 bis 6,0 eingestellt wurde. Dies ist der optimale pH-Bereich für die Nährstoffaufnahme in der frühen Wachstumsphase. 2. Keimung: Die Cannabis-Samen wurden in die vorbereitete Steinwolle gelegt und leicht bedeckt. Die Steinwolle hält die Feuchtigkeit gut, was für die Keimung entscheidend ist. Die Samen benötigen eine warme und feuchte Umgebung, um zu keimen, idealerweise bei Temperaturen zwischen 22°C und 25°C. 3. Erste Anzeichen des Wachstums: Innerhalb von 24 bis 72 Stunden sollten die Samen zu keimen beginnen. Die ersten Anzeichen sind die Öffnung der Samenschale und das Erscheinen der Keimwurzel (Radikel). 4. Entwicklung der Keimblätter: Nachdem die Keimwurzel sich in der Steinwolle verankert hat, beginnen sich die Keimblätter (Cotyledonen) zu entwickeln. Diese sind die ersten Blätter, die aus dem Samen sprießen und sind für die Photosynthese in dieser frühen Phase verantwortlich. 5. Licht und Feuchtigkeit: Während dieser Phase ist es wichtig, dass die Keimlinge ausreichend Licht erhalten, jedoch nicht zu intensiv, um Verbrennungen zu vermeiden. Eine dimmbare LED_Lampe - um eine geringere Intensität einzustellen - ist ideal. Die Steinwolle sollte feucht, aber nicht nass gehalten werden, um Schimmelbildung zu vermeiden. 6. Überwachung: In dieser Woche solltest du die Keimlinge täglich überwachen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht austrocknen und dass keine Anzeichen von Schimmel oder Krankheiten auftreten. Am Ende der ersten Woche sollten deine Cannabis-Keimlinge gut verwurzelt sein und die ersten echten Blätter beginnen sich zu entwickeln, was den Übergang in die nächste Wachstumsphase markiert. Hello dear grow community! I am happy to share my new grow project with you today! After some preparation and with a lot of anticipation, I have decided to document my journey with GreenHouse Seeds NL5xHAZExKALIMIST. I not only want to record my progress, but also benefit from your experience and your tips. It is my first experience in hydroponic cultivation. In this report, I will regularly report on the development of my plants, starting with germination, through the vegetative phase, and finally flowering. I am excited to see how everything will develop and hope that we can learn a lot together and exchange ideas. I am always happy to receive feedback, advice and constructive suggestions - after all, growing together is even more fun! So, let's get started and immerse ourselves in this exciting journey together. Thank you for your support and happy reading 🌱 In your first week of the cannabis seedling phase, I germinated the seeds in rockwool that was prepared with pH-regulated water. 1. Preparation of the rockwool: The rockwool was soaked with water before planting the seeds, the pH of which was adjusted to around 5.5 to 6.0. This is the optimal pH range for nutrient absorption in the early growth phase. 2. Germination: The cannabis seeds were placed in the prepared rockwool and lightly covered. The rockwool holds moisture well, which is crucial for germination. The seeds need a warm and humid environment to germinate, ideally at temperatures between 22°C and 25°C. 3. First signs of growth: Within 24 to 72 hours, the seeds should start to germinate. The first signs are the opening of the seed coat and the appearance of the radicle. 4. Development of the cotyledons: After the radicle has anchored itself in the rockwool, the cotyledons begin to develop. These are the first leaves to sprout from the seed and are responsible for photosynthesis in this early phase. 5. Light and humidity: During this phase it is important that the seedlings receive sufficient light, but not too intense to avoid burns. A dimmable LED lamp - to set a lower intensity - is ideal. The rockwool should be kept moist but not wet to avoid mold growth. 6. Monitoring: During this week you should monitor the seedlings daily to make sure they do not dry out and that no signs of mold or disease appear. By the end of the first week, your cannabis seedlings should be well rooted and the first true leaves should begin to develop, marking the transition to the next growth phase. Thx
Week started off good. 8 days in and we have great bud set . Tropicanna is such a fast flowering plant that in 8 days I have my poms beginning to show . Let’s goooo
Aug 17: Chemdawg auto is ripening nicely. Need direct sun to make trichomes but it is cool smoky and overcast again today. Oh well, not everyday is 24 C and sunny all day. Aug 20: sunny day again and have her under a UV light. Aug 21: chance of rain today so no UV light while I’m at work today.
Aug 17: she is looking happy at the start of the fifth week since I started force flowering. Buds are forming and everything is on track. Very nice plant. Aug 18: nice enough day after a small bit of rain early. Tops are progressing nicely. Aug 20: hot and sunny so extra water again despite some rain last night. Aug 23: added another Scrog layer. This seems like a really good way to stabilize the plant while holding things in place for maximum sunlight exposure.
