week intel:
it was the time to prune the cover crops this week i chopped them - no problem all good
stresses :
just a little E.C stress around 1.4 once a week
i feed them 3 times this week with this order :
day 1 : i feed them heavy with silicate +base nutrients(calcium & micros + Bloom) about 707 ppm - 1.4 e.c to cause a little stress.
day 3 : i feed them low dose of Feeding Booster around 275 ppm - 0.57 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused.
day 5 : i feed them with normal dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 213 ppm - 0.42 e.c to let them recover the stresses to get ready for another stress next week.
guide of the week :
autos do so so so much better with 20 hours light per day pls dont run autos near femenized 1 of them must get sacrificed