I'm 90% sure this one is in her finishing week here. More amber trichromes are coming in daily.
I don't wanna push her too far like last time because this strain turned pure amber and kinda lost some crystaly luster during the curing process. My light timer, grow tent, and light upgrades really made a big difference in bud development compared to my last run with Runtz basically leading to bigger more frostier buds. I'm dropping temps lower at night. I give it a couple liters a day to keep the top soil moist. Flushed water comes out 6.8 ish. My CO2 exhale bag was the biggest flop as it was expired and did not activate.
I plan on 48 hours darkness before harvest starting today: the day of the eclipse. With the new moon we have a high pressure system that is peaking at night around 1028 dB. Water should be pushed up into the plant from roots. Coupled with lights out....all theoretical witch craft.
I have a small 2x2 dark tent pictured which needs to have AC bring in cold fresh air from outside. If no fresh air added the tent gets humid and stagnant after a while.
The darkness period is bringing out that strong and sweet 'medicinal' smell. If you ever tried weed labeled medicinal youd have an idea of what I mean. I guess thats the orange bud/chemo lineage traits. Before lights off the smell was more towards yeast fermentation smell and not soo sweet.