Unfortunately my digital timer was defective and made the flowering phase delay by 2 weeks. From one side, this delay allowed them to stretch a bit more. On the other side, it made me start giving bloom nuts with bad timing, thinking the bloom phase was already started. In other words, I gave bloom nuts in the last 2 weeks of veg. This means I’ll have to give them “week 3” bloom nuts for two more weeks, maybe reducing by 50% the B-52 and Big Bud dosages (they could be a little too much).
Let’s now talk about the lady: well, she’s growing like a monster: 73cm!!!!
She is the biggest of the grow room. She’s been growing 7-8 cm every day in the last days. That’s impressive! Woohoo, I love sativassssss! They will make you feel like a king, and they will be your queens 👸
By the way, sativas are WILD, and they make you sweat before showing their pistils. That’s what’s happening now. As well as the two Euphoria, they’ve not shown anything but a small pre-flower (not even a pistil for the moment). We’ll see in the next days. In the meantime, enjoy the photos and the video at the end! Cheers buds 👊