Sacitrus Bomb Auto 🌱 22/08/2024 Ph: 6.2 ≈ 24°C 3Days later (25/08) planted the seed that has has 1cm root. Feel free to leave any tips, thoughts, general input! Always keen to grow myself 😎
Sacitrus Bomb Auto 🌱 22/08/2024 Ph: 6.2 ≈ 24°C 3Days later (25/08) planted the seed that has has 1cm root. Feel free to leave any tips, thoughts, general input! Always keen to grow myself 😎
Update week 10 from seed
8/21/24 1tsp foundation which is cal mag. 2 tsp bloom and 3 tsp grow. she is a super leafy plant. defoliated quite a bit and cleaned up underneath for the larfy stuff.
8/21/24 gave her some cal mag from the uprising foundation. 5 ml total for the 5 gal pot. 3 tsp of grow and 2 tsp of bloom. slowly transitioning from grow to bloom over the course of 4 weeks. did some light defoliation and some lollipopping. shes not too bushy in the sense of leafy. her fan leaves have super long petioles. 8/26 she's grown four inches so far this week. about an inch a day. wild.
23.08.24: I've done considerable defoliation. Also, FBP1 and FBP3 have grown all over the place. The stems are also relatively weaker as they've grown so much. (Photos above). Being as the plants were looking a bit delicate, I added some string and tied the side branches lightly to keep them a bit more compact. Additionally, FBP2 has a considerable amount of buds on the main cola. So I've added a plant stake, and I just tied string around the stake and the main stalk. The humidity has been able to stay under 53%. That's with 3 dehumidifiers. So I'm pretty sure that's about as good as it will probably be. I've had to lower the watering frequency on FBP3, as I overwatered only this plant. and also added too much Nitrogen in. As a result all the leaves are looking droopy. I'm really not sure how this will pan out, as they all still look like they're weeks away from harvest. Anyway, I'll update throughout the week. 25.8.24: I was tending to the garden a majority of the day, and realised that a branch had broken on FBP2. I acted quickly to insert plant stakes, to provide the heavily laden branches additional support. See photos above. The branch was bent or snapped, but still in one piece. I used duct tape to carefully put it back together. Before making a stake for it. Silica, apparently wasn't quite enough to get the FBP2 through the whole way. The flowers are very heavy and dense. I have also given the plants water yesterday with concentrations of the following nutrients, per plant. ● 9ltr of dechlorinated tap water with 6ml of cal-mag, 3ml of Ecothrive Flourish, 6ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster. I have also added cinnamon top dress after watering, as I have noticed some fungus gnats. I checked the trichomes through one of my loupes yesterday too, and nearly all are still glass like in appearance, with some cloudy here and there. I'm definitely going to have some time left on these girls. I did check the PH if my soil on all plants as I was concerned about nutrient lock out on FBP3. All pots tested out at 7.0 Ph exactly, before and after watering. Thanks for reading my diary 😊
23.08.24: I've done considerable defoliation. Also, FBP1 and FBP3 have grown all over the place. The stems are also relatively weaker as they've grown so much. (Photos above). Being as the plants were looking a bit delicate, I added some string and tied the side branches lightly to keep them a bit more compact. Additionally, FBP2 has a considerable amount of buds on the main cola. So I've added a plant stake, and I just tied string around the stake and the main stalk. The humidity has been able to stay under 53%. That's with 3 dehumidifiers. So I'm pretty sure that's about as good as it will probably be. I've had to lower the watering frequency on FBP3, as I overwatered only this plant. and also added too much Nitrogen in. As a result all the leaves are looking droopy. I'm really not sure how this will pan out, as they all still look like they're weeks away from harvest. Anyway, I'll update throughout the week. 25.8.24: I was tending to the garden a majority of the day, and realised that a branch had broken on FBP2. I acted quickly to insert plant stakes, to provide the heavily laden branches additional support. See photos above. The branch was bent or snapped, but still in one piece. I used duct tape to carefully put it back together. Before making a stake for it. Silica, apparently wasn't quite enough to get the FBP2 through the whole way. The flowers are very heavy and dense. I have also given the plants water yesterday with concentrations of the following nutrients, per plant. ● 9ltr of dechlorinated tap water with 6ml of cal-mag, 3ml of Ecothrive Flourish, 6ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster. I have also added cinnamon top dress after watering, as I have noticed some fungus gnats. I checked the trichomes through one of my loupes yesterday too, and nearly all are still glass like in appearance, with some cloudy here and there. I'm definitely going to have some time left on these girls. I did check the PH if my soil on all plants as I was concerned about nutrient lock out on FBP3. All pots tested out at 7.0 Ph exactly, before and after watering. Thanks for reading my diary 😊
Aug 17: Auto Overdose is a nice plant but it’s not an auto. I started this one late and only topped it once thinking it was an auto. Other growers have noticed it isn’t an auto too, so I forced it in the dark garage. Flowering has to be started by the end of July here or it won’t finish in the fall. The flowers are forming quickly and I suspect this is actually Overdose Fast. So far so good, and good genetics for a Fast plant. Aug 18: no UV light today unfortunately but it was decently sunny. Scrog net certainly seems like a good idea. This plant is asymmetrical because I broke one of the two main stems a couple weeks after topping. This changed the shape of the plant so it’s become one-sided as if I was growing it up against a wall. Lots of nice lower branches came up so she looks pretty good now